Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 977

Chapter 977
Seeing this scene, the expressions of all the great alchemists in the alchemist union changed, and their hearts were shocked!

As alchemists who deal with spiritual fire on a daily basis, they know the power of this flame best. Even separated by countless layers of space, they can still feel the seven-layer blazing sky in Yuan Wei's hand at this moment in the light curtain. The power and terror of Yan is simply unbelievable!
"As expected of a genius born in the Sixth Palace, Yuan Wei's strength is truly well-deserved!" The people of the Twelve Sects nodded in praise. In this Bodhi Secret Realm, the only person who can compare with Xuan Ren in terms of combat is probably only Yuan Wei Well, he is a bit terrifyingly powerful, the combined power of the two knives in his hands is comparable to the top-grade aura, and he is practicing the supreme skill of the Six Palaces, and even absorbed the terrifying bursting flames of the Seventh Layer Blazing Flame!

In an instant, Yuanwei's strength has been raised to the seventh level of fusion, and he has entered the threshold of late fusion. This is a qualitative leap!
This was really frightening, and a chill flashed in the eyes of many of the fit experts present. If they faced Shang Yuanwei, maybe they wouldn't be able to get much of a deal, right?
The terrifying and tyrannical spiritual fire exploded in an instant, and the fiery high temperature ignited the entire battlefield. Countless dancing flames burned the sky, making it suffocating. The brilliance of the sky was dyed bright red, and the clouds were densely covered, like a scene of the end. Yuan Wei tightly held the Phoenix Fire Dragon in his hand, and one dragon and one phoenix roared out again. Every scale and every feather on their bodies They are all detailed and lifelike, as if a real dragon and a real phoenix were born!
Yuan Wei didn't move, but the long knife in his hand suddenly slashed out. With a bang, the sky and the earth seemed to be shattered, and the flames rolled down, turning rumblingly like a heavenly fire descending from the nine heavens!
"My God, this attack is too terrifying. No one can stop such an attack!" The audience in the Bodhi Courtyard were all amazed and terrified!

"Boom boom boom!"

Zhang Kun's face also showed a rare dignified look. This Yuan Wei's attack was indeed very difficult. He had already stimulated the seven layers of blazing flames to the extreme, and the full seven layers of flames surrounded the Phoenix Fire Canglong. Hongxia is like a whole fire field, when it is suppressed, the world will be shattered!

Zhang Kun took a deep breath. The projection time of the phantom sword is limited. Zhang Kun can already feel that the energy on Ming Canxue is a little unstable. It seems that it will return to the mirror domain soon. Even if the strength is pushed to the extreme, it may not be able to withstand this peerless blow!
"Zhang Kun, you are very good. I was very surprised. When you were in the pharmacy, you couldn't even take my first level of spiritual fire. I didn't think that you would be able to take me out of my seventh level of blazing fire after just half a month. They were all forced out!" Yuan Wei's eyes were cold, looking down at Zhang Kun, his words were full of arrogance.

Yuan Wei had a wild smile on his face, he held his head high, and laughed loudly: "You should feel honored, all of this was originally prepared for Xuan Ren, first you can try it out!"

It has to be said that the inheritance power of the Supreme Dao Seed has greatly improved Yuanwei and Baili Qiwen. The strength at this moment is not much inferior to Xuanren!

Faced with this terrifying blow, Zhang Kun raised his head, his dark eyes were full of determination, he raised his hand and shot Ming Canxue into the sky, like a sharp icy spear, trying to pierce through the endless The approaching sky full of fire!

"Hahaha, although your weapon doesn't match my attributes, it's really good. Let me accept it for you. I'll buy it for a good price!" Dancing wildly in the wind, like madness!
He can already imagine the scene of Zhang Kun being burned into coke, and he will taste the supreme pleasure of revenge!
The blazing flames rolled up the violent wind that swept across the sky, like a nebula that was about to be destroyed, the whole world would be transpired!

An ice blade pierced the sky, and hit the center of the boundless fire field, which is the most blazing place and the support point of the entire fire field. The name Canxue exploded in an instant, turning into thousands of frost crystals Freezing everything, wanting to freeze the entire fire field into ice!

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them!
Both of these two are too powerful and terrifying. Even if any other monks in the fit state were replaced here, they would not be able to create such an explosive battle scene. There is a faint appearance of becoming a fairy on the body!
However, I heard Yuan Wei's indifferent sneer, the ice light just resisted for a few breaths before it collapsed, the whole fire area continued to burn fiercely, just like the sky fire burned everything, Ming Canxue disappeared as a stream of light, Countless ice crystals shattered and melted, turned into a grand shower, and were all evaporated by the burning flames in the next moment, turning into nothing, and steam spread all over the battlefield in an instant!
"This is really a rare and powerful duel in ancient times, it is really shocking!" The elder of Youchan Temple exclaimed.

Qi Yangzheng let out a cold snort: "Hehe, but no matter what, Zhang Kun is going to die here today, I hope Yuanwei's fire will be hot enough to burn him for a thousand years and make him suffer a lot!"

All the people present gasped, Qi Yangzheng's hatred for Zhang Kun was really obvious, he always wanted to let Zhang Kun die!
However, at this moment, a chuckle came through the light curtain.

"Hehe, just this little flame is just used to forge my divine body!" Zhang Kun smiled faintly, entered instead of retreating, stepped forward, and turned into a mass of red like a roc spreading its wings. Xiao went straight to the sky, at this moment, his whole body was full of golden light, and the Five Elements Spirit Foundation in his body emitted the most brilliant and gorgeous light, covering his whole body in a glow!
"What does he want to do? Is he crazy?" Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene. They didn't know what Zhang Kun was doing. What he said before was to use the seven-fold blazing flame Is my divine body serious? This kind of flame that can burn even the void, how can the body be able to bear it!

"Hmph, what a joke!" Yuan Wei sneered, waving his hands, bursting out with monstrous vitality, suppressing it, rushing into the fire area, the Phoenix Fire Canglong let out a trembling cry!
(End of this chapter)

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