Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 978

Chapter 978
Terrifying spiritual flames continuously emerged from that spiritual knife, and the flames burned and rumbled, extremely domineering, and wanted to turn Zhang Kun into coke and ashes!
But Zhang Kun raised his right hand lightly, and in front of him, a dark and dull crystal suddenly appeared. It was a power crystal, shining brightly, and everyone was shocked when they saw the crystal appear. Dazed, he couldn't help frowning, Zhang Kun has a lot of treasures in his hands, and the treasures he uses are endless, this is because he doesn't know what Zhang Kun is going to make!

It is the crystallization of power after the death of the lone walker, the head of the ten rebels in the kingdom of shadows. It represents a unique power. The lone walker is very special. Only when he fights alone can he display his true power. The strength, the special Taoism he possesses is called: Solipsism.

I saw Zhang Kun holding the crystal tightly, and a bright light suddenly burst out from the crystal. Zhang Kun was bathed in the brilliance, and his body was full of golden light. His body seemed to be cast with gold!
All the people present took a breath. They watched in disbelief that Zhang Kun rushed directly into the deepest part of the fire field. The flames all over the sky seemed to be able to melt everything down. Could Zhang Kun's body be able to resist it? Live like this broiler?

"Arrogant and conceited, it's no different from sending him to death!" Yuan Wei sneered again and again, and Baili Qiwen glanced at the figure rushing into the fire domain, and shook his head, not to mention that Zhang Kun only had Mahayana realm , even a strong fit body will be burned through by the terrifying flames here, unless it reaches the level of refining the void, otherwise it would be too stupid to go deep into the center of the fire field!

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of successive explosions spread throughout the entire Liuli Realm, and the flames shone on Gao Tian. Zhang Kun's figure had disappeared, and everyone thought he had died in the sea of ​​flames. The endless fire field created by the flames is enough to burn the spirit body of a fit strong man into ashes!
"Oh, the temperature is just right, and it's quite comfortable!"

At this time, the crowd heard a voice with a smile, and they all looked towards the core position, but saw Zhang Kun standing proudly at the hottest and hottest place in the endless fire field, and he took a deep breath like Like a whale drinking from a cow, it sucked countless flames into its own body!
"What, what?" Yuan Wei was a little dazed. He knew very well how domineering the seven-fold blazing flame controlled by the protagonist is. This kind of spiritual fire has its own personality and ideas. The extremely domineering flame can burn everything. Even more arrogant than Yuan Wei, how could he be absorbed into the body?

Yuan Wei's face was a little stiff, as if it had taken away his lifeblood, he was furious at the moment, opened his eyes wide, and screamed frantically, pouring the vitality in his body into Huanghuo Canglong without any reservation Among them, the whole world seemed to be burned through!
However, I saw Zhang Kun's indifferent face. There was a mysterious light shining beside him, and a god-like figure appeared behind him. If you look carefully, you can find that the appearance of the god is exactly the same as Zhang Kun. At this time At this moment, the entire sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana was shining with golden light, and as the seven-fold blazing sky was inhaled into the body, the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana seemed to be on fire.

Previously, I was using the Five Elements Spirit Foundation as a guide to absorb the wind demon structure in the Bodhi Secret Realm, but failed because the wind was too powerful. Fortunately, Lin Yuxi was present at the time, and she used her comforting power to resolve the force. The violent Fengmo, but at that time Zhang Kun's strength was only a beginner in the Mahayana. Now that he has absorbed the Buddha's breath and raised it to the sixth level of Mahayana, Zhang Kun's Five Elements Spirit Foundation has been completely consolidated!

Not only that, Zhang Kun created a phantom of his own appearance when absorbing the Buddha's breath. At this moment, with the help of the power of the solipsistic crystallization, Zhang Kun showed this kind of morality to the extreme.

The effects of general elemental Taoism are very simple and easy to understand, but some special Taoisms seem mysterious and mysterious. Except for the comprehender himself, other people have no idea what it is doing, and solipsistic Taoism is even more so. The special among the special, the strange among the strange, Zhang Kun is now in a miraculous state, his body is full of golden light, and he has an aura of supremacy. the power of!
Everyone had incredible expressions on their faces, which completely overturned their three views and cognitions!

Countless people opened their mouths wide in the auditorium of the Bodhi Court. They have never seen such a scene. A Mahayana monk actually absorbed the peak blow of a strong man in the body into his body to exercise his divine body. There is no reason?

"I can't even imagine this kind of thing. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, if anyone told me about it, I would definitely say that he was joking!" The crowd was horrified, their hearts were shocked, as if they had seen the most beautiful scene in the world. Impossible things in general.

At this moment, the most surprised person was Yuan Wei himself, he felt that his dignity was being challenged!
As a genius, he used to be an all-powerful, arrogant and domineering man in the Sixth Palace, and was regarded as a genius by the elders of the faction. Even though he was expelled from the mountain gate for some reason later, he was still invincible among the same rank. He was even able to defeat powerful enemies by leaps and bounds. During these days in Jialan City, everyone compared him with the invincible Xuanren, which made Yuan Wei's face even more arrogant!
Just such a proud person, how could he accept his most proud and proud attack, and be absorbed by people like drinking water? Moreover, Zhang Kun seemed to be enjoying himself very much, and began to use exercises to temper his body. This is simply unacceptable!
"No no no! This is absolutely impossible, I want to kill him, I want to kill him!" Yuan Wei roared again and again, the anger in his heart was about to break through the sky, he looked at Baili Qiwen suddenly, and growled: "Master Baili, please help me, I will burn this Zhang Kun to ashes!"

Baili Qiwen nodded fiercely. He didn't bother to bully the less when he was fighting Zhang Kun, but now it seems that Zhang Kun is too weird, he is not normal at all, at this moment There is no need to hold back anything, otherwise, when Zhang Kun absorbs the power in the fire domain, he may break through again, and it may be too late for the two of them to join forces again!

Baili Qiwen closed his eyes, and began to recite an incomparably profound scripture!

(End of this chapter)

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