Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 981 Lin Yuxi's Talent

Chapter 981 Lin Yuxi's Talent
Baili Qiwen was completely stunned. Didn't he already obtain the supreme supreme Taoist seed? Didn't the phantom bodhi seed behind him grow into a towering tree? Didn't he already complete [-]% of the trial content? , just need to find a certain Dao Seed casually, can directly surpass Xuanren and become a disciple of Buddha?

Why was he easily defeated by Zhang Kun?

Baili Qiwen couldn't figure it out, he was roaring and angry in his heart, but his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

On the other hand, Yuan Wei, who had lost all protection, fell down with a bang, and fell directly on the cracked ground, covered in scars. As a disciple of the Sixth Palace, his cultivation was perfect, and his physical strength had also been raised to a level. It's astonishing, but at this moment, he is still in a state of embarrassment, with horrific wounds all over his body!

The Huanghuo Canglong in his hand was also blown away and re-divided into two weapons, a long knife and a short knife, and fell into the dust and mud, but because of their special casting materials, they did not break.

The power of frost erupted suddenly, and in just an instant, the extremely cold chill directly froze his soul, leaving not even a strand of it. Ashes disappeared, his potential was not lost to anyone at all, his future was originally bright, and he even had a glimpse of the fairy gate, but when he walked into Zhang Kun's medicine shop arrogantly, his ending like this at this moment Already doomed!

The audience were all stunned and took a deep breath. After a long time, someone finally spoke.

"Is that Lin Yuxi's talent? It's really surprising." Everyone felt that their throats were a little dry.

Lin Yuxi is the least favored one among the seven candidates for Buddha disciples. She is a woman, and she is only in the Foundation Establishment Realm, and her strength is low. Say the worst.

Before entering the Bodhi Secret Realm, everyone thought that she would be the first to be eliminated, not by the Buddha's candidate, but by the cruel environment in the Bodhi Secret Realm!

But who would have thought that she has survived to the present, apart from Xuanren and Zhu Shen, only Lin Yuxi, a Buddhist candidate, is left in the secret realm. She will be Xuanren's last enemy, and everyone's faces are a little pale Hot, they had unscrupulously ridiculed Lin Yuxi for being just a vase before, but at this moment they found that Lin Yuxi's talent seemed a bit too heaven-defying, and he could actually let Zhang Kun play two or three hundred percent of his strength!

"If there is no Xuan Ren, I think I would like to regard Lin Yuxi as a disciple of Buddha."

"Yeah, such a talent is so rare, it's surprising."

Everyone was talking about it, here Fang Wen and Fang Shou's eyes flashed a bit complicated, Lin Yuxi is indeed very amazing at the moment, but they have made up their minds to get rid of Zhang Kun, if Lin Yuxi really becomes If the Buddha is killed, what should we do? Should Zhang Kun be killed or not?

At that time, his status will be different. As the protector of the Buddha, his status will be extremely honorable. Isn't it a big joke in the world, making people laugh at the Bodhi Court to cross the river and demolish the bridge?

The faces of the head seat and the abbot of the Bodhi Court were full of grief, while on the other side of the hut, Fang Zheng took a deep breath, looked solemnly, and looked deeply at Lin Yuxi in the light curtain.

"All this really came true. Lin Yuxi survived after all. Even if she released the great demon Garuda, she could not kill her. She is bound to become the biggest obstacle for Xuanren to become a Buddhist disciple. I should have killed her directly at all costs. Kill him!" Fang Shou's eyes were full of coldness at the moment!
A long time ago, he had a feeling that Xuanren's biggest enemy in this trial was not Yuan Wei, who was the strongest, nor Ling Mu, who had the most profound knowledge of Buddhism, but Lin Yuxi, who was the weakest. Ordinary people don't care about the induction in it, but he is Master Fang Shou, a super expert in the Void Refining Realm, and he attaches great importance to any cause and effect.

He regretted in his heart that he had prayed and guarded the thatched cottage for a hundred years before and could not leave. When he learned that Lin Yuxi became a candidate for the Buddha, he could only plan behind the scenes and wanted to remove this hidden danger for Xuanren, but these things could only be done. It is done in secret, and Xuanren himself and the two senior brothers cannot be known.

In Fang Shou's eyes, Fang Wen and Fang Zheng are both good old people who have been fooled by reciting Buddhist scriptures. It was because of the existence of these two people that Fang Shou did not dare to mess around.

"It seems that I have to take some necessary measures. Xuanren's position as a Buddhist disciple must not be lost!" Fang Shou seemed to have a cold light in his eyes, giving people an invisible pressure, and he moved into the void. Beckoning, suddenly a yellow butterfly made of yellow paper flew over.

"Go, bring my words to Old Qi and the others." Fang Shou said.

Those yellow paper butterflies fluttered up, as if they were jumping for joy, and they jumped up and answered, "Yes, yes, Master Fang Shou."

Yuan Wei and Baili Qiwen were defeated. Looking at the scene in front of her, Lin Yuxi's big beautiful eyes were bent into crescent shapes, and her beautiful eyes were full of joy, but soon she felt as if someone had been killed in her head. It was like stabbing with a sharp knife, and the pain was unbearable.

"Phew!" Zhang Kun let out a long breath. This battle was almost exhausting him. If Lin Yuxi hadn't woken up, he would probably have to expose his cards in advance. After killing Yuan Wei, Zhang Kun turned into a swift shadow , Baili Qiwen was arrested in one go. At this moment, Baili Qiwen had no resistance at all, and was directly imprisoned in Zhang Kun's hands.

"Very good, we have finally defeated a candidate for the Buddha, extracted the bodhi seed in his soul, and the inheritance he has obtained, should be able to make up for the progress that has been lagging behind during this period." Zhang Kun showed a bit of exhaustion A gratified smile.

He turned his head to look at Lin Yuxi, only to find that Lin Yuxi's figure was shaking for a while, her pretty face like Xiaolu lotus was covered with paleness, her eyes blinked and closed again heavily, her delicate body seemed to be A kite with a broken thread fluttered in the wind like a kite. Zhang Kun said inwardly that he was not good, and quickly used his agility to transform into a golden figure and rushed over to catch Lin Yuxi.

Holding Lin Yuxi's white as jade hand, Zhang Kun felt her cold body temperature again.

(End of this chapter)

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