Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 982

Chapter 982
Immediately, Zhang Kun felt a little helpless. The support Lin Yuxi gave him in the battle just now was very timely and powerful, even greater than the improvement brought to him by Ming Canxue. You must know that Ming Canxue's power is at the quasi-lingbao level Yes, even though it is difficult for Zhang Kun to push it to the extreme, it is at least several times stronger than Huanghuo Canglong!
However, Lin Yuxi's ability just now is more powerful. Zhang Kun faintly guessed that it has something to do with Daoyi. What he used just now is clearly the ice mark of the third-level Daoyi of Frost, but he feels as if he is displaying the fifth-level Daoyi six The level of Taoism is ordinary and extremely powerful, otherwise Zhang Kun's current state would not be able to evolve that cold and silent starry sky!

However, at this moment, Lin Yuxi fell into a stupor again. Looking at her flawless face, Zhang Kun couldn't help but sighed softly. He and Lin Yuxi are just a cooperative partnership that uses each other. The two can fight side by side based on on a transaction basis between them.

After Lin Yuxi became a disciple of the Buddha, the two of them no longer had any relationship. Zhang Kun agreed to protect Lin Yuxi, on the one hand, to avoid the sharpness of the pursuers of the Twelve Sects, and on the other hand, to seize the power of Bodhi. Try this huge opportunity, this kind of opportunity is no less than the ruins of immortals, if you can seize it, you must win it.

But what Zhang Kun didn't expect was that Lin Yuxi was so desperate that she overdrawn her ability just after waking up, and then passed out again. This is a very stubborn girl, and Zhang Kun can often see it from her eyes. A bit of perseverance can be seen in it. Compared with the pills and information she sent, she has made good use of it, but she has not made any progress due to her limited physique.

But Zhang Kun's attitude of leaving everything to him, actually made Lin Yuxi secretly determined that no matter how small it was, she wanted to help Zhang Kun!
"Hey, let's find a place to rest first." Reluctantly, Zhang Kun pulled up Lin Yuxi's snow-lotus-like white arms, hugged her in his arms, and flicked out a ball of vitality that turned into pure golden silk threads to slap Bai Bai in a coma. Li Qiwen was tied up, Zhang Kun restrained his breath, covered his mental power within a small range around him, and flew away at low altitude.

Now in the Bodhi Secret Realm, only Zhang Kun, Zhu Shen and Xuan Ren are left, but Zhang Kun is still very cautious. It is not the time for him to have a decisive battle with Xuan Ren, at least he has to wait until Lin Yuxi wakes up. .

Although Zhang Kun is anxious at the moment, Xuanren's bodhi seeds are growing too fast. It is said that he does not need to absorb the power of the Tao, and he can feel the truth of heaven and earth and directly increase the growth of the bodhi seeds by looking up at the stars, flowers, birds, insects and fish. , but Zhang Kun also had to calm down and wait for Lin Yuxi to wake up.

In the Bodhi Secret Realm, there is an extremely remote place, which belongs to the center of the entire Bodhi Secret Realm, and is called the Maitreya Realm.

The distribution of the realms of the Bodhi Secret Realm is actually not band-shaped but circular. The center is the Maitreya Realm, the next is the Glazed Realm, and the outermost layer is the Bliss Realm. Each realm is extremely wide. , as far as the eye can see!

Sitting cross-legged on the top of the star peak, Xuanren slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were as bright as obsidian, as if the sun, moon and stars were shining inside. Under the calm eyes, there were incomprehensible emotions hidden. Slightly raising his deep face, he said quietly.

"Now there are only two left."

Zhu Shen stood on the top of another mountain, and he looked at Xuanren with far-sighted eyes. In order to fight against the barbarians, he was willing to give up his status as a candidate for Buddhist disciples and defend Xuanren, but in fact he could help Xuanren Rarely, when Liu Yu'an and the others besieged Xuanren, Zhu Shen didn't even have room to intervene. There were only a few times when encountering dangers such as structures in the Bodhi Secret Realm, Zhu Shen helped Xuanren solve it early Enemy only.

"Master Shengzi, I request to fight with you!" Zhu Shen said suddenly, his eyes burning with a strong fighting intent!
Xuanren took a deep look at him, and said lightly: "Oh? Why?"

"I want to test it myself, whether you are really qualified to be a Buddhist disciple!" Zhu Shen said sonorously, with a terrifying aura rising from his whole body, the battle is about to break out!
Xuan Ren frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and said: "Lin Yuxi and Zhang Kun have not been eliminated. After defeating them, I will fight with you."

When Zhu Shen heard this, a bit of astonishment flashed across his face. He thought that Xuan Ren would accept his challenge readily, and crush himself with incomparable strength, showing his supremacy as a disciple of the Buddha. Charming, but I didn't expect that he would refuse!

"Lin Yuxi and Zhang Kun are just the weakest opponents, don't you, Master Shengzi?" Zhu Shen couldn't help but frowned deeply, his voice was slightly surprised, he faintly sensed that Xuanren was missing a certain kind of Temperament, his invincible and confident heart seemed to be affected.

Xuanren raised his eyes slightly, looked at the twinkling stars above the sky, and said faintly: "No, they are very special. I knew that Lin Yuxi would be my enemy, but what we didn't expect was that this Zhang Kun, he really surprised me."

As he said that, there was a bit of puzzled expression on his face, as if he was worrying about something, in the end he just shook his head helplessly and said: "Zhu Shen, if I lose, I want you to help him with all your heart, I know that your true strength is not inferior to mine, after all, you are someone who can seal even the Great Demon Mahuraka."

Zhu Shen frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied in his heart, took a deep breath, finally nodded and said: "Okay, the Supreme Dao Seed in the Maitreya Realm is about to be born, I will help Lord Shengzi get this inheritance first talk later."

The Maitreya Realm is the core of the Bodhi Mystery Realm. Even the air is filled with a thick and foggy atmosphere of Buddhism, bright lights are shining everywhere, and even the breath of Buddha was born in many spiritual places, and the Supreme Being here The Dao Seed is about to appear, and Xuanren and Zhu Shen have spent a very long time looking for it.

The Supreme Dao Seed of the Ultimate Bliss Realm is also in the hands of Xuanren, but unexpectedly he did not choose to absorb it. He was waiting for an opportunity. Absorb them all, accept the ultimate inheritance, and use the power of the three supreme Dao seeds to become the unique and strongest Buddha in the Dayan world!
He wants to surpass the achievements of every previous Buddha, climb to the highest peak, and look down on the world!
(End of this chapter)

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