Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 983 Go to the hall, go to the kitchen

Chapter 983 Go to the hall, go to the kitchen

Lin Yuxi was fine, and Zhang Kun didn't say anything. Just as he was about to ask Lin Yuxi what his awakening ability was, he heard a grunt coming from Lin Yuxi's body.

Embarrassment flashed across Lin Yuxi Xiaolu's pretty face like a lotus flower, she clutched her stomach with a bit of shyness, and smiled apologetically at Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun couldn't help but smiled. They haven't eaten anything since they entered the Bodhi Secret Realm, and they estimated that it took more than half a month. Lin Yuxi's realm is low and she can't completely eat the valley, so it's normal to be hungry.

"Let me refine a elixir for you." Zhang Kun said with a smile. After embarking on the road of self-cultivation, except for going to restaurants to inquire about things, he has seldom eaten food, and usually uses an elixir Instead, the energy contained in the elixir is enough to supply the monk's daily consumption and fighting.

Just as he was about to sacrifice the cauldron of the god's fence to refine a elixir for Lin Yuxi to satisfy his hunger, he saw Lin Yuxi shaking his head gently.

"No, I just had a dream."

Heck, Zhang Kun's hand trembled slightly when he touched the storage ring, and his feet staggered, almost failing to stand still. Lin Yuxi was dreaming, could it be that she dreamed of the things she did to herself before, Zhang Kun secretly said in his heart that he was lucky that he didn't Do something excessive, otherwise it will be bad.

Lin Yuxi looked at the strange look in Zhang Kun's eyes, and couldn't help but ask with concern: "Mr. Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah, it's nothing. I haven't had a dream for a long time. I'm a little surprised to hear that you have a dream." Zhang Kun's face flashed a look of embarrassment, and he found an excuse to cover it up, but what he said was basically the truth. When he stepped into the path of cultivation, he seldom sleeps, and basically spends his nights in cultivation, without sleep, he will naturally have no dreams.

Lin Yuxi nodded and continued: "I have dreamed of my hometown, so I really want to eat a snack from my hometown. Fortunately, I have the ingredients with me. I can just cook a little and eat it. Mr. Zhang, do you want to try it too?"

Zhang Kun nodded after thinking for a while. In fact, food also contains the true meaning of Tao. Cooking food is also an art. The snacks in Lin Yuxi's hometown are really interesting.

Seeing Zhang Kun nodding, Lin Yuxi's beautiful eyes flashed a little bit of joy imperceptibly. It is also a joyful thing for her to be able to promote her hometown. After all, if she really becomes a Buddhist disciple, she will have to be green The ancient Buddha has been with her for a lifetime, and many joys and sorrows in the world will have nothing to do with her.

"I have to borrow your cauldron." Lin Yuxi said a little embarrassedly. Although she carried ingredients with her, she didn't bring cooking utensils. Zhang Kun naturally didn't have any, but such things as cauldrons were also food utensils at first. Using it for cooking is not considered an insult to its identity. Naturally, Zhang Kun did not regard his medicine cauldron as a treasure like some alchemists did. He generously placed the Divine Fence's cauldron in front of Lin Yuxi.

Lin Yuxi soon started to get busy, and Zhang Kun watched from the sidelines. Lin Yuxi's hometown dish seemed to be a little complicated. In fact, the food in the cultivation world was a bit complicated, and it was very different from the food in the ordinary world. Cooking is actually no easier than alchemy, and even more troublesome.

To put it bluntly, alchemy is just rubbing balls, extracting all the medicinal essence from the materials, and combining them with condensed pills. But cooking is different. Dishes should pay attention to the color, fragrance and taste, and consider the combination of ingredients and so on.

Seeing that Lin Yuxi was busy quickly, it couldn't be seen that she was quite skilled in doing these things. Zhang Kun only hoped that the taste of the final product would be good.

"Hehe." Zhang Kun shook his head helplessly. He found that it seemed that he hadn't refined anything without any purpose for a long time. Seeing that Lin Yuxi just started cooking on a whim, he felt touched.

The so-called cultivators seek to be unrestrained and free, and to live happily ever after. It is also very important to maintain a normal state of mind in the process of becoming stronger. If you lose your peaceful state of mind, it is very easy to lose yourself and indulge in If you can't get out of your attachment to something, it turns into an obsession in the end!
The most important thing for Buddhist disciples to practice Buddhism in the Jialan state is to let go of their obsessions.

This may be the difference between Lin Yuxi and other Buddhist candidates. Whether her talent or ability is not important, the most commendable thing is her heart similar to Buddha, which is why Zhang Kun agrees. At this critical moment, the two of them still had a reason to stop and cook.

Just as Zhang Kun's thoughts kept drifting away, a crisp voice rang in his ears.

"Mr. Zhang, here is a piece of food that has been stored for a long time. It is a bit hard. I can't cut it with my vitality. Can Mr. Zhang do me a little favor?" Lin Yuxi's cherry lips squirmed slightly, and she handed Zhang Kun a piece of black lacquer. something like a stick of wood.

Zhang Kun glanced at it, couldn't help being slightly surprised, thought for a moment and said: "This is the Nine Profound Root, it is indeed very hard, and I can't cut it with bare hands at my current level."

A bit of astonishment flashed across Lin Yuxi's pretty face. She thought that this shouldn't be the case. When she was in her hometown, she often used these ingredients. This Jiuxuan shouldn't be so difficult to cut. She thought about it for a while and finally said, helpless Shaking his head, it may be because of the special environment of the Bodhi Secret Realm that some changes have taken place in these materials.

Not only ingredients and medicinal materials, Lin Yuxi felt that her body was also weird recently.

Zhang Kun picked up Dongyue and gestured at Jiuxuangen.

"It's too big, it doesn't fit." Zhang Kun was a little helpless, and a look of embarrassment flashed across his face. Dongyue is an epee, thicker than Jiuxuan root. If it is cut off, it will not be a thin slice, but a powder.

Seeing Zhang Kun's embarrassed expression, Lin Yuxi couldn't help brushing the broken hair by her ears, her eyebrows moved slightly, and she quickly pursed her lips into a smile.

"Hey, I had to take this out in advance." Zhang Kun smiled slightly, flipped his right hand lightly, and he held a short dagger in his hand.

Ancient sword, fish intestines!
After several months, this peerless fierce sword has finally seen the light of day again!

Even though it fell into silence, when Zhang Kun took out the fish intestines, he could clearly feel a surge of blood and a solid killing intent coming out of the blade. He felt as if he was holding With the supreme sharpness, just a light swipe is enough to destroy the entire cave!
Lin Yuxi felt the terrifying aura, and couldn't help being taken aback, her voice was slightly surprised: "What is this, I can't see through it."

(End of this chapter)

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