Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 987

Chapter 987
The breath of the avenue came here in an instant, and the supreme Taoist seed of Liuli Medicine Buddha had been fully integrated into Lin Yuxi's soul, but a strange thing happened, and the jasper-colored brilliance turned into blue-colored dragons Drilling into Zhang Kun's body, Lin Yuxi's body was crystal clear, like a piece of snow light, her smooth skin seemed to be shining with brilliance, and the holy breath permeated, as if there was a Buddha with perfect merit and virtue reciting scriptures.

She almost lost consciousness, both the previous Lin Yuxi and the weird looking Lin Yuxi have disappeared, her soul seems to be fused with the phantom of the Buddha, and her delicate body is soft and weak Catering to Zhang Kun's movements perfectly, that crystal-clear body like fresh milk seems to be the most wonderful creation.

Lingering and lingering, the original impulsive behavior gradually became sacred and full of ritual sense, making people forget that this is a matter between men and women, and instead find strands of Taoist rhyme in their behavior, as if weaving the ultimate truth of creation .

At this moment, Zhang Kun's body is also bursting with strong blood. He is full of golden light, and the golden blood energy rises like beams of light. The cave was pierced in an instant, and the beams of light went straight to Tianxin illuminated half of the starry sky, and the stars and the moon lost their brilliance at this moment.

All kinds of miraculous scenes are emerging and spreading out in the mid-air. The whole world seems to have turned into a hotbed for those two people at this moment. It can flow now, under the illumination of Liuli Pharmacist's Buddha and Dao Seed, the quality of vitality here is extremely close to Xianyuan!

The billowing tide of vitality is like a cloud on the top of a mountain, covering this area, but it cannot cover up the unrivaled aura emanating from Zhang Kun at this moment. This scene was caused by Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi themselves, not the wonders in the Bodhi Secret Realm Therefore, it did not appear in the light curtain of the Bodhi Courtyard.

But if they can see such a scene at this moment, they will probably go crazy. This scene is not much different from feathering and ascension. They are all leaps in the level of life. The Bodhi Secret Realm is also trembling at this moment. The world seems to be resonating.

The Bodhi Secret Realm was just a treasure land countless years ago. Later, as Buddhas would choose to enter this place to pass away when they passed away in Nirvana, the aura content in the Bodhi Secret Realm gradually became richer. Various miracles are here Self-manifestation, countless creatures born by themselves, and countless structures walking on this land.

In the end, this place became a place of extreme mystery. This small world has spirituality, and the degree of danger here is far beyond the imagination of these buddhist candidates. However, the purpose of the Bodhi test is not to destroy these gifted geniuses , but to guide them, fulfill them, make them stronger, inherit the orthodoxy of their predecessors, and continue to promote Buddhism in Dayan Realm.

Therefore, under certain circumstances, the Bodhi Secret Realm will give kindness to those who try it.

At this moment, Zhang Kun is like a beloved child in this world. Countless beams of bright light descended on him. The brilliance filled the sky, and the air of chaos emerged from the void, turning into a dragon of vitality that enveloped Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi, and submerged into their bodies. Inside, incredible changes are happening inside them right now.

Hundreds of millions of miles away, Xuanren opened his eyes, and cast a gaze in this direction, his eyes were filled with shock.

This was the first time that this holy son was surprised by something since he was born. He tightly held a Dao Seed harvested from the Realm of Ultimate Bliss in his palm, hesitating whether to absorb it.

"No, I have to wait, I have to gather all three Dao Seeds at the same time before absorbing them!" Xuanren took a deep breath, retracted the Dao Seeds, and forcibly suppressed the beating of his heart.

And Zhu Shen frowned deeply, not because of the magnificent scene that happened in the distant land, but because Fang Shou contacted him suddenly. I don't know what secret method Fang Shou used to penetrate two small worlds diaphragm, bring the news.

"The person who led me to send him in killed Zhang Kun for the sake of the Holy Son Xuanren!" Fang Shou's words still echoed in his ears.

Zhu took a deep breath, with a bit of confusion in his eyes, his firm belief has been shaken at this moment.

He promised Fang Shou that everything he did was to help Xuanren become a Buddhist, and at the same time, it was also for the sake of saving all living beings after he became a Buddhist, killing demons and demons, and eliminating the threat of barbarian invasion at the border. Did everything he did really meet his original intention?
Zhu Shen glanced at Xuanren who had entered the enlightened state, and he felt more and more that the aura on Xuanren's body seemed to have changed. Before that, he was indomitable, invincible, confident, and possessed supreme demeanor. However, when he saw him that time After passing Zhang Kun, Xuanren seemed to feel a little pressure, and he was a little impatient and aggressive when he practiced.

The authorities are confused by the onlookers, Xuanren himself may not be aware of this matter, but Zhu Shen sees it.

"Hmm!" Zhang Kun exclaimed. He didn't know when he also fell into a strange state and temporarily lost consciousness. He just felt as if he was soaked in milk, and the gentle and smooth breath wrapped At this moment, all the exercises that he had practiced in his body started to operate on their own at the same time, Kunyu Huazhang, Bingxin Jue, Shadow Dies Twice.
At this moment, the avenue rang in unison, like the sound of heaven, as if someone had rang a big bell, and horrifying visions frequently appeared in the midair. A shallow imprint was made, and at this moment he opened his right pupil alone, where a pure green glazed heart was dormant, which was transformed into a spiritual object after the death of the great demon Garuda.

The brilliance of the colorful colored glaze ignited in Zhang Kun's right pupil. It was a chance given by the gray-clothed monk who took away the small stone. It was unexpectedly used at this moment, and the pure green colored glaze flickered in his heart. With gorgeous brilliance, that gem-like twilight is the brilliance of proving the Tao, confirming the supreme avenue, hovering around Zhang Kun's body at this moment, his and Lin Yuxi's bodies become transparent and ethereal, like The cloud is like a cloud, and it seems that it will rise from the void at any time and go to the sky.

As if countless times had passed, the divine light dissipated like a tide, and the space between heaven and earth returned to normal, as if the bright brilliance had never appeared before, and the sky also fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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