Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 988 Changes!

Chapter 988 Changes!

I don't know when, probably Zhang Kun had no strength, he hugged Lin Yuxi lightly and fell into a deep sleep, the night passed quickly, the moon was setting in the west, and a round of golden sun was rising from the east, using his immeasurable strength The light shines on the whole earth.

The cave where Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi temporarily hid has been destroyed, and the two are sleeping in the wilderness with the sky as their bed and the ground as their bed.

This is the skylark calling three times, and a few fallen leaves were blown by the wind and fell on Zhang Kun's face. After years of baptism, Zhang Kun's original childish face has gradually matured, becoming cold and resolute. His eyebrows and eyes are delicate, and he can even be called handsome.

"Huh?" Zhang Kun opened his eyes in a daze, and swept the fallen leaves off his face casually. Lin Yuxi got up at some point. She was sitting on a big rock with her eyes tightly closed, with a peaceful look on her face.

Zhang Kun touched his nose, took out a piece of clothing and changed it on, and carefully looked at Lin Yuxi. He was still not sure what state Lin Yuxi was in at the moment.

Zhang Kun didn't know what had changed in his body. He checked his whole body carefully, but he didn't find any abnormalities at all. As a guardian, he should not be qualified to absorb the Supreme Dao Seed, but because of special circumstances, he Then he was exposed to Lin Yuxi's light, and it seemed that he had also received the inheritance of Liuli Medicine Buddha.

At that time when the vision and brilliance appeared, he was already completely immersed in the joy of fish and water with Lin Yuxi, his consciousness was in a trance, and he could only vaguely remember that Lin Yuxi's face was very beautiful at that time, and her body was very soft and fragrant .

If possible, Zhang Kun wants to do it again.

"No, no, Miss Lin probably doesn't remember anything now." Zhang Kun shook his head hastily, looking at Lin Yuxi who had clear eyes and was also adjusting her breath to check her condition. At this moment, she had recovered her clarity. A demure and holy taste.

Zhang Kun took a deep breath, and the vitality around him rushed towards him like a tide, and Kunyu Huazhang and Bingxin Jue started to work at the same time.

"Ah, so it is like this!"

After running it for a while, Zhang Kun couldn't help but be very pleasantly surprised to find that this time's practice has a completely different feeling from before. Dao species

Zhang Kun was overjoyed, he activated the Bing Xin Jue, and instantly condensed nine layers of ice veins, which surrounded his body like a spring.


Zhang Kun let out a low cry, and the Nine Layer Ice Vein moved instantly. He wanted to take advantage of this mysterious state to attack the second layer of Bing Xin Jue!

Bing Xin Jue was created by the founder of Qionghua Palace. After Li Qingluan perfected and improved it, it is already comparable to the ground-level exercises given in the Mirror Domain. Bing Xin Jue is originally a skill that is only suitable for women. Zhang Kun's special physique, even if he is full of yang energy, he can still practice this extremely cold technique, and unexpectedly, Zhang Kun learned it very smoothly. From one ice vein to nine ice veins, he hardly encountered to any bottlenecks.


In an instant, the energy of the heavens and the earth rushed rapidly, the terrifying and cold profound ice condensed instantly, and the nine layers of ice veins intertwined with each other, and began to condense the most important step in practicing the Ice Heart Art, the ice core!

The frost energy contained in the ice core is dozens of times that of a single ice vein. The nine ice veins are fused into one, and the quantitative change causes a qualitative change. This is the second level of the Bing Xin Jue. Jue cultivation base is also the second stage.

Once the ice core is condensed, the aggressiveness of the Ice Heart Art will be greatly improved. The original condensed ice veins are only for supplying vitality, and the ice core not only has extremely powerful ice energy, but also enables the practitioner to control the frost element Power, affinity to a higher level, in order to use a variety of powerful attack methods!
At this moment, a thin layer of hoarfrost formed around Zhang Kun's body, and the temperature of the surrounding air dropped below the freezing point. The whole area was shrouded in ice cold, and the big rock on which Zhang Kun was sitting cross-legged was also frozen and cracked at this moment. , and a layer of fine snow floated in his meridians, the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana was no longer surging, ice balls appeared in the small world of Zhang Kun's body, and all his vitality surged and circulated the Ice Heart Art, The unspeakable breath spread out immediately, and the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana began to slowly condense into a sea of ​​ice!
"Cough cough!" Zhang Kun couldn't help coughing lightly, he felt a tingling pain in his head, and at the critical moment when he was practicing Bing Xin Jue, something seemed to rush out of his mind.

"Oops, it's the medicinal scriptures of Liuli Medicine Master Buddha!" ​​Zhang Kun gritted his teeth, feeling remorse in his heart. He shouldn't be so anxious to practice Bingxin Jue directly. He hasn't searched for what is hidden in the depths of his soul. Thinking that the inheritance of Liuli Medicine Master Buddha was also shared with him.

Regardless of how this inheritance came about, but at the moment it is rooted in Zhang Kun's mind, like a vine growing wildly, a vast amount of information descended here in an instant, and Zhang Kun was really caught off guard, so much information at once With the words flooding into his mind, Zhang Kun has no way to concentrate on running the Bingxin formula to make a breakthrough!

The consequences of forcibly stopping the Ice Heart Art are even more serious. The Nine Layers of Ice Veins have gathered together and started to condense the ice core. Giving up at this moment is not as simple as giving up all previous efforts. As ice slag, Zhang Kun has practiced for so long in vain, and if such a powerful frost energy explodes in Zhang Kun's body, the consequences will be disastrous, and his perfect body may be damaged!

"Damn it!" Zhang Kun snorted, he had no choice but to do it, and now he can only do these two things at the same time.

Doing so is very dangerous, and if you are not careful, you may be lost forever. Zhang Kun couldn't help sighing, why is his cultivation path so bumpy? Dangerous, if you are not careful, you may lose your skills and become a useless person!
But the next moment Zhang Kun's eyes became firm, and only in this way can he cultivate every realm to the point of perfection, and only in this way can Zhang Kun be able to stand out from the crowd and surpass everyone!

Just when Zhang Kun made up his mind to fight back and was about to focus on two things, a distant and vast voice sounded in his sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, like Huang Zhong Dalu, half an ancient mirror floated up and down from his sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, blooming The immeasurable brilliance illuminated the entire Lingtai brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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