ancestral snake

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

After an unknown amount of time passed, Gu Xuan opened his eyes, and there was a trace of vicissitudes in his eyes.There was a touch of surprise on his face, looking at the black altar in front of him, he couldn't believe it.It turns out that this altar is called the Teleportation Altar, and it is a rare treasure with the ability to teleport infinitely. The biggest feature is that it can teleport across boundaries.It was because of this function that Gu Xuan couldn't believe it.

The origin of the teleportation altar starts after the ancient world was broken.After the ancient world was broken, the present world came into being. Right after the world was born, a family of Immortals was also born.The appearance of the Immortals is similar to that of the Human Race, but there is a space in each person's body when they are born, and this space will evolve with the growth of the Immortals.Therefore, all members of the Immortal Clan are masters, but with the increase in the number of Immortal Clan members, for some resources, the Immortal Clan has disputes with the races of the ancient world.

As time went by, the Remnants eventually fought against the races of the ancient world.As soon as the war broke out, it swept through countless realms. Although the Immortal Race was blessed by nature, they lived for a short time after all, and were not as intelligent as the races of the ancient world.The tribe kept decreasing, and the Immortals didn't care about it at first, but as time went by, they realized that their tribe had decreased by [-]%.

At this time, the people of the Immortal Clan panicked and began to think of a way, but they had already lost the opportunity, how could they be able to defeat these long-lived races.Seeing that the Remnant Immortal Clan is about to suffer from annihilation, an elder of the Remnant Immortal Clan finally came up with a way, which is to sacrifice.Those clansmen with low cultivation base sacrificed themselves to those clansmen with high cultivation bases, but I didn't expect this method to be really effective.The first person born of the Immortal Clan finally broke through the current realm under the sacrifices of countless clansmen, and the world in his body also evolved into a middle-thousand world.The Remnant Immortal Clan started a big rebellion. Under the leadership of the No.1 Remnant Immortal Clan, the ancient clans suffered heavy casualties, so the ancient clans began to gather together to find a solution.After deliberations by various ethnic groups, it was finally decided to summon the ancestors of each ethnic group.

Although No. 1 of the Relic Immortal Clan has a high level of cultivation, it cannot withstand the bombardment of hundreds of ancestors of various races.The Immortal Clan will withdraw from this world, and no longer wanton activities in this world. The ancient clans also gave the Immortal Clan a place to live.The war is over, and the battlefield is full of corpses of people from various clans and the Immortal Clan.All the clans collected the corpses of their own people who died in battle, but only the corpses of the Immortals were left. In the end, all the tribes negotiated and threw all the corpses of the Immortals into a secret realm.

Endless years have passed, and the people of the Immortal Remnant Clan disappeared from the eyes of the world, but the secret realm where the Immortal Remnant Clan is buried has evolved into a small thousand world.With the evolution of the world, the corpses of the Immortal Clan have also evolved into various treasures. These treasures all have a common characteristic, that is, they are related to space. Most of these treasures are treasures with their own space.There is also a part that is a bit special, but it is also related to space. The teleportation altar is a treasure evolved from the corpses of the immortals.

After this small thousand world was discovered, countless people came to snatch it. The teleportation altar was finally taken by a monster clan master. He and some of the treasures he collected were placed in the cave.I don't know why it wasn't collected in the end. The cave of this powerful demon clan has also gone through years of baptism, and it has become a relic in people's mouths. It was obtained by the tauren who traded with Gu Xuan, and it was discovered by Gu Xuan and traded with him. , income in hand.

Gu Xuan held the teleportation altar and fell into deep thought. The teleportation altar has the function of cross-boundary teleportation, if he uses it skillfully.It will definitely become a life-saving hole card in your hand.It's just that the cross-boundary teleportation of the teleportation altar requires the coordinates of the destination, which is difficult for Gu Xuan.I couldn't figure it out, so I had no choice but to suppress the matter first, and then talk about it when the opportunity comes.

Putting the teleportation altar away, Gu Xuan published the book of heaven and earth, only to realize that it was already late at night, so he sat down cross-legged and began to meditate.The night passed quickly, and when the first ray of light shone from the sun, Gu Xuan ended the night of meditation.

After leaving the cave mansion, Gu Xuan came to the trading area again, and walked all the way to the barter area, where he started to turn around.After half an hour passed, Gu Xuan roughly looked at all the items, and found that there was still not much change from the original ones. He felt a little disappointed and left directly.I am going to go back and ask if the trade fair of Snake Qianshan has been like this for three days. If this is the case, Gu Xuan is going to return to the Snake Clan.

Before returning to the cave, he met She Qianshan and others. Gu Xuan told She Qianshan the doubts in his heart, and She Qianshan smiled wryly after hearing this: "There will be a special trade fair on the last day of the trade fair. , but with our level of cultivation, we are not qualified to participate at all. If we want to participate in the final trade fair, we need to have the minimum cultivation period to pass the tribulation period. So the trade fair at this time can be said to be like this!"

"Since that's the case, it's fine to stay here, it's better to go back, I'll take my leave first!" Gu Xuan wanted to leave after speaking.

"Gu Xuan, wait a minute, how about you? Should we go back now or after the trade fair is over?" Gu Xuan asked the remaining people!The rest of the people looked at each other, thought for a moment, and felt that it was a waste of time for them to wait for others to keep them, and they were all talking, so they went back now.

A group of people walked towards the teleportation array in Liberty City, and suddenly the blood knife stopped, and said to everyone: "I feel that someone is following us?"

A stern look flashed in Xue Dao's eyes, Gu Xuan didn't speak, but closed his eyes, released his divine sense to observe, and sure enough, the Eagle Clan member was following behind Gu Xuan and the others with four members of the same clan.It's just that as soon as I waited for others to enter the teleportation array, I went back to Dragon Snake City directly. These people would not dare to follow Dragon Snake City even if they wanted to follow them.What are the plans of these Eagle Clan people?

After thinking about it, Gu Xuan transmitted a few words to She Qianshan, She Qianshan's face changed a few times, and finally nodded calmly, as soon as Gu Xuan greeted the blood knife, the two rushed towards the outside of Liberty City Go, but She Qianshan and the others are heading towards the teleportation array.

Gu Xuan's spiritual sense has been paying attention to the five members of the Eagle Clan. Sure enough, when the five Eagle Clan members saw that Gu Xuan and Xuedao had left Liberty City, they did not follow She Qianshan and the others, but went straight out of Liberty City.Gu Xuan sneered in his heart, a little disdainful, one in the distracted stage, and four in the out-of-body stage, thinking that the two of them were settled, it was a dream.Since they wanted to die by themselves, Gu Xuan didn't mind giving them a ride.

As a result, the speed of the two increased a bit, and the time for a stick of incense had passed, and Gu Xuan and Xuedao had already left Liberty City. At this time, the location was [-] meters away from Liberty City, and there was no movement to kill the five people. As for the time to return to Liberty City.

"Kill! Kill these two people. It is a great achievement for us to bring the bloodstone into the body. If there is any problem, the patriarch will definitely help solve it!"

After the four of them listened to the old man's words, their faces were full of excitement. It must be a great achievement to help the clan get the blood stone, and then they don't have to take risks to break through the cultivation base.The four of them were blindsided by what the old man said for a moment.They each sacrificed their magic weapons and came towards Gu Xuan and Xue Dao.

"You look for death yourself, and you can't blame others. Today, I will kill you scum for the Eagle Clan!" Gu Xuan sneered and shouted in a deep voice!

"Kill!" Xuedao let out a low cry, and pulled out the bloody knife on his back, covering his whole body with an evil spirit, and killed the two of them. Killed together.The blood knife manifested the dharma and turned into a snake-headed human body, with a circle of evil spirit lingering around his body, holding the knife in both hands, and slashed at one of them fiercely.A blade glow was as fast as lightning, and appeared on the chest of one of them in an instant. Before the person could react, he was pierced through the chest by the blade glow.

In an instant, a master at the out-of-body stage was killed by the blood knife, and a green-gold Yuanying was about to flee. The blood knife snorted coldly and waved his left palm, and a blood-colored snake flew towards the Yuanying in the air. Baby flies away.Xue Knife looked at the other person, who killed his companion when he saw the light of the blood knife calcium carbide flame, his heart was full of shock and anger, and with a roar, he turned into a goshawk more than ten feet in size, hovering in the air, flapping his wings, The cyan tornado rolled towards the blood knife, the blood knife was indifferent, seeing that the tornado was approaching, the blood knife shrank, and gently stroked the knife.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he stepped on the ground with his left foot, and lightly slashed at the tornado with the long knife in his hand. An endless sharp force passed through the tornado in an instant. He only heard a click, and the blood knife opened his eyes and stroked the tornado. Holding his own knife, he turned around and came towards Gu Xuan, a small bloody snake also rushed towards the blood knife, and got into the body of the blood knife in an instant.

I saw the imposing tornado shattered into pieces, turned into gusts of cold wind, and headed for the distance. The eyes of the Eagle Clan man in the air were full of disbelief, and he exclaimed: "This It is the supreme sword intent!"

Then a stream of blood poured into the void, and endless feathers drifted away with the wind.The huge goshawk split in two and fell to the ground with a bang, the ground was stained red with blood.

The three people who were fighting with Gu Xuan heard a loud noise, and found that the two people who were fighting with the blood knife had died. They were all shocked, and a flaw was revealed. Gu Xuan would let it go, his eyes widened, two golden lights, Going towards the two, the body also moved, and the special artistic conception of space was used, and the three were moved and fell into a swamp. Before two of them could react, they were hit by two golden lights.As soon as the body froze, his eyes became gray and white, without a trace of life, the eyes of the remaining old man shrank, and his whole body stood upside down, as if he felt some fatal crisis, but his body could not dodge.

Puchi!A flash of saber light flashed, and the old man of the eagle clan was split in half, and Nascent Soul was like this. The blood knife nodded at Gu Xuan, but Gu Xuan didn't care, waved his hand, and three rings appeared in the air, Gu Xuan Put it away.The two hurried towards Liberty City.

(End of this chapter)

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