ancestral snake

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Gu Xuan and the others soon appeared in Liberty City, striding towards the teleportation formation, but they didn't notice a golden-red eagle staying on the gate of the city and flew towards the trading area.It landed on the shoulder of a person, it was Yin Jiutian of the eagle clan, this golden-red eagle called a few times, a haze flashed in Yin Jiutian's eyes, he reached out to touch the eagle on his shoulder, took out a pill and stuffed it into the eagle's mouth , the golden-red eagle flew towards the air.

She Qianshan and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Gu Xuan and Xue Dao, and waved out a 100 yuan spirit stone, and they all went up to the teleportation platform, their bodies changed, and they all appeared in Dragon Snake City.

"Go, go to my cave, and I will give you the treasures you need!" Everyone was excited when they heard Gu Xuan's words, and Snake Qianshan sacrificed a flying boat. Like an off-string arrow, it flew towards the snake clan's resident.

After dozens of breaths, the flying boat appeared next to Gu Xuan's cave, everyone got off the flying boat, Gu Xuan found a jade slip in front of the door, picked it up and saw that it was left by Jinying, and inside it was a letter to Jinying's cave. map.Then put it away, after making dozens of handprints, the restriction on the door of the cave was broken, and Gu Xuan invited everyone to the cave.Everyone was also polite and sat down casually. After a short rest, Hei Rong couldn't wait any longer and spoke directly.

"Gu Xuan, give me my ice element iron quickly, so that I can temper my natal magic weapon!" Hei Rong finished speaking, and looked at Gu Xuan eagerly.

"Okay, this is Wannian cold iron, which is more effective than cold ice element iron, you can take it!" After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he waved his hand and took out a fist-sized dark green Wannian cold iron and handed it to Hei Rong , Hei Rong giggled excitedly.

Gu Xuan took out several jade boxes and said: "Here is Jiuqu Xuanhuangyan, Tianjieye. As for Lin Zhou's body training technique, don't worry. After a while, the clan will give it to you. Jintang will give you Take out your talisman."

Jintang took out a golden chain and handed it to Gu Xuan. Gu Xuan felt it in his hand, and then took out a dark golden branch. .He took out another blood-striped mithril stone, Heavenly Tribulation Liquid, and after a moment of contemplation, he took out another secret celestial stone.Then he said to Jin Tang, "Give me three drops of blood essence!"

Without saying a word, Jin Tang immediately forced out three drops of blood essence. Gu Xuan called out the Nine Dragon Furnace, made 36 handprints, threw all these things into the Nine Dragon Furnace, opened his mouth to spit out the Primordial Purple Fire, and then hurriedly made 81 handprints, Nine Dragons The furnace was enveloped by the purple fire of the beginning.Gu Xuan probed into his spiritual consciousness to observe for a while, and found that everything was normal, so he stopped paying attention and let the Jiulong Furnace refine it by itself.

Everyone felt that it was a little unreal, so that's enough for refining the weapon?For a while, everyone stopped talking, and began to silently pay attention to the changes in Jiulong Furnace, especially Jintang, feeling a little reckless.It is true that Gu Xuan is a master of alchemy, but alchemy and weapon refining are two different industries after all, and at this time, he can only pray for the success of this weapon refining.Otherwise, my talisman would really be ruined.

About an hour passed, and there was a trembling sound from the Jiulong Furnace. Gu Xuan knew it was successful, and made 36 handprints on the Jiulong Furnace, and saw the nine dragon patterns on the furnace wall of the Jiulong Furnace fused together, turning into a dragon With a long moan, he opened his mouth and spit out a golden chain.Seeing this, Jin Tang summoned his talisman with a thought, poured his true essence into his hands and closed his eyes to feel it. After a while, he looked at Gu Xuan with surprise on his face, feeling a little ashamed of his previous thoughts!

"Gu Xuan, what on earth do you know? Things that others have been unable to master for decades or hundreds of years, come to you, everything is so simple, hurry up and hand over the secret." Snake Qianshan said a little sourly!

"Gu Xuan, I also entrusted you with my talisman. Give me some sacrifice and refining. This is blood-transforming magic iron. Here are thirty drops of blood essence. You can add some accessories to me. These are some of the ingredients I collected. Materials, see what you can use, and the rest will be your reward!" Xuedao also pulled out the blood knife on his back and handed it to Gu Xuan, along with a piece of blood-black iron stone, a jade bottle, and a storage ring.

Gu Xuanlue pondered for a moment, then took the blood knife and threw it all into the Jiulong Furnace, only the Blood Transforming Demon Iron remained in his hand.I took out the storage ring and looked at it, and found that although there were some treasures, they were dwarfed by what I had collected.Take out a piece of Cangming gold crystal and a piece of copper mother gold, then take out a secret sky stone and a blood-transforming snake from the book of heaven and earth, throw them all into the Jiulong furnace, make 81 handprints and start refining.

Half an hour passed, Gu Xuan probed into the Nine Dragon Furnace with his divine sense and observed, and found that the essence of other materials of the Blood Snake was perfectly integrated with the Blood Knife, only the essence of the Blood Snake stayed in the Nine Dragon Furnace , refused to blend with it, pondered for a moment, took out the broken saber and celestial weapon, and stabbed the blood-melting demon iron twice. The blood-melting demon iron was split into three pieces. up.

As soon as the blood-transforming iron entered the Kowloon furnace, it was calcined by the purple fire of the beginning. After a full incense stick, the blood-transforming iron turned into a puddle of blood-black liquid, which was absorbed by the blood knife. The essence of the blood-transforming iron After merging with the blood knife, the essence of the blood snake also penetrated into the blood knife.Until then, Gu Xuan withdraws his consciousness from the Jiulong Furnace, takes out two egg-sized liquids, and puts it into the Jiulong Furnace, which is the yin-yang good fortune water.

Refining utensils and other utensils need to be quenched after they are formed. Unfortunately, this process is missing in the refining of Jiulong Furnace. Gu Xuan still added yin and yang good fortune water.

More than an hour passed, and suddenly the Jiulong Furnace trembled. Gu Xuan knew that this was the blood knife that had been practiced, and hurriedly made 36 handprints on the Jiulong Furnace, only to hear a dragon chant, and a dragon flew out of the Jiulong Furnace, opening his mouth and spitting out A dark blood-colored knife came, with some more textures on it.

Seeing the appearance of his natal magic weapon, Xuedao hurried over, waved his hand and released three bloody little snakes, and got into the natal magic weapon. Then he probed his spiritual consciousness into the knife, and a stream of information appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge of the blood knife.And the blood-melting knife has reached the pinnacle of the best spiritual weapon, as long as the blood is enough, it can completely evolve into a fairy weapon.After a while, he opened his eyes and bowed deeply to Gu Xuan.

"No need to be like this, they are all my brothers. By the way, which of you still needs me to sacrifice the talisman, so you can just open it. If you miss this village, you will not have this shop!" Gu Xuan said loudly, but the remaining But no one spoke.

Xue Knife held the Blood Knife and clasped his fists at the crowd and said, "I'm going to nourish the Blood Knife first. Don't call me if there is nothing important!" The method is to nod to express understanding.

Then everyone talked about some strange events in the cultivation world.Suddenly a figure appeared in Gu Xuan's cave, holding a purple monkey in his hand, the little monkey hung its head, a little unhappy, Gu Xuan's heart twitched, this guy must have gone to someone's medicine garden to steal it.

The black puppet snorted coldly with a black face, and threw the little hairy monkey to Gu Xuan. As soon as the little hairy monkey saw Gu Xuan, all the unhappiness disappeared. Called, Gu Xuan's face sank and said: "Shut up, tell me quickly, what did you steal from the ancestor?"

Seeing Gu Xuan's gloomy face, the little monkey shrank its head, and looked at Gu Xuan pitifully, but unfortunately, Gu Xuan didn't like this, and snorted coldly: "If you don't talk about it, the spiritual fruit in the future will be the same It's all gone!" The little hairy monkey squeaked.After a while, Gu Xuan got a little dizzy, and said with a wry smile: "Old Ancestor, what treasure did this guy steal, tell me, let me see if there is any?"

The black puppet's face twitched, and he glared at the little hairy monkey before saying: "The rest of the old man don't want you to pay for it. One of my Enlightenment Flowers was ruined by this monkey. I don't know if I can survive. If it doesn't After realizing Daohua, whether I can survive the next Tribulation of Sanxian is still a matter of choice!"

When Gu Xuan heard the enlightenment flower destroyed by the little hairy monkey, his face relaxed, and then he said: "Old Ancestor, you give me the enlightenment flower. I have a kind of spiritual spring that contains life force, and it may be able to slowly restore it. .This is an ethereal flower, let's treat it as compensation for the younger generation!"

After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he took out a jade box, which contained an ethereal flower.He handed it directly to the black puppet, and the black puppet held it in his hand and looked at it. Excitement flashed in his eyes, and he waved his hand and took out a jade basin. There was a cyan flower in it, but it was a little shrunken. It was the enlightenment flower.Together with the ethereal flower and the dream flower, they are collectively called the Sanshi flower.They are all rare treasures, but unfortunately they were destroyed by the little hairy monkey, and I don't know if they can be restored.

The black puppet has grown for tens of thousands of years after getting the ethereal flower, which is many times stronger than his own enlightenment flower.He didn't mention the little hairy monkey's deeds anymore, and just teleported away.

"By the way, where's the one-horned snake?" Gu Xuan thought that he seemed to have forgotten a member.The little hairy monkey seemed to have just thought of the one-horned little snake, and yelled anxiously at Gu Xuan a few times, then ran out.Gu Xuan said to everyone: "You wait here, I'll go and have a look!"

After finishing speaking, he chased after the little hairy monkey. In less than half an hour, Gu Xuan came to a mountain peak and saw a sunken basin, but it was full of elixir, but the one-horned snake was gone. Only three deacons are constantly checking what?Gu Xuan had no choice but to go to the edge of the medicine garden to inquire.After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the elder of the internal affairs found that someone had touched the formation he had arranged in the medicine garden. I went to the elder Chuan Gong to confirm.

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Gu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and the little monkey was also a little embarrassed, not only was he captured, but his younger brother was also captured, which made him, the boss, very embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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