ancestral snake

Chapter 117 The Ancient Dragon Transformation Relic Opens

Chapter 117 The Ancient Dragon Transformation Relic Opens
When Gu Xuan woke up, he found that more than a day had passed.After getting up and moving around, he took the little hairy monkey and the one-horned snake out of the book of heaven and earth, took out the message beads and told She Qianshan that he was going to retreat.There are some pills placed outside the cave, you can just pick them up by yourself.Then the retreat stone tablet was erected in front of the cave again, which cut off the connection with the outside world.

"Little thing, come here!" Gu Xuan waved at the one-horned little snake, and the little thing happily crawled over, followed by the little hairy monkey.

Gu Xuan took out a elixir and put it in front of the little one-horned snake. The little thing smelled it and swallowed it in one gulp. Afterwards, it coiled up in a circle and fell into a deep sleep. Nothing serious, just refining the medicinal power of Qi Ling Pill, so I don't pay attention.But the little hairy monkey didn't obey, and screamed at Gu Xuan, but in desperation, also took out an enlightenment pill and threw it to the little hairy monkey.The little hairy monkey threw it directly into its own mouth, and it fell into its belly after smashing it. Maybe it didn't taste anything, and the little paw stretched out again. Gu Xuan didn't respond. Gu Xuan, a little dejected, jumped onto the table, blinked his small eyes, and looked at the little one-horned snake.

As soon as She Qianshan received the news from Gu Xuan, without saying a word, she immediately rushed towards Gu Xuan's cave, and when she arrived, she saw a gourd in the old place.He opened it directly, and when he saw that it was full of Qiling Pills, he bowed deeply to Guxuan's cave, looked at the stone tablet in front of Guxuan's cave, turned around and left.

In the cave of Sheyan, the main peak, Sheyan took a gourd and poured out a elixir, put it on the tip of her nose and smelled it, and then she was overjoyed, and it took a long time for Sheyan to suppress the excitement in her heart.Facing She Qianshan, he said: "Qianshan, you go to ring the elders' bell first, I want to discuss something with the elders!"

After She Yan finished speaking, She Qianshan went out to ring the bell, and a long bell echoed over the Snake Clan's resident. When the elders heard the bell, they were stunned for a moment, and then they all rushed towards the meeting hall of the main peak.

A stick of incense time passed, all the elders had arrived, and She Yan didn't waste too much nonsense, and directly took out the Qiling Pill refined by Gu Xuan, and let all the elders watch it one by one.When some people saw the elixir, they seemed to understand what She Yan was going to talk about next, and they stopped asking, but waited for what She Yan would say.

"The purpose of calling all the elders today is to discuss one thing, that is, the Qiling Pills distributed by our family every year will be increased from thirty to one hundred, and all the elders will give five more on the original basis. The clansmen of Jindan are the same as the clansmen of Condensed Yuanying. In the future, all pills will no longer be traded with Luanfeng clan, so we must control all kinds of elixir. After the end of the ancestral land three years later, I will let Gu Xuan taught several alchemists and weapon refiners, even if they can only learn a little bit of Gu Xuan, it is a happy event for my snake clan. I wonder if the clan elders have any opinions or suggestions?" She Yan After speaking, he looked at the elders.

Many elders discussed with each other and found that there was no big problem, so they all shook their heads, and She Yan nodded and said: "If that's the case, then let's do it like this!"

As soon as the clan order of the snake clan came out, all the clan members were very happy. In this way, the chances of their descendants opening up their spiritual wisdom and forming an alchemy baby will be a little higher.

With the passage of time, it has been three days since the one-horned snake swallowed the Qiling Pill, and finally absorbed all the effects of the medicine. When the one-horned snake looked at Gu Xuan again, its eyes changed and became more respectful up.Seeing this, Gu Xuan knew that the little thing's spiritual wisdom had already been developed, but he was a little uncertain when teaching the exercises.The little thing has the blood of the dragon clan and the blood of the golden python and the dragon snake, which made Gu Xuan a little worried. In the end, Gu Xuan decided to pass on all the Dragon Transformation Art and the Heavenly Snake Transformation to the little thing. As for how to practice it, it is up to him. Choose!
As soon as the consciousness moves, it enters the sea of ​​consciousness of the little thing, leaving a brand mark, which contains the two exercises of Heavenly Snake Transformation and Dragon Transformation Art, as well as some maps of heaven and earth spirits and common sense of cultivation.Gu Xuan was imprinted into it all at once, since he wanted to help him, he had to help him to the end.

Then Gu Xuan took out a dragon's blood flower, a lot of elixir, and a bottle of body quenching pills, and finally took out a gourd of Biluo spring water and yin and yang good fortune water, and handed everything to the little thing, including the little one. Things were put in the quiet room by Gu Xuan, and after a few instructions to let him practice hard, he left.

Cultivation has no time, half a year has passed in a blink of an eye, Gu Xuan's life is extremely comfortable, he has nothing to do with alchemy and cultivation.Then drink with She Qianshan and the others, and live a leisurely life.

On this day, Gu Xuan was drinking wine by the lake, feeling very comfortable, suddenly a wave of spiritual energy gathered towards his cave.Gu Xuan's heart moved, he put away the wine gourd, swept his consciousness, and found that it was caused by a small thing.

The whole body of the little thing in the quiet room of the cave was twisted continuously, countless blood seeped out from the body surface, and the one horn on his forehead was also a little sad.Only his eyes were full of unyielding color, with a roar, countless auras drilled towards the little thing's body.After watching it for a while, Gu Xuan ignored it. This was a hurdle for the little things to become stronger.Failure to pass will only deplete one's own potential, and it will be much more difficult to change in the future.

The spiritual energy gathered more and more, and a vortex had already formed above Gu Xuan's cave, the little thing was still holding on, allowing the spiritual energy to penetrate into the body.At this time, he was only subconsciously running the exercises. Gu Xuan found that the little thing had reached its limit, and his spiritual consciousness wrapped Biluoquan and sent it to the little thing's mouth. Swallowed into the stomach.

As soon as the Biluo spring water entered the little thing's body, it turned into a wave of life and spiritual power and began to repair the little thing's injured body. His consciousness also came to his senses, and he crawled towards the gourd of the yin and yang good fortune water again, but at this time he had just recovered a little bit of strength , I felt a burning pain when I moved my body.Just persisting, this time Gu Xuan didn't help anymore, but watched.

At a distance of three feet, the little thing crawled for a full stick of incense.Finally, the little thing climbed to the edge of the gourd and stretched out his body to press on the gourd. The gourd was overwhelmed, and the yin and yang water flowed out.The little thing spit out the letter and began to swallow it. A gourd of yin and yang good fortune water was absorbed by the little thing, and his body began to change. A golden light shot out from the body, instantly illuminating the entire quiet room.

A sound of dragon chant came from Gu Xuan's cave, and the little thing's body shattered all of a sudden, countless blood splashed out, and finally turned into a one-horned giant snake more than three feet long, and its whole body turned into golden scales.A single horn on the forehead is also more than three feet long, piercing the sky.At this time, the little guy has already changed a lot, his whole body is golden, but his head looks a bit like a dragon's head, and it is the unicorn that destroys the image of the dragon's head.

The little thing opened his mouth and inhaled all the spiritual energy into his abdomen, groaned, swayed his body, and appeared in front of the cave gate. He saw Gu Xuanchang making another dragon chant sound, but found that his body was a bit big at this time, For a while, he seemed a little hesitant.

"If you don't change form at this time, when will you wait!" Gu Xuan shouted sharply, the voice seemed to have the effect of enlightenment, the little thing was stunned for a moment and then came to his senses, after a few breaths he refined the bones, With a jump, he turned into a child, wearing golden clothes all over his body, only seven or eight years old, he opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

"From now on, you will be my chief disciple of Gu Xuan. You don't have a name. I will give you a name today as the master. You will be the master's surname. You are like a dragon and have the blood of the dragon clan. I will name you a dragon." Words, you will be called Gu Long from now on! You have transformed, go see your mother first, and then come back, and pass on some life-saving things to your teacher." Gu Xuan finished speaking to Gu Long, and with a wave of his hand, Qinghu appeared in Gu Long In front of him, with a thought, the route of Jinying Dongfu appeared in Qinghu's mind.

"This is my teacher's mount, just ride it back! There are some pills here, you can give them to your mother for me!" After speaking, he put the ancient dragon on Qinghu's back, Qinghu let out a long roar, and turned towards Jin Ying's Dongfu left.

Just as Qinghu left, Snake Yan, Snake Cheng and Hei Yuan appeared in front of Gu Xuan's cave. Seeing Gu Xuan in front of the cave, he was a little puzzled.Previously, they felt a surge of spiritual energy coming from Gu Xuan's cave.Could it be that they felt wrong, Gu Xuan invited them to the cave, gave each of them a gourd spirit wine, took two sips, and then told about Gu Long's transformation.

After listening to Gu Xuan's words, they all couldn't wait to see Gu Long to see how talented he was and whether he was qualified to be cultivated.Gu Long can be said to be very talented, and his talent is definitely not weaker than others of his generation.It's just that Gu Xuan has come to the Snake Clan and hasn't seen Gu Long's generation for so long.

Several people were talking about Gu Long, and when they heard that Gu Xuan had accepted Gu Long as the first disciple, a look of regret flashed across their faces.More than half an hour passed, and there was a roar of a tiger. Gu Xuan knew that it was Qinghu and Gulong who had returned, so he got up and walked towards the outside of the cave. Seeing this, Sheyan and the others also got up and followed. When they saw Gulong, Several people looked at Gu Xuan with jealousy.

In the end, She Yan and others gave Gu Long a gift and left. Qinghu didn't want to go in, so Gu Xuan didn't force him, and let him play around the cave.Gu Xuan brought Gu Long to the cave, explained some things to Gu Long, and took out a few jade slips to let him practice hard. If he had anything to do, he would go to the patriarch and many elders.After thinking for a moment, Gu Xuan took out two storage rings and handed them to Gu Long again. One storage ring contained some pills, and the other contained ten Poison Flame Beads and one Thunder Tribulation Bead.

Leaving the cave to Gu Long, he wanted to leave with the green tiger. Three days ago, Yuting told Gu Xuan that the map of the ruins sold at the Danyu Auction had already been opened, and the ruins were on the pulsating star of the Beast Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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