ancestral snake

Chapter 118 Killing in the Great Hall

Chapter 118 Killing in the Great Hall
Gu Xuan rode on Qinghu's back and headed all the way towards Longsnake City. Qinghu's speed was very fast, and he appeared in Longsnake City after a dozen or so breaths.

After a flash of teleportation, Gu Xuan disappeared on the Sky Snake Star, and when he reappeared, he had arrived at the Blood Solitary City on the Blood Solitary Star in the Beast Realm. .As soon as Gu Xuan left the teleportation formation, he found that there were many practitioners beside the transmission formation, all of whom were talking about the ruins, and the news that the pulsating star ruins had been opened spread.

Gu Xuan put the green tiger away, looked at the long line of dragons in front of the teleportation formation, frowned, thinking to himself, he had to think of a way, otherwise, after these people teleported, I don't know how long it would have passed.After a few breaths, the corners of Gu Xuan's mouth curled up, revealing a slight smile, and he walked towards a secluded place, released his consciousness to observe, and found that the surroundings were not paying attention to him.Then there was a burst of change, and when Gu Xuan returned to the teleportation formation, he had already turned into a skinny old man, exuding an aura that only existed in the Mahayana period.

The person in charge of the teleportation formation rushed over to ask Gu Xuan where he was going, and when he learned that Gu Xuan was going to the pulsating star, he invited Gu Xuan to the teleportation platform. Gu Xuan waved and threw a hundred spirit stones, with no expression on his face However, although the people in the queue were unwilling, they did not dare to show it.

After a flash of white light, Gu Xuan appeared on the pulsating star. Gu Xuan took out the map of the ruins he had taken and looked at it, and found that the ruins were only more than 3000 meters away from the direction of the teleportation array.It turned into a gust of wind and disappeared on the edge of the teleportation formation. Along the way, Gu Xuan found that there were many people from the pulsating star, thousands of them, all of whom were moving around the ruins. When Gu Xuan appeared at the entrance of the ruins, he found that the entrance Dozens of people blocked the door.It was obviously intercepting the person who entered.

Gu Xuan snorted coldly, and released a mahayana aura, and the interceptor hurriedly squeezed out a smile and said: "Senior, you can go in directly!"

Gu Xuan withdrew his momentum without saying a word, and went straight to the gate of the ruins. As soon as he entered the ruins, Gu Xuan felt surrounded by a force of space, and appeared on a mountain peak in a blink of an eye.As soon as he appeared, Gu Xuan felt a gust of wind coming, his left foot stepped on the ground, and his body left the spot like an arrow from the string.Standing in the void, he realized that it was a magic snake that was attacking him. Unfortunately, his mind was infected by evil spirits, and he acted on instinct.

"Get out!" Gu Xuan yelled sharply, a violent breath was released instantly, and the demon snake instinctively felt a sense of danger and fled away.

Gu Xuan didn't care, and released his divine sense to explore the surrounding environment. When the divine sense was released 3000 meters away, Gu Xuan felt a wave of real energy. Looking carefully, he found that dozens of people were attacking the gate of a hall together. The door was blasted open by everyone.Everyone rushed in, Gu Xuan also speeded up, and just after everyone went in, he also slipped in.

"Hahaha, the ancestor is called the Great Sun Devil Ancestor. You are welcome to enter the cave of the ancestor. It has been countless years! I don't know if you still remember me, the ancestor. First, let me introduce you to the ancestor. , the ancestor's cave has a total of 36 halls, the first [-] halls are just ordinary halls, each hall has only one treasure of the town hall, and some ordinary cultivation supplies. Only the last six halls are the ancestors My life savings, there are countless elixir in the alchemy hall, and endless magic weapons in the device hall. The medicine hall is a medicine garden, where countless elixir grows. After so many years, they have grown into the top elixir in the cultivation world. Yes. There are countless exercises, secret techniques, and supernatural powers in the inheritance hall, which are collected by the ancestors all his life. The magic hall is what the ancestors have learned all their lives, and it is also the place where my true inheritance is. What is in the last ancestor hall? Only those who become the Lord of the Demon Palace can know that it is the reward left by the ancestors to the final victors! Well, now we can hunt for treasures!" A frantic voice echoed in the hall.

When everyone heard that there was a treasure of the town hall, they all started to check it out. One of them broke a restriction and got a spiritual weapon. He laughed excitedly. At this moment, the door of the hall suddenly opened. Together, an invisible restriction was activated, covering the entire hall.

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter if someone found the treasure. This is the beginning. When someone of you breaks the first restriction, the formation in the hall will be activated. Have you seen the teleportation array in the middle of the hall? Only three people can be teleported, so the next thing you have to do is to fight, leaving the last three people. If you have the strength, you can also kill everyone. Do you feel that you have been tricked and a little angry, then Just kill all the people around you. By the way, I will tell you one more thing. If there are not three of you left after an hour, everyone will be wiped out by the big formation. You don’t have to believe it, hahaha! "

Everyone's expressions changed, and some people's eyes began to flicker, not knowing whether to listen to these words or not.

"Ah!" A scream echoed in the hall, and finally someone couldn't bear it any longer, and began to follow the words of the Great Sun Demon Ancestor.If someone started, countless people would follow suit. Sure enough, in the next time, the hall turned into a Shura field, with stumps flying and blood splattering. Gu Xuan stood aside, watching with cold eyes. When he made a move, Gu Xuan would mercilessly kill him, whether it was in the out-of-body stage or in the Nascent Soul stage, he would be destroyed with one move.It made everyone feel a little jealous of Gu Xuan.

After a stick of incense time passed, there were only six people left in the hall, and the other five people glanced at each other, all of them came to kill Gu Xuanwei.Gu Xuan snorted coldly, and using the soul-falling secret technique, the five of them felt a bell ringing in the sea of ​​consciousness. After a long time, the bell became louder and louder, and finally turned into a sound. The five of them only felt their eyes go dark, He completely lost his breath.

After Gu Xuan cleaned up the battlefield, he hesitated for a moment and finally stepped onto the teleportation formation. As soon as Gu Xuan entered the teleportation formation, a piece of jade slip flew towards Gu Xuan, and released a giant hand of true essence to catch the jade slip. Looking into the consciousness, Gu Xuan's face was a little ugly. It turned out that the jade slips reminded that only one person can be teleported in each hall. When No.1 is teleported, the teleportation array will be automatically destroyed.If the first person stepped onto the teleportation array and didn't compete for the jade slip, they would be teleported out smoothly. If they fought, they might lose their chance in the end.But what the Great Sun Demon Ancestor said about the treasure of the town hall is true.

A flash of sword light flashed, and the restriction was broken. Gu Xuan took away the treasure of the town hall, and immediately activated the teleportation array. With a bad sound and a bang, Gu Xuan was thrown tens of meters away, stood up with a leap, and found himself in the territory of the black-armored demon bull. Following the roar, hundreds of black-armored demon bulls Surround Gu Xuan.

roar, roar, roar!
The black-armored demon ox roared angrily, its eyes were full of violence, its head was crowned with three-foot-long blood-red horns, its whole body was covered with black scales, only its belly was covered with soft hair, Gu Xuan thought about it for a while. , and concluded that the location of his teleportation was definitely deliberately arranged by the Great Sun Demon Ancestor.Seeing that the black-armored demon bull was about to erupt.Gu Xuan also felt aggrieved, and directly manifested himself, a huge purple snake hundreds of feet long appeared surrounded by the black-armored demon ox.

With a sweep of Gu Xuan's giant tail, dozens of black-armored demon bulls were sent flying by Gu Xuan.The rest of the black-armored bulls roared and rushed towards Gu Xuan. The scene of hundreds of bulls galloping was very majestic, but Gu Xuan was not in the mood to watch this scene, feeling that the black-armored bulls were getting closer and closer, and the ground was There was a tremor, and when the countless horns that flashed coldly were about to pierce Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan disappeared, and dozens of black-armored demon cows collided together.

All of a sudden, flesh and blood flew, the herd of cows roared, and dozens of black-armored demon cows were trampled to death by their own race.At this time, Gu Xuan appeared again, manifesting in the body of Dharma, holding a coiling snake spear, stabbing or prodding, the coiling snake spear danced airtightly, the black-armored demon cow died when it touched it, sweeping the wounded, Gu Xuan also fought in Vietnam The happier he was, the fainter a hint of gun intent.

Holding the Coiled Snake Spear in both hands, Gu Xuan rushed towards the herd of black-armored demon cows. Each of the black-armored demonic cows was devoured by the Coiled Snake Spear, leaving only one piece of scales and horns on the ground, and their flesh and blood were devoured by the Coiled Snake Spear.Gu Xuan let out a long cry, and the Coiled Snake Spear in his hand turned into thousands of spear shadows. After one after another puff, the black-armored demon bull was finally wiped out by Gu Xuan. Gu Xuan closed his eyes while holding the Coiled Snake Spear. Still dancing the Coiled Snake Spear, suddenly Gu Xuan opened his eyes, and the Coiled Snake Spear pierced straight out, causing ripples in the space, and finally extended a few small space cracks.

It's a pity, Gu Xuan shook his head, his understanding of spear skills is still a bit superficial, although he killed the Black Armored Demon's herd, he relied on the sharpness of the Coiled Snake Spear.After this relic is over, it's time to study spear skills, otherwise the opponent will become stronger and stronger in the future, but the attacking methods in my hands will be a little less, and I will gradually lose track of my rhythm.

Glancing at the corpses of the black-armored demon bulls all over the ground, Gu Xuan sacrificed the Heaven-Swallowing Bottle, and put away all the corpses of the Black-armored Demon-ox. The scales and horns were put together, and the flesh and blood were refined by the Sky-Tuning Bottle. One time, so that the Coiled Snake Spear can swallow it.After a full stick of incense, the black-armored demon cows all over the ground disappeared, and were swallowed up by the sky-swallowing bottle.Gu Xuan took out an ox horn, exerted force with both hands, the horn became tense, and felt it, and found that these ox horns were a kind of incompetent spirit weapon after a little refinement, this time he obtained hundreds of pairs, and kept some for himself , and the rest will be handed over to the clan when they return to the snake clan.

Unleashed his consciousness to observe the surroundings, and found no one, Gu Xuan crossed his knees on the ground and began to recover the consumed real energy. After an hour passed, Gu Xuan's real energy was almost recovered, and he walked forward.

After leaving for an hour, Gu Xuan heard the sound of fighting, so he released his divine sense to observe, and found that the three were confronting 16 people, and the three were surrounded.Gu Xuan didn't know him either, so he wanted to leave directly.

(End of this chapter)

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