ancestral snake

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

A huge dark green net descended from the sky, facing Gu Xuan as a hood, Gu Xuan's face turned cold, and he secretly thought that he didn't want to cause trouble, but troubles kept coming.In this case, Gu Xuan was no longer silent, his eyes widened, two golden lights shot out, two holes appeared in the dark green giant net in an instant, and there was no longer any light, a green-robed cultivator who was fighting suddenly shot out A mouthful of blood came.

How could the enemy let go of such a good opportunity, a silk thread came in an instant, wrapped and pulled at the neck of the green-robed cultivator, a human head flew up, blood rushed into the sky like a fountain, and a dark green Nascent Soul fell into the sky. To flee away.It's a pity that someone didn't give him a chance, a cruelty flashed across the face of a demon practitioner closest to Nascent Soul, and released a black animal skin bag.Opening it to Yuanying, a majestic suction came out from the animal skin bag, and Yuanying didn't expect his companion to fall into trouble.Before he could react, he was swallowed up by the animal skin bag.

Gu Xuan Zhenyuan put away the damaged giant net with a probe, and swept his gaze towards the remaining 15 people.

"Separate three people to kill this kid first, and dare to ruin our business, so don't leave, go down and accompany Eleven! Fifth, seventh, eighth, you three go and kill this kid for me, Remember to keep Yuanying for me!" A vicious man in a white Taoist robe glanced at Gu Xuan murderously, and began to give orders, and in an instant, three people withdrew from the battle circle and surrounded Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan stood in the void, looking indifferently at the three people surrounding him, one in the middle stage of OBE, and two in the early stage of OBE.If it were placed on other people, it might be a threat, but at this time it was Gu Xuan who was besieged. Seeing that the encirclement circle of the three of them was getting smaller and smaller, a murderous intent flashed in their eyes, and the special artistic conception of space was used, and the three of them instantly Feeling that they were in the mud, their actions were greatly reduced. Only then did they realize that they were a little overwhelmed, but unfortunately it was too late.The Sky Swallowing Bottle sucked at the three of them, and the bodies of the three were immobilized, allowing the Sky Swallowing Bottle to swallow them up.

The two warring parties obviously didn't expect that the three besieged Gu Xuan without even meeting each other, and they were killed by Gu Xuan. For a while, the moods of the two warring people were reversed.The three people who were besieged were very excited, but the 12 people who attacked were somewhat gloomy.The scene was deadlocked in an instant, and everyone on both sides remained silent.

Gu Xuan walked towards their battle circle step by step, glanced at the crowd indifferently, and then turned his eyes on the vicious man.

Thoughts flashed in the vicious man's mind at this time, seeing Gu Xuan getting closer, the vicious man no longer concealed, a cruel flash of light flashed in his eyes, he opened his mouth and spit out three black lights, shooting towards Gu Xuan, three times Dao Wuguang's speed was too fast, he arrived at Gu Xuan's side in an instant, only heard a ding ding ding sound, Gu Xuan took a step back, and pulled out the three black poison needles that were stuck on his body.

Smiled at the sinister man, then waved three poisonous needles and shot at the three of them. When the three of them saw the poisonous needles shot towards themselves, they all laughed and attacked them with their boss' magic weapon. Isn't this a joke?

"Be careful, get out of the way!" The sinister man was about to take back the poisonous needle, only to realize that he had lost contact with the poisonous needle. He was horrified, and hurriedly shouted at the three of them.It's a pity that his voice was a bit late. The three cultivators couldn't believe it, and they all turned into three puddles of blood in an instant.

"Die to me!" The vicious man shouted angrily, with a black chain in his hand, he attacked Gu Xuan, the chain danced, and there was a moaning sound in the void, as if endless vengeful souls were screaming.As soon as Gu Xuan moved his body, he dodged away, but the black chain seemed to have identified Gu Xuan, no matter how he dodged, he would not let him go.

As soon as the sinister man made a move, the rest of the people also made a move. It's just that there were so many of them before and they couldn't do anything to the three of them, let alone at this time, one person was broken in less than a stick of incense, and the rest of the people felt that they were dead. It's also a little more depressing.

With a cold snort, the soul-falling secret technique was used, and the vicious man felt a huge bell echoing in his sea of ​​consciousness, knowing that he had been tricked.With a thought, he retracted the chain and protected it in front of his body, but he had some doubts about when the giant clock would appear in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then two golden lights enveloped the sinister man.The sinister man hastily sacrificed the chain, but unfortunately he didn't know how powerful the ancient mysterious purple snake pupil was. Once the chain was wrapped by the purple snake pupil, it melted at a speed almost visible to the naked eye. After a few breaths, the black chain had already disappeared.Gu Xuan felt a stream of pure soul and divine power enter the space of snake pupils, and transferred to the sea of ​​consciousness without even thinking about it, and was swallowed by the divine soul.Gu Xuan felt that his spirit became solidified again.

The vicious man was still resisting the attack from the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Unexpectedly, within a few breaths, his natal magic weapon was completely destroyed. The natal magic weapon was connected with his heart and blood. At the moment of its destruction, the vicious man spurted a few mouthfuls of blood.Looking at Gu Xuan with a face full of horror, endless remorse arose in his heart, if he knew that he should not have provoked this talent in the first place.

No matter how much he struggled, Gu Xuan would not let him go, and the Coiled Snake Spear directly stabbed at the vicious man. Suddenly, Gu Xuan put away his storage ring.After glancing at the rest of the people, they left directly.

"Fellow daoist, please stay! I am here, Liu Yifeng, thank you fellow daoist for saving your life!" Liu Yifeng bowed deeply to Gu Xuan, then took out a jade slip and handed it to Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan took it away, and the divine sense explorer After entering, I found that it was a map in the ruins, and looked at Liu Yifeng with some doubts.

"This is the treasure of the town hall that I got in a big hall!" Liu Yifeng smiled wryly!Gu Xuan seemed to understand why they were besieged by vicious men.Glancing at the remaining two people, Gu Xuan had a strange feeling in his heart, but he couldn't tell what it was for a while.

"Are the two of them going all the way with you?" Gu Xuan asked!

"No, they are also passers-by like you. When they were stopped by these people, they gathered with me to defend against the enemy!" After Liu Yifeng finished speaking, Gu Xuan nodded thoughtfully, and calmly looked at the two sides. After leaving a mark on the man, he said to Liu Yifeng: "According to the mark on the jade slip, there are two halls more than 5000 meters away from us. I don't know if anyone has been there. Let's go and have a look first!"

Then the two walked in the sky and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

After a little more time, Gu Xuan and Liu Yifeng appeared in a large hall. After observing for a while, they found that no one had entered.After the two discussed it, Gu Xuan left and headed towards the great hall not far away.After observing, he found that no one entered, so Gu Xuan took out the Coiled Snake Spear.After one shot, the restriction on the door of the main hall was broken.Gu Xuan pushed open the door and entered directly. As expected, the insolent voice echoed in the hall again.

Gu Xuan didn't pay attention, but released his consciousness and began to search for the treasures of the town hall. In less than a stick of incense, Gu Xuan broke through several restrictions and found several treasures. The treasure of the temple.Could it be that there is no town hall treasure in this hall?It should be impossible, so where is the treasure of the town hall?All the places have been searched, but there is only one place that has not been found, and that is the teleportation array.

As soon as he came to the edge of the teleportation formation, he saw a black roulette resting on the transmission formation. Gu Xuan reached out to pick it up, and a wild voice sounded again.

"Hahaha, you have already obtained the treasure of the town hall. The next place may be very exciting. You have to be mentally prepared. As for what you will encounter? You will know when you go. It will definitely surprise you, but persist In the end, the harvest is also very rich, junior, come on!"

Gu Xuan put away the black roulette and directly entered the teleportation array. This time the teleportation was no different from the usual teleportation array.Gu Xuan found that it seemed to be teleported to a large hall.I am on a platform, and there seems to be a shield outside the platform.

"Another person came to die, and there are 11 more people to compete for the inheritance of the alchemy palace. I, Yin Tianba, will kill you all, and finally compete for the inheritance of the last demon ancestor, and then I can dominate the cultivation world. Hahaha!" A burly man looked at the crowd and laughed, as if everyone's fate was doomed.Gu Xuan was somewhat puzzled, could it be that he was late and missed what the Great Sun Demon Ancestor said?

"Fellow Daoist, what is the inheritance of the Pill Palace?" Gu Xuan asked the person closest to him!
"Just look at the stone pillar behind you!" said the cultivator beside him without raising his eyelids!
Gu Xuan turned around and looked at the stone pillar, with some doubts, he slapped the stone pillar with his palm, but unfortunately found nothing.He released his consciousness, and as soon as his consciousness touched the stone pillar, an insolent voice sounded in Gu Xuan's ear again!

"Hahaha, are you confused? Don't worry, this is Dandian, there are 36 platforms. When all the people on the platforms appear, the shields on them will disappear automatically. The next step is to see your fortune, The law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest have been the most iron-clad law of cultivators for thousands of years. Only by killing all the people, you will get the entire alchemy hall. At that time, you can choose, one is to collect one-tenth of the elixir Quit the final competition. The second is to enter the final competition. At that time, you will be sent to the Demon Palace. There are six people in total. You will fight for the final battle until the last person is left, and you will get the inheritance of my ancestor. Everything in the cave is yours. In advance, you can fight to the end and have the strength to surpass everyone! How is it? Do you feel that the ancestor is a lunatic? Yes, the ancestor is the craziest person in the cultivation world. After you get the inheritance from the ancestor, you will understand what the ancestor said! Hahaha, junior, I hope you can live to the end! Hahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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