ancestral snake

Chapter 123 Keeping the beat is my way

Chapter 123 Keeping the beat is my way

"Boy, if you come here, you can get the ancient marching drum. It is also a chance to come here. Dare to fight for the final inheritance. Although it failed, the ancestor admired you a little bit, so I gave you a gift. Your eyes should be cultivated. This is caused by the failure of the phantom magic eye. Although the cultivator has divine consciousness, any part of the human body has his intentions. You will understand in the future, and the ancestor will help you. After speaking, stretch out your hand, Wugu When he arrived at the side of the Great Sun Demon Ancestor, he saw that the Great Sun Demon Ancestor waved his hand, and two dark red light marks entered the two eyes of Wu Gu.

"Thank you for the kindness of the ancestor's re-creation, and there will be a reward in the future!" Wu Gu bowed to the Great Sun Demon Ancestor.The Great Sun Demon Ancestor waved his hand, and the witch bone disappeared into the hall.

"Okay, you go on, the ancestor is just a spectator!" The Great Sun Demon Ancestor glanced at the crowd, waved his hand and said!

At this time, the cultivator exuding a fierce aura stepped onto the ring and said to Gu Xuan, "One Sword Sect, Chen Fan! My sword is stained with either the enemy's blood or my own blood, so I No mercy!"

"Gu Xuan!"

After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he picked up the Coiled Snake Spear and pointed the tip at Chen Fan. The two confronted each other, looking for flaws in each other. Did not comprehend the sword intent.Gu Xuan didn't want to continue this confrontation, he moved his body, shook his Coiled Snake Spear, and stabbed at Chen Fan.The speed is extremely fast, but Gu Xuan's speed is fast, and Chen Fan's speed is even faster. A sword light flashed past, and a sound of gold and iron intertwined came.

Chen Fan's sword pierced Gu Xuan's heart, but it was like piercing a golden stone and an iron peak.But Gu Xuan's spear pointed at Chen Fan's neck, as long as he pierced it lightly, Chen Fan would die at any time.

"I admit defeat!" Chen Fan simply admitted defeat. Although he was fast enough, the opponent's defense was ridiculously strong. No matter what attack he had, it was impossible to harm him. lives will be lost.Maybe his speed is fast enough and his attack is strong enough. If he meets other people, the result will definitely be different, but unfortunately he met Gu Xuan.

Chen Fan walked to the bottom of the Great Sun Demon Ancestor, bowed to him, and said, "Please also ask the ancestor to send the younger generation out!"

The Great Sun Demon Ancestor nodded and said, "Stay true to your heart and abide by your own way!" After finishing speaking, he sent Chen Fan out with a wave of his hand.

Gu Xuan has already lost two in a row, and if he loses three more, he can get the inheritance of the Great Sun Demon Ancestor.

"Since there is no one to make a move, let me go first!" The old man who came in at the end just finished speaking, and the thin man came to the ring, dressed in black, with a knife on his back, slowly Pulled out the saber, stroked it lightly, and then said to Gu Xuan: "Hua Dao Sect, Dugu, if you can take three sabers from me, I will automatically withdraw from this inheritance!"

"Please!" Gu Xuan backed away after speaking!
"The first knife, chopping wood!"

brush!A cold light flashed, as fast as lightning, and arrived at Gu Xuan's side in an instant. With a flick of his Pan Snake Spear, Gu Xuan took the first move of Dugu's sword!
"Second cut, bone removal!"

With a wave of the long knife in Dugu Yidao's hand, thousands of lights of the knife shone like stars at night, covering Gu Xuan, only heard a sound of ding ding ding, after a stick of incense, the light of the knife disappeared, and the purple robe on Gu Xuan's body, It became a strip, and there were dozens of white knife marks on his body.

Dugu shrank his knife eyes, took a deep breath and said, "The next knife, I can send it or not, be careful, it's better to take out the magic weapon for defense!"

After finishing speaking, Dugu closed his sword eyes, his whole body exuded a domineering aura, and the long knife in his hand trembled, as if very excited!
"This is the sword intent!" Gu Xuan exclaimed. You must know that the artistic conception of the five elements is easy to comprehend. As long as you have a good understanding, you can comprehend it in some special environments. To be harsh, you have to have great perseverance and perseverance in addition to your talent and comprehension. You must constantly be familiar with your own sword and feel your own sword. The second is cultivation. I don’t know how many times I practice the basic sword skills every day. Finally, there is a chance to comprehend the sword intent, or the sword intent.

Dugu Yidao was able to comprehend the meaning of the sword, obviously a person with great perseverance.Whether he can send it or not, it can be seen that his saber intent is still just comprehended, but it should not be taken lightly.Gu Xuan activated the fighting method immediately, and turned into a snake-headed human body, covered with purple scales.The golden eyes fixedly stared at Dugu Yidao.

"Third knife, split the head!"

A virtual knife tens of feet long appeared above Dugu Yidao's head, the long knife in his hand was also suspended in the air and merged with the virtual knife, piercing through the void and slashing towards Gu Xuan's neck.Gu Xuan let out a cold snort, and used the soul-falling secret technique, but the target was not Dugu's knife but the giant knife in front of him, his eyes widened, and two golden lights shot out, covering the giant knife, and the Coiled Snake Spear also became bigger, facing The big knife smashed directly.

Boom!The Coiled Snake Spear and the Giant Knife collided, arousing a violent tide. The two weapons persisted for a few breaths, and the giant knife suddenly shattered and turned into sword light, flying towards Gu Xuan overwhelmingly. After a burst of tinkling sounds , Gu Xuan's whole body was covered with blood, and several scales were broken.These are not the point, the point is that the saber energy entering the body is constantly flowing through the meridians, Gu Xuan sits directly on the ring, pouring all the spiritual consciousness into the body, the primordial purple fire is summoned by Gu Xuan to the meridians, and burns continuously Touch the knife energy in the meridians.Half an hour later, Gu Xuan opened his eyes, his whole body was full of energy and blood, those injured and broken scales recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, within a few breaths, the recovery was complete.

Gu Xuan transformed back into a human body again, and found that Dugu Yidao had long since disappeared, presumably he left.And the last two, a fat man and an old man.

"Old Dao naturally turns into dust. This time when the Demon Ancestor passed on, the old Dao gave up. The old Tao knows that he is not the opponent of the Daoist friend, so he is not ashamed to show his eyes! Please also ask the Demon Ancestor to send the younger generation out!" The old man said to the Great Sun Demon Ancestor I saluted.

"You are a member of the Natural Sect. It is reasonable not to fight. Do nothing but do nothing. Why bother?" The Great Sun Demon Ancestor seemed to sigh a little. In the magic hall.

"It's just the two of you left, little fat man, hurry up, your physical body is good, you can compete with him in the future!" the Great Sun Demon Ancestor said to the last one.

"Old Ancestor, I'm puffy, his body is too strong, I think I'd better admit defeat!" the fat man said embarrassingly!It's a pity that the Great Sun Demon Ancestor didn't appreciate it, and with a wave of his hand, the fat man came to the ring, and said to Gu Xuan with a mournful face, "I'm called Stone Puppet, and I have no other skills except to eat, brother, you have to be merciful if you do something later!"

Gu Xuan took a deep look at the fat stone puppet, but didn't answer, retracted the Coiled Snake Spear, stretched his fists, and opened the air of the Earth Dragon Fist.With a move of Earth Dragon Going Out, I saw a dragon's fist burst out, and with a long cry, it attacked the fat stone puppet.

Seeing the attack coming, Fatty also became serious, and with a circle of both hands, a huge Tai Chi appeared.Put the dragon-shaped fist to one level, and then turned into a huge Tai Chi to suppress Gu Xuan.Gu Xuan didn't even look at it, jumped up and tore Tai Chi into nothingness.The fat man hid aside with a strange cry.Seeing this, Gu Xuan frowned, using a special artistic conception of space, the fat man couldn't move for a while, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Then his body changed, and he was more than ten feet tall, like a little giant. At this time, the fat man looked solemn.With a flick of both arms, like an elephant flicking its nose, an invisible aura enveloped Gu Xuan.There was a hint of surprise in Gu Xuan's eyes, he didn't expect the fat man to have such a change.

Gu Xuan moved his body, showing his fighting skills, the two were about the same size, they both started to run, wanting to fight close to each other.Just when the two were about to meet, Fatty kicked up and stepped towards Gu Xuan, Gu Xuan threw out a fist, fist and foot intersected, making a deafening sound, Gu Xuan's body shook slightly, but Fatty took a few steps back .The high and the low were separated, Gu Xuan didn't hold back, and took advantage of the fat man's unsteady body to fly close.The huge fist hit the fat man's head.Fatty moved his body to the left, and threw his right fist backwards. As soon as the two punches collided, Fatty flew upside down and fell on the ring, which shook a few times.It can be seen that the weight of the fat man is unclear.

"No more fights, no more fights, I admit defeat, and I will starve for a few more days!" Fatty put away his transformation and muttered in his mouth!Then he ran towards the arena.

"Little Fatty, you have the blood of the dragon elephant in your body. The ancestor here has a kung fu 'Dragon Elephant Sutra' and pass it on to you! I hope you will not disappoint this kung fu!" The eyes of the Great Sun Demon Ancestor were full of regret, and he didn't know Is it a pity for the fat stone puppet?Or something else, anyway, the fat stone puppet was a little flustered by this look.

"Old Ancestor, what about that exercise?" The fat man rubbed his hands and asked with a mean smile!
The Great Sun Demon Ancestor snorted coldly, shot a talisman into Fatty's sea of ​​consciousness, and waved Fatty away.

"Junior Gu Xuan, I have met senior!" Gu Xuan bowed to the Great Sun Demon Ancestor!

"You are very good, but unfortunately, you have already found your own way. In addition, you are also a member of the Heavenly Snake clan. The inheritance of your ancestors is not in line with yours, which will make your way become mixed and incomplete. It's just that you are the only one in this inheritance competition. If you are the victor, it would be unreasonable not to give you some benefits, just say it, just say what you need, as long as you bring it up, the ancestor will find a way to do it." The Great Sun Demon Ancestor said with a long sigh!
"My way? I wonder if senior knows what my way is?" Gu Xuan asked eagerly!
"Your Tao, you can comprehend it by yourself, realize the Tao, understand the Tao, prove the Tao, cut the Tao, and become the Tao! You need to comprehend it yourself. No matter what others say, you don't understand it. , I will know!" After the Great Sun Demon Ancestor finished speaking, Gu Xuan fell into deep thought.The Great Sun Demon Ancestor didn't bother, but stood quietly aside!
(End of this chapter)

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