ancestral snake

Chapter 124

Chapter 124 Three Thousand Dharma Water Origin Orb

"Don't force anything! Enlightenment, if you understand the Tao, you understand it, if you don't understand it, you don't understand it. When the opportunity comes, you will naturally understand it, and you still don't wake up?" With the effect of the enlightenment, Gu Xuan woke up in an instant, and bowed deeply to the Great Sun Demon Ancestor.

"Think about it carefully, what do you need? Immortal weapon, elixir, or cultivation method, you can name it, and the ancestor can get it for you!"

"Senior, the exercises that this junior is learning now is a fragment, and I will definitely create my own Tao and Dharma in the future! So at this time, the most lacking thing is the exercises. If you can, senior, please give me some exercises, no How perfect it needs to be, but it needs a lot!" After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he looked at the Great Sun Demon Ancestor expectantly.

Hearing Gu Xuan's words, the Great Sun Demon Ancestor had a touch of approval in his eyes.After pondering for a moment, there was an extra dark red book in his hand, and he handed it to Gu Xuandao: "The old ancestor also cultivated incomplete skills in the past. Although he practiced successfully later, his foundation was still somewhat flawed. In the end, he walked in the Sanxian lineage. After surviving nine catastrophes, Zuwo resolutely decided to create his own exercises. He robbed countless sects, big and small, and collected more than 1000 exercises. Finally, after thousands of years of deduction, he finally passed the catastrophe. After deducing the state of the world, I repaired the whole body as a seal and re-cultivated. It took less than 130 years. My ancestor once again broke through to the stage of crossing the catastrophe. The Sanxian Tribulation has gone through a lot, but these Tribulations are essentially different from the Heavenly Tribulation."

"So my ancestor, I kept wandering in the world of cultivation. As long as I found someone who crossed the catastrophe, I would go forward to cross it once. After I crossed it nine times, my ancestor finally felt the breath of the fairy world, but I am a demon. How can one of the sects ascend to the fairy world? So I searched again, this time the target was those who practiced the magic method to overcome the catastrophe, and after nine times of catastrophe, the ancestor felt the breath of the demon world again, so he solved it. Opened the seal on his body, and began to pass through the tenth tribulation of immortality. After passing through so many tribulations, the flesh color of the ancestor has already broken through to the level of an immortal weapon, and he passed the tenth tribulation with ease."

"Later, as the ancestor's cultivation base increased and his knowledge increased, he looked at the cultivation world and found no opponents, so he ascended to the demon world and started his cultivation career in the demon world." I don't want to say any more.

"This is a book refined by the ancestor when he broke through the Devil Emperor. It contains [-] different exercises collected by the ancestor, and even some exercises from the ancient races. The three thousand teachings are taught to you, and when someone asks you for it one day, you just give it to him!"

"Cultivation is just a trivial matter. You are saying, what else is needed? The ancestor has done it once, so he can find another successor!" The Great Sun Demon Ancestor is also a little bit pained.After finally waiting for an inheritor, he found his own path and was no longer suitable for inheriting his mantle.

"By the way, ancestor, there is a younger sister in this junior. Although she is a colorful spirit snake, her cultivation level is a bit low. I wonder if ancestor has a way to make her cultivation level grow faster!" Gu Xuan could promise himself when he heard that. When one thing happened, I thought of Xiao Ling'er outside.

"Colorful Spirit Snake, that's rare. Since you said it, I have a treasure here, which should be quite suitable for her!" After speaking, he took out a water-blue bead, which was the same as the water spirit bead Gu Xuan got. almost.With a sweep of consciousness, Gu Xuan could clearly feel the pulse of water.My heart moved, could it be - could this be an innate spiritual treasure?Thinking of this, Gu Xuan's heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

"Old Ancestor, is this an innate spirit treasure?" Gu Xuan asked nervously!

"No, to be precise, this is an acquired spirit treasure, the water source bead! With the water source bead in your body, you can speed up your comprehension of the laws of the water system. Since your sister is a colorful spirit snake, I think you will get twice the result with half the effort if you have the water source bead. , all benefits and no harm!"

"Old Ancestor, what is the difference between Xiantian Lingbao and Houtian Lingbao?" Gu Xuan took this opportunity to find out what is Xiantian Lingbao?What acquired spirit treasure?
"Innate spirit treasures, that is, when the world was born, they also began to be born, or were conceived, this is the innate spirit treasure. Acquired spirit treasures are artificially refined, or some space caves evolve into small worlds, or small worlds are promoted The treasures conceived by the Small Thousand World and others, although they are naturally conceived by the heaven and the earth, but the origin of the law of the heaven and the earth that conceived them is too weak, only when they evolve into the Great Thousand World with one world, these spiritual treasures can also be called innate spirits They are treasures, but most of them do not have this potential, or they were discovered and sacrificed during gestation, or the world failed to evolve and turned into nothingness, and they were naturally swallowed by the turbulent flow of the void, and finally disappeared." The Great Sun Demon Ancestor did not He didn't hide anything, and told Gu Xuan about it.

"Okay, the ancestor has kept his promise, and finally gave you a big hall. This is a magic weapon in the cave. You can do it yourself. I hope that one day, you can see my real body. At that time, you will be qualified to call the ancestor a fellow Taoist." It is." After the Great Sun Demon Ancestor finished speaking, he took out a fist-sized hall and threw it to Gu Xuan. As soon as Gu Xuan took over the hall, he felt a change in his eyes, and only then realized that he was teleported out by the Great Sun Demon Ancestor.

The Great Sun Demon Ancestor stood above the ruins, with a playful look in his eyes, he laughed and said: "Boy, the ancestor will give you another big gift, it depends on whether you can grasp it, hahaha!"

Gu Xuan sized it up and found that the pulsating star was no longer there, so he took out the astrolabe and looked at it, his expression changed instantly, and he found that this planet was an unknown planet, and he was already on the edge of the beast realm. Going further south is the planet of the mortal world.The resentment towards the Great Sun Demon Ancestor in his heart is extremely strong, it's nothing more than playing with himself and others in his cave, but when he sees it coming out, he even puts himself on the line!Anyone will be a little upset!

However, to appear on a strange planet, the first thing is to observe whether there are practitioners.Gu Xuan released all his consciousness, covering half of the planet, suddenly felt two familiar auras, so he used his consciousness to watch for a while, and found that these two people were the two who escaped by sacrificing the teleportation talisman in the alchemy hall. People, but why these two people appeared on this planet.Some doubts in my heart, I thought about it for a moment, and then rushed towards the direction of the two.

Going all the way, Gu Xuan didn't hurry, anyway, those two people were already within his monitoring range.I don't know which sect the two belong to, but I just have a feeling in my heart that following the two will definitely gain a lot.Soon the two came to a valley, looked around, then accelerated and flew towards the depths of the valley. Gu Xuan had a meal first, then was overjoyed, did he finally reach the destination?

Gu Xuan released his consciousness and felt a danger deep in the valley.And there seemed to be a force blocking the prying of the divine sense, the doubts in Gu Xuan's heart became more and more serious, and the speed under his feet accelerated a little.Half an hour later, Gu Xuan finally came to the edge of the valley. He released his spiritual sense to observe carefully, and found that someone had set up a forbidden formation in the valley, and the power was not small.

After thinking for a while, Gu Xuan still decided to go into the valley to explore. After half an hour, Gu Xuan had already walked several thousand meters. When he released his divine sense, he realized that he had walked less than [-]% of the distance, and with the extension of the valley, the forbidden It is also getting stronger and stronger, and the potential danger is becoming more and more clear.An hour passed, and Gu Xuan found that he had walked a normal distance.At this time, there was already a wave of cloud and mist floating in the valley, and the deeper the valley was, the thicker the cloud and mist would be. If it wasn't for the strong ancient Xuan divine consciousness, if another person came, he would have triggered the forbidden formation and died a violent death.

Three hours passed, and Gu Xuan finally came to the depths of the valley, and found that the two people he was following had disappeared.His heart sank, and he released his spiritual sense to explore the surroundings. After a while, Gu Xuan let out a muffled snort, and his face suddenly became pale and weak.There was a turbulent wave in his heart, just now Gu Xuan's spiritual sense discovered that the cloud and mist in the deepest part of the valley were actually God Devouring Smoke.Could it be that this is where the old nest of the dark forces is located?

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through Gu Xuan's mind, whether he should notify the snake clan people, and he was afraid that the snake clan people would come here to scare the snakes.After careful consideration, Gu Xuan stepped into the Book of Heaven and Earth, and first recovered his consciousness and true energy. Only when he is in the best condition can he cope with everything.Sitting cross-legged on the edge of the Biluoquan, first restore the damaged consciousness, the Yuanhun Jue started to work, and the consciousness that had been swallowed by the God Devouring Smoke also slowly recovered.

Time passed by unconsciously, Gu Xuan was still recovering his true energy, and his spiritual consciousness had already been recovered, and only after the recovery of his true energy, he could investigate the details of this dark force.

Suddenly, Gu Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged, trembled all over, and a powerful breath disappeared in a flash.It was Gu Xuan who recovered his true energy, released his consciousness to look, and found that the sky was already dark, and the originally gloomy valley was now pitch black.Gu Xuan gave up the idea of ​​going out, this valley is obviously more complicated than he imagined, plus he is not familiar with the place, and there are many restrictions, if he is not careful, he will startle the snake.

Gu Xuan decided to wait until dawn before going out. At that time, he would directly catch a person, devour his memory with the soul devouring technique, and then use the wishful body to transform into this person's appearance. Presumably, he could fish in troubled waters and get everything he wanted to know.The waiting time is always so long, Gu Xuan never felt that one night was so long.That night, Gu Xuan didn't practice, nor did he meditate, because his mind couldn't calm down.

The next day, when the first ray of light pierced through the clouds in the valley, Gu Xuan also appeared, but at this time his appearance was no longer his own, but transformed into one of the people he was following.Going towards the sea of ​​God-devouring smoke at the deepest part of the valley, Gu Xuan felt that all the secrets were answered in the sea of ​​God-devouring smoke.

"Li Cheng, didn't you go back to Purple Pill Star? Why are you still here?" A voice suddenly sounded beside him, and Gu Xuan's body froze. Thousands of thoughts went through his mind, and then he fell down, his face pale. , his eyes were blank, his mouth opened, what did he want to say?
(End of this chapter)

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