ancestral snake

Chapter 125 Purple Dan Star Blood Jade Vein

Chapter 125 Purple Dan Star Blood Jade Vein
"Li Cheng, what's the matter with you? What happened?" Seeing Gu Xuan like this, the man in front of him had lost all doubts!
Just when this person ran to Gu Xuan's side and wanted to rescue him, he was wrapped in a cloud of colorful smoke and then lost consciousness. People entered the Book of Heaven and Earth.After making dozens of handprints to seal this person, he put away the colorful smoke.This person woke up within less than a stick of incense, and found that he could not move his body or speak.After a little thought, he understood everything. For a moment, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of horror.

Gu Xuan opened his eyes, two golden lights shot out, directly into the sea of ​​consciousness of this person, after half an hour, this person's eyes were lifeless, his soul was scattered, and he died.Gu Xuan began to absorb and refine this person's memory, and after another half an hour, Gu Xuan had already absorbed all of this person's memory, leaving only a stream of pure soul energy, which was swallowed by his own soul.

It turns out that this person is named Sun Wen, and Li Cheng is mainly in charge of some planets in the mortal world. His mission is to provoke the countries on the mortal planets, start wars, collect living souls and corpses, and send them to Zidan Star. There is a sea of ​​blood, which is formed by the corpses collected by them.It is said that they are preparing for the resurrection of the fairy lord. They are only the lowest-level deacons, and they can only be in charge of the kingdom of the mortal planet. On the mortal planet, although there are some practitioners, the highest cultivation is the out-of-body period, just like them people activity.

They have one year of free time every ten years, and this time when they first came to the beast realm, they heard that a ruin was about to be opened.He followed everyone into the ruins of the Great Sun Demon Ancestor, but unexpectedly, he was forced to use the teleportation talisman by the wretched Taoist.They returned to the Misty Star, which is the planet they are in now.Li Cheng went to Zidan Star to report, while Sun Wen stayed on Yinwu Star to watch over everything here.

After learning everything, Gu Xuan immediately published the book of heaven and earth, and went straight to the deepest part of the valley, where there was a cave, which was a resting place for those left behind.It's a pity that although Gu Xuan devoured Sun Wen's memory, he was only a low-level deacon and knew a lot.After thinking about it for a while, Gu Xuan decided that he would also go to Zidan Star. It is said that the fairy master they talked about once recovered from his injuries on Zidan Star.

After making the decision, Gu Xuan headed towards a secret room, and when he arrived, it was exactly as Sun Wen remembered.There are three teleportation arrays, one is sent to Soul City, the city of Soul Devouring Sect in the Beast Realm, one is sent to Zidan Star, and the other is sent to the mortal planet they manage.Gu Xuan got on the teleportation array to Zidan Star and started it directly. Gu Xuan only felt a change, and then appeared in a secret room.

All the way out of the secret room, Gu Xuan found himself in a city, felt it, and found that the aura here was like a barren land, and after sweeping his spiritual sense, he found that these people were all mortals.Gu Xuan walked in the city and continuously released his spiritual consciousness to observe, and suddenly found a warrior in the innate realm.As soon as his eyes lit up, he walked towards this person. After a while, Gu Xuan came to this person's side and put his hand on this person's shoulder.This martial artist snorted coldly, as if he had overturned the ancient Xuan, but after he found himself unable to move, he realized that he had met an expert, so he wanted to kowtow to greet him.

Gu Xuan said via voice transmission: "If you don't want to be polite, take me to the place where you live, and your chance will be indispensable!" After speaking, Gu Xuan let this person go.

After hearing this, the martial artist was overjoyed, and respectfully said to Gu Xuan: "Senior, please follow me!"

The two walked towards the warrior's residence. Along the way, Gu Xuan also understood a little bit. This person's name was Xiao Xian, and he was an antique dealer. He was mainly involved in the jade business. Soon the two arrived at the gate of a manor , Xiao Xian hastily pushed back the servants, ran over in person, opened the door, Gu Xuan didn't care, just strode in, asked Xiao Xian to find a relatively secret place, and asked him about something.

After hearing this, Xiao Xian brought Gu Xuan to a study room, and tapped three times on the wall, one wall was removed, revealing an entrance, Gu Xuan nodded in satisfaction, and went in directly, Xiao Xian followed suit When they rushed over, they heard a collision, and the walls in the study returned to their original state.Xiao Xian wanted to light the candle, but Gu Xuan waved his hand to stop him, took out a fist-sized luminous pearl, punched it into the top of the secret room, and instantly the whole secret room was lit up.

Xiao Xian became more and more respectful to Gu Xuan. Gu Xuan sized it up and found that it was a treasure room with countless jewels and ancient jades. But it is scrap copper and rotten iron.

"I don't know what the senior wants to inquire about, but the junior still has some connections. As long as the senior asks, the junior will definitely try his best?" Xiao Xian stood up and bowed his waist and said!
"Sit down first, I don't know if you know that there is a sea of ​​blood in Zidan Star?" Xiao Xian's face changed when he heard Gu Xuan's words, and he said tremblingly: "Senior is talking about the lake of death? All of the lake of death It is made of blood, and it has existed for an unknown amount of time. It is said that it existed because of the creation of heaven and earth. The dead air spreads there, and the surrounding temperature is a bit low. The younger generation just debuted, and at that time relied on his high cultivation base, so he went to detect it for a while. Fan, to be honest, I am not afraid of the jokes of the seniors. The junior is still hundreds of meters away from the lake of death, and I feel a chill. It has been 20 years since I didn't set foot there! , but it’s better not to go, for thousands of years, there was a person who was just like the predecessors who heard about the Dead Lake and went to explore it, but he never returned!”

Gu Xuan was silent for a moment, and then went to Death Lake for a walk. After glancing at Xiao Xian, his hands were like threading a needle, and he made a handprint and divine consciousness to burn in it for a while. Pass it on to Xiao Xian.Pointing at Xiao Xian's forehead, this handprint entered Xiao Xian's sea of ​​consciousness, Xiao Xian was startled at first, then overjoyed, knelt down to Gu Xuan, and kowtowed his head.

With a wave of his hand, Xiao Xian automatically stood up and was about to leave. At this moment, Gu Xuan felt the trembling of the sky crystal wood in the mysterious Taoist tablet, as if something was useful to him. Gu Xuan turned and walked to those In front of the jade, look up.It was found that most of them were ordinary jade stones, with thin aura inside, which was useless at all. Finally, Gu Xuan found a dark red jade stone, and as soon as he got close to it, the Tianjingmu in the Dao Fa Xuan Tablet stopped trembling.Presumably this kind of jade is attractive to Tianjingmu.

"Xiao Xian, do you still have this kind of jade?" Gu Xuan searched for a long time, only to find this piece in his hand.

"Senior, this jade was found by this junior in a cave near Death Lake. There is a jade vein there. This junior dug a piece and brought it back. After appraising it, it was useless, so I didn't dig it again. Come to think of it, The place is remote and no one will find it, seniors need this kind of jade, juniors should take seniors there, anyway seniors are going to Death Lake." Xiao Xian found out that Gu Xuan needed this kind of jade, and told all he knew.

"No need, I will find out when I go, here are some spirit stones, I will leave them to you!" Gu Xuan waved and took out a storage bag and threw it to Xiao Xian, then left the secret room, and said to Xiao Xian location.

As soon as he got out of the city, Gu Xuan sacrificed the Immortal Sword Artifact, and walked with the imperial weapon. After more than an hour passed, Gu Xuan's consciousness finally felt a force of withering silence, which seemed to have damaged his consciousness a little.Gu Xuan's speed slowed down, and he began to explore in the surrounding mountains. Soon, Gu Xuan felt a familiar wave. It was the wave of the dark red jade from before. Gu Xuan named this jade blood jade. .

After a stick of incense time passed, Gu Xuan appeared on a mountainside, where there was a crack, and the aura of blood jade came from here.Standing in the void, Gu Xuan hacked towards the cracks with his broken saber and celestial weapon, and soon a hole with a width of tens of feet appeared.Gu Xuan jumped into the cave, detected it with his spiritual sense and found that this jade vein was tens of thousands of meters long, and it was a rich vein.

Although Gu Xuan couldn't wait for the lake of death, but now he found that the blood jade was useful for the sky crystal wood, so he was no longer in a hurry to detect the lake of death.Get this jade vein first, then go all the way along the jade vein to clean up all the mud and rocks on the surface of the jade vein. When Gu Xuan consumed half of his true energy, this jade vein has already been cleaned by Gu Xuan. Xuan sat cross-legged on the side of the jade vein to recover his true energy, took out a large handful of recovery pills and swallowed it in one gulp.

A majestic medicinal power entered the meridians and was absorbed by the Nascent Soul in the Purple Mansion. After three hours, Gu Xuan recovered his true essence, and took out the broken knife and immortal weapon again to clean up the rocks.Unknowingly, the sky had already darkened, Gu Xuan didn't stop at all, and was still cleaning tirelessly.

The bright moon hangs high in the dark night sky, and the sound of roaring beasts can be heard from the mountain. Gu Xuan finally cleaned up the entire jade vein, and found that the source of the jade vein is actually a blood-colored stone the size of a human head. The whole stone is crystal clear. Clear, like a blood-colored gemstone.This stone absorbed some blood from the lake of death, and then a whole jade vein was derived. I don't know how long this lake of death has existed, and how many corpses it has swallowed.

So he put the stone away, took out two primordial stones, held them in his hands, and began to recover his true essence.This time, Gu Xuan's true energy was completely exhausted, he didn't dare to recover after devouring the elixir, as time passed, the number of spent Yuan stones beside Gu Xuan gradually increased.

One night passed, and there were 21 more waste essence stones beside Gu Xuan, and the true essence was fully recovered, and there was a slight increase.Gu Xuan looked at these waste Yuanshi and thought for a moment, and buried them in the place where the jade was stored before, hoping that in countless years, a strange vein of spirit stones could be born!Afterwards, Gu Xuan sacrificed the Dao Fa Xuan Stele, put away the entire jade vein, and buried it in the Book of Heaven and Earth.The sky crystal wood was also transplanted into the book of heaven and earth, and placed on the jade veins, allowing it to grow freely.

(End of this chapter)

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