ancestral snake

Chapter 126 Blood Refining Sea Plate Snake Transformation

Chapter 126 Blood Refining Sea Plate Snake Transformation

The Blood Jade Vein is resolved, and the next step is to investigate the Death Lake. It can be said that the purpose of Gu Xuan's visit to Zidan Star this time is to explore the origin of the Death Lake.As long as you have evidence in your hands, you can let all the tribes of the Yaozu take action at the same time to destroy this hidden dark force.

Unleashing his divine sense, he checked all the plants and trees within a radius of [-] meters. When he found no one, Gu Xuan hurried towards the Death Lake. Half an hour later, Gu Xuan appeared on the shore of the Death Lake.Surrounded by mountains on all sides, the lake of death is sunken for dozens of miles in the middle, forming a natural pothole. It should have been cleaned up before it was injected with blood. After endless years, the current situation has been formed.

Looking at the lifeless lake, his eyes were full of shock. This sea of ​​blood was dozens of miles wide, and a layer of dark red clouds was shrouded in the sea of ​​blood.How many people would have to be slaughtered to form this sea of ​​blood, which could not smell a trace of blood other than endless death.It's just that within a radius of several kilometers, there is no grass, no birds and no animals.Even the color of the land has changed, and the soil has turned into gravel due to the passage of aura.

Gu Xuan released his consciousness and found that the sea of ​​blood was full of blood and full of spiritual energy. It seemed that someone specially arranged a set of super spirit gathering array at the bottom of the sea of ​​blood to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, using the heaven and earth as the furnace, and using the spiritual energy as fire to continuously temper Refining the impurities in the blood.

He took out dozens of spirit stones with a wave and threw them into the sea of ​​blood. Within a few breaths, these spirit stones were absorbed by the sea of ​​blood, as if there would never be enough spirit energy.This sea of ​​blood has been arranged for at least 10 years, otherwise it would not be possible to have such a scale.Gu Xuan let out a long sigh, an unknown fire seemed to be burning in his heart, and it was about to erupt. He absolutely wanted to destroy this sea of ​​blood, otherwise more people would be swallowed by this place.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Gu Xuan's mind, and he had an idea. Rather than destroying the sea of ​​blood, it would be better to fulfill himself.He put his consciousness into the sea of ​​blood and checked it, and found that the sea of ​​blood was more than three feet deep, and there was nothing but blood.He jumped into the sea of ​​blood with a plop, and with a thought, a blue mask covered his whole body, separating the blood and water. After a few breaths, he reached the bottom of the sea of ​​blood.

Gu Xuan took out the remnant saber and celestial weapon, and hacked at a stone wall. In the time it took for a stick of incense, Gu Xuan opened up a three-foot-sized cavern, which connected to the sea of ​​blood, and opened another cave above the cavern. A cave, the water of the sea of ​​blood in this cave cannot reach at all, it became Gu Xuan's temporary cave.

With a sneer in his heart, he took out three treasures, the Coiled Snake Spear, the Sky Swallowing Bottle, and the Beast Soul Orb, and threw the three treasures into the cave below, and began to swallow the blood, so that the Beast Soul Orb and the Coiled Snake Spear were all in one blow. Metamorphosis.As for the swallowing bottle, it is to absorb some blood and see if it can be purified. If possible, this blood is undoubtedly a kind of supreme medicine for tempering the body.

As soon as the Coiled Snake Spear and the Beast Soul Orb entered the sea of ​​blood, they began to devour the blood to their heart's content, like a person walking in the desert who has not seen a source of water for several days, and suddenly encounters a source of water, he must drink enough at a time.Soon, three bloody vortexes formed in the cave, all desperately absorbing blood.

Especially the Beast Soul Orb, since its birth, the countless beast souls in it have been in a dormant state. Without the support of flesh and blood, they can't devour each other, and they can't transform into a complete body. There are still countless beast souls inside.Now that he felt the breath of flesh and blood, he no longer hibernated and began to wake up, devouring blood, saving his strength, hoping to stand out in the final battle, devouring other beast souls, and forming a different kind of creature.

The same is true for the Coiled Snake Spear, constantly devouring blood, and for a moment the entire cave was enveloped in a bloody vortex.As time passed, Gu Xuan found that this was not enough. Although the three treasures were swallowing blood, the sea of ​​blood was tens of miles wide and more than three feet deep, and it would take decades at least to swallow them all.I don't have so much time to waste here.

Gu Xuan frowned and pondered, but after much deliberation, there was no good solution. In the end, Gu Xuan opened two caves not far from the cave. The top of the three caves are connected together. What's the matter , Gu Xuan can also take care of each other.Just separate the three treasures, one treasure and one cave, Gu Xuan manifested the Coiled Snake Spear to be forty feet long and one foot thick, which is the maximum limit of the Coiled Snake Spear, one section is in the cave, and the other is Most of it directly plunged into the sea of ​​blood.The sky-swallowing bottle also turned into a size of three feet, occupying the entire cave, and the mouth of the bottle faced the sea of ​​blood and began to swallow it.

The beast soul bead can't transform, but it can release the endless beast souls in the bead. In a short time, the beast soul bead can devour it the fastest.

One day passed, and the three treasures had swallowed up a lot of blood, but they couldn't feel it or see it when they stood on the shore.Gu Xuan was a little anxious, but there was nothing he could do.He took out all the treasures he had collected to see if there was any reaction, and threw them into the sea of ​​blood as long as there was a reaction. Unfortunately, the dozens of treasures that Gu Xuan collected seemed to be unable to feel the sea of ​​blood.

Gu Xuan put away all these things, and took out another batch of things. They were all miscellaneous things. Although Gu Xuan didn't know them, after the little hairy monkey's identification, these things were all treasures. Unfortunately, Gu Xuan couldn't see them, so he All collected in one piece, suddenly a few eggs emitted a glimmer of light, it was the fourteen eggs containing life breath that Gu Xuan obtained on the ancient horned star, the place where the great ape king sits and melts.

As soon as his eyes lit up, a wave of true energy lifted him up and put him into the sea of ​​blood, not to be taken care of anymore.Continue to check the remaining items, but unfortunately, in the end, there is nothing that can feel the breath of the sea of ​​blood.Gu Xuan also gave up, no longer insisted, and began to observe the changes of the fourteen eggs.After half an hour, the fourteen eggs were no longer absorbed, as if they were saturated.Gu Xuan put it into the Book of Heaven and Earth.

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed, and the Coiled Snake Spear, Beast Soul Orb, and Sky Swallowing Bottle were still tirelessly devouring blood.Gu Xuan sighed, waiting for three days, if there is no change, he is ready to evacuate Zidan Star.With a thought, the book of heaven and earth also appeared, suspended in the sea of ​​blood, and began to swallow the blood, Gu Xuan opened up a small lake more than ten miles in the book of heaven and earth.Gu Xuan released his consciousness to wrap a sea of ​​blood, and with a thought, he appeared in the small lake in the book of heaven and earth, dozens of times in succession, there was a bloody lake wave in the book of heaven and earth.

The sea of ​​blood also dropped a bit, this time it dropped significantly, Gu Xuan's spiritual consciousness was also exhausted, he directly entered the book of heaven and earth, and started to restore his spiritual consciousness with the Yuanhun Art.When he woke up again, he found that the sky had just dawned, but the day had passed.

Gu Xuan sacrificed the Dao Fa Xuan Tablet and threw it into the sea of ​​blood, allowing it to absorb the blood freely, and there were only two days left.In Gu Xuan's heart, he had already lost the anxiety he had before, and he also had some understanding, no one can take away what is his own, and no matter how much he insists, what is not his own will not belong to him.

The red sun moved westward, and another day was approaching. The setting sun shone on the sea of ​​blood, and bursts of dense light shone on the surface of the sea.It is extremely splendid, like the most beautiful scenery in the world, but it is a pity that all of this is illusory, without a trace, the sun sets and the moon rises, and the moonlight shines on the sea of ​​blood, emitting a faint light, which makes people feel a sense of desolation. Affection.

The night passed quickly, when the first ray of sunlight pierced through the clouds and hit the blood sea, a strong wind suddenly blew over the blood sea, and a muffled thunder sounded, and the Coiled Snake Spear appeared in the blood sea in an instant. On the surface of the sea, it is like a pillar supporting the sky.Countless runes flickered on it, and streams of blood continuously entered the Coiled Snake Spear.At this time, the sky darkened, and a multicolored auspicious cloud appeared over the sea of ​​blood, constantly absorbing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.In the end, it turned into a beam of colorful light and shot it at the Coiled Snake Spear. The rune culture on the Coiled Snake Spear turned into a blood python with a giant mouth, and the colorful beam of light was swallowed by the Coiled Snake Spear.What followed was a huge vortex, and endless blood flowed towards the Coiled Snake Spear.

As the owner of the Coiled Snake Spear, Gu Xuan naturally knew what the Coiled Snake Gun was for. This is the Coiled Snake Gun is transforming towards the level of a fairy weapon. As long as you wait for a while, the Coiled Snake Gun will transform into a fairy weapon .At that time, when the tide rises, Gu Xuan's attack will also rise to another level. The Coiled Snake Spear is Gu Xuan's real magic weapon, and it will only be handy when used.There is no such barrier as other fairy artifacts, and there is no such thing as backlash. When a person is alive, the gun is there, and the gun is destroyed when the person dies.

More than three hours passed, the Coiled Snake Spear trembled, and instantly became more than ten feet long. The body of the spear shook, and an invisible field radiated out, but it was the field of seven kills, which also evolved into a Immortal Artifact, the range became wider, from a radius of three feet to thirty feet now, a direct increase of ten times. At this moment, a multicolored beam of light appeared from above the Coiled Snake Spear, directly piercing through the clouds and shooting down. In the sky, everyone in Zidan Star has discovered this celestial phenomenon, which is a sign of the birth of the immortal artifact.

Then the Coiled Snake Spear turned into a ray of light and penetrated into Gu Xuan's body, appeared in Yuan Ying's hands, and began to accumulate again.

The Coiled Snake Spear has broken through to the level of a fairy weapon, and the water of the blood sea obviously has no effect. Coupled with the movement just now, some people should have noticed it.Gu Xuan didn't dare to stay in the Purple Pill Star any longer, he would swallow the sky bottle.Beast Soul Orbs, Dao Fa Xuan Tablets, etc. were put away.He resolutely rushed towards the city, and after less than half an hour of rushing all the way, he returned to the secret room with the teleportation array, released his consciousness to observe, and found that there was nothing unusual, so he directly activated the teleportation array.

As soon as Gu Xuan left the teleportation formation, he was enveloped by a huge power of spiritual consciousness. After observing for a long time, he found that it was his own person, so he took his spiritual consciousness back.Gu Xuan wondered inwardly, when did the Yinwu Star come to the Three Tribulations Sanxian?Has your identity been discovered?For a moment, Gu Xuan felt in a dilemma.

(End of this chapter)

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