ancestral snake

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

"Sun Wen, what are you doing standing there in a daze? The elder summoned you, hurry up and leave!" Just as Gu Xuan was in a daze, Li Cheng stood at the door of the secret room and urged!

Hearing Li Cheng's words, Gu Xuan's eyes brightened and he asked, "Li Cheng, which elder is here?"

"I don't know, but he has an elder's token in his hand, and he is still a Sanxian. Let me tell you, this elder seems to have been injured. You should pay attention, otherwise his death will be in vain. The secret envoy will not For the sake of a small deacon, punishing an elder, those people know which is more important." Li Cheng said to Gu Xuan in a low voice!There is also some fear in the words!

"Where are we going?" Gu Xuan realized that the route was wrong, and there was absolutely no way to get here in Sun Wen's memory.

"Stop talking, we will soon arrive at the place where the elders live. It seems that only elders know about this cave. If the elder hadn't been injured and came here to recuperate, I don't know there is such a thing in Hidden Mist Valley." A hidden cave." After Li Cheng finished speaking, he seemed a little unhappy in his heart, but whoever put it on his head would feel resentful when encountering such a thing.It is a shame for Li Cheng and Sun Wen that no outsider knows about the place he manages.

The two of them walked for less than a stick of incense, and they came to a stone cave.Li Cheng said loudly to the stone cave: "Deacon Li Cheng and Sun Wen of Hidden Mist Star came to pay respects to the elder!"

"Come in!" An old voice came from the cave, and Gu Xuan could hear a trace of weakness from the voice.Countless thoughts flashed through my mind.He was dragged into the cave by Li Cheng.Several luminous pearls are inlaid in the cave, illuminating it as bright as day.After twists and turns, the two finally came to a hall. An old man was sitting cross-legged in the middle, wearing a black robe all over his body, his face was a little pale, and his eyes were tightly closed.

Feeling that Gu Xuan and the others were coming, the old man instantly opened his eyes, and a powerful momentum pressed down on the two of them.Fortunately for Gu Xuan, Li Cheng fell to his knees on the ground, his face full of fear.Gu Xuan also pretended to be holding on, his face was pale, his eyes were full of fear and there was a trace of unyielding, seeing that Gu Xuan was still holding on, the old man was a little surprised, looked at Gu Xuan more, and then fell into thought.

"Where have you been these few days?" The old man glanced at Gu Xuan and asked sharply!

"Reporting to the elder, this junior has been on the Purple Pill Star for a few days?" Gu Xuan replied truthfully, but he was a little suspicious in his heart, what happened?

The old man was taken aback for a moment, then nodded without any trace and said, "Is there any change in the Zidan star?"

"Reporting to the elders, Zidanxing is still the same as before. The junior took care of his own affairs and wandered around for a few days. The rest time for the two of the juniors has not yet arrived, and there are still more than two months of free time. It happens to be fine, just take a few minutes. I wandered around for two days." Gu Xuan's answer was very reasonable, but when he heard the old man's ears, he found that the old man frowned, did he say something wrong?The doubts in Gu Xuan's heart disappeared in a flash.

"Where have you been the past few days?" The old man looked at Li Cheng who was kneeling on the ground again!
"The junior also went to Zidan Star, stayed for two days, and handed over the corpses collected over the years to Master Linglu. After returning here, the junior found that the elder had already arrived here." Li Cheng also said truthfully, the old man Staring at the two of them for a while, I always felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't explain it. With a wave of my hand, I made the two of them retreat, but I was thinking about their words in my heart.

As soon as Gu Xuan and Li Cheng came out of the old man's residence, they looked at each other with some doubts.But Gu Xuan was a little vigilant in his heart, he must have answered by himself, there was a problem in one link, and the old man hadn't reacted yet.Once the old man reacted, he would be in danger, he should leave, Gu Xuan thought to himself!Just thinking about how to leave alone.

Immediately he said to Li Cheng: "I still have some things to deal with, so I will go ahead!" After speaking, ignoring the doubts on Li Cheng's face, he rushed towards the secret room of the teleportation array.Gu Xuan raised his speed to the limit, and after a dozen or so breaths, he came to the secret room and directly activated the teleportation array to the soul city. There was a change in front of him, and Gu Xuan appeared in the soul city, and soon disappeared in the human body. in trend.

When Gu Xuan came to a secluded corner, his body changed for a while, and he became Lin Chong.When I came to the teleportation array and inquired about it, I learned that the teleportation array in Soul City did not reach Longyu directly, not even the teleportation array in Blood Lone Star Blood Lone City, so I had to take the next best thing and teleport to Tianmomen.

Yin Wuxing, the old man was still thinking about what Gu Xuan and Li Cheng said, when suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed, and he found that Gu Xuan never said what he was doing in Zidan Star from the beginning to the end?Li Cheng wanted to hand over the corpse, so what about Gu Xuan?Where and what is he doing?Still waiting for a few days?Not good, the old man whispered in his heart, and when his expression changed, he released his divine sense and found that Gu Xuan had disappeared, only Li Cheng was still cultivating.

The old man's face changed for a while, knowing that he was deceived by Gu Xuan.The secret envoy once confessed to himself that the Hidden Mist Star seemed to be discovered.I rushed here in a hurry, but I didn't expect that something went wrong during the teleportation, and I encountered a space storm. It was strange to say that the space storm appeared for a moment, and when I saw myself being injured, it disappeared without a trace. trace.As a result, his trip was delayed, and he didn't expect to be cheated by an ant-like figure when he arrived here. For a while, his heart was burning with anger.He wished he could tear Gu Xuan's body into thousands of pieces, and finally forced down the anger in his heart.

"I hope nothing will happen to Zidanxing!" The old man muttered to himself, and then he closed his eyes and began to heal his wounds!
Tianmo City is the city of Tianmomen, and the city is quite prosperous. After all, Tianmomen is the leader of the Momen sect.Countless years have passed, and no sect can shake the Heavenly Demon Sect.It can be seen that its strength is extraordinary, Tianmo City has gathered countless demon cultivators, and Tianmomen did not reject them, but set a rule that fighting is not allowed in Tianmo City, and those who violate it will be killed.After the regulations were established, no one wanted to flatter the Heavenly Demon Sect's face and bring about a fatal disaster.Countless years have passed, and there has never been a fight in Heavenly Demon City.

However, just today, there are countless people rushing towards the outside of the Tianmo City. It is said that the disciples of the Tianmomen are chasing and killing a member of the Yaozu.Many people went to watch the excitement.Gu Xuan frowned when he heard that a member of the monster clan was being hunted down, and followed the large army out of the city.

Sure enough, not far from the city, four disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect were besieging a person, Gu Xuan's spiritual sense probed, and found that the besieged person was actually a member of the Rat Clan.Wanting to help him, he yelled, "Stop!"

Everyone turned their eyes to Gu Xuan, and the five people who were fighting also stopped.Looking at Gu Xuan suspiciously, one of them said: "Fellow Daoist, this person is an enemy of our Heavenly Demon Sect. There is an order from above to capture this person alive. I hope fellow Daoists don't make things difficult for me!"

This disciple of Tianmo Sect found that he couldn't see through Gu Xuan's cultivation, so he said both softly and hard!Gu Xuan asked with a faint smile: "Did this person kill a disciple of your Heavenly Demon Sect? Or did he offend your Heavenly Demon Sect?"

"This, we don't know, our order is to capture this person alive, and the rest don't know!" The disciple of Tianmomen said again!
"Okay, leave this person to me! Go back and tell An Jin that he was taken away by Gu Xuan. If he has time, he will come to Dragon Snake City. I will treat him to a drink!" After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he saw four people A little hesitant, you know what they are worried about?After contemplating for a moment, he took out a jade slip, burned some things, threw it to one of them and said, "Just go back and give this jade slip to Dark Gold. Don't worry, you will be fine!"

"I don't know if you can wait for a while, Brother Dark Gold will be here in a while!" The disciple who spoke first said again!

Gu Xuan nodded his head in a moment and said: "Then let's go to the city and wait!" After speaking, he nodded towards the besieged person, and the besieged person came to Gu Xuan and bowed deeply: "Thank you, Brother Gu, for saving my life. My name is Chuan Wuwang, but what does it look like?" When Chuan Wuwang said about Gu Xuan's appearance, he was a little puzzled, and Gu Xuan was also a little surprised and said, "Have you seen my appearance? Why? I have no impression?"

Seeing that Chuan Wuwang looked a bit embarrassed, he stopped asking, but Chuan Wuwang misunderstood Gu Xuan, and hurriedly said: "I saw Gu Xuan last time when I was in Wanling Star. At that time, brother Gu, you were seriously injured and just hurried on , where would you notice me!"

Gu Xuan's heart moved, as if he understood something, he took a deep look at Chuan Wuwang.A few people came towards the Tianmo Gate, and the crowd who wanted to watch the excitement were a little disappointed to see that a battle was revealed by Gu Xuan in a few words.Just as Gu Xuan and the others entered the Sky Demon City, a voice came from across the air.

"Brother Gu Xuan, stay safe and sound!" An Jin got off a chariot and walked towards Gu Xuan.Although the two didn't have much intersection, they felt a little bit of sympathy for each other.When An Jin and the others came out of the Blood Buddha Secret Realm, they secretly sighed, what a pity for Gu Xuan.I didn't expect to meet again in such a way.

"Brother Gu Xuan, I'll treat you to the wine this time. When you arrive at Tianmomen, it's like you're at your own home. There's no need for so many formalities!" Turning back to Chuan Wuwang, he said, "Let's go together!"

Under the leadership of An Jin, Gu Xuan and the two came to a restaurant, asked for a private room, and the three began to drink from big bowls.Gu Xuan recounted what happened to him in the wasteland, and Yin Jin sighed again and again, and Chuan Wuwang also had an envious expression on his face.Only Gu Xuan's face was very calm, they only heard that their adventures were very exciting.But he can't experience that kind of thrill, that is to gamble with his own life, and if he makes a slight mistake, he will die.

"Come on, make a bowl for Brother Gu Xuan's arrival! Drink!" After An Jin finished speaking, the three of them picked up the big bowl and touched it, and drank it all in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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