ancestral snake

Chapter 146 Silver Snake King Bone Pond

Chapter 146 Silver Snake King Bone Pond

Gu Xuan released his spiritual sense to investigate, and after a while, he put away his spiritual sense, and his heart was shaken, because the valley he was in was tens of thousands of meters in size, but it was covered by endless corpses.In the depths of the valley there is an altar with two silver beads on it. Behind the altar is a cave, which is only as big as a room, but there is a pool and a large silver monument, more than ten feet high. More than three feet wide.

With a hook of his foot, a piece of dark blue bone appeared in Gu Xuan's hand. He flicked his fingers a few times, making a clanking sound. When he exerted force in his hand, the blue bone remained silent. After Gu Xuan tried his best, the blue bone finally shattered.Gu Xuan's heart moved, the existence of these withered bones, I don't know how many years have passed, the original source has not been completely lost, but nourished by the vitality of heaven and earth, it has become more crystal clear and lustrous.

Along the way, there were colorful bones everywhere. Gu Xuan found a snake corpse that was more than 30 feet long, with red scales, and the bones were dark red and shone with light.Gradually, Gu Xuan discovered that the closer he got to the depths of the valley, the bigger the bones became. When he came to the front of the altar, he found three giant corpses, each of which was hundreds of feet long. One was obviously from the snake family Yes, his whole body was covered with green scales. Although he didn't know how long he had been dead, there was still a trace of the strong man's pressure on the corpse.

The remaining two corpses are a silver flood dragon and a dark golden giant crocodile. These three corpses are the largest among all the corpses and the ones closest to the altar.I don't know what these two silver beads are, so many people from the monster clan died in them.

After staring at the two silver beads for a while, Gu Xuan walked around the altar and walked into the cave. Once he entered the cave, an invisible restriction disappeared.Gu Xuan was a little puzzled, so he strode into the cave. The cave was still the same as he looked forward. There was only a huge silver monument and a pool in the cave. After searching all the holes, Gu Xuan set his sights on this huge silver monument. He had a feeling that all the secrets were on this huge silver monument.

After thinking for a while, he still released his consciousness. Just when his consciousness touched the huge silver monument, he felt a change in front of his eyes, and then he found himself in a ruined temple, and the statues enshrined in the temple were only The remaining half, judging from its appearance, no one has come to this ruined temple for a long time.

At this time, a small silver snake drilled out of a gap under the statue, looked at Gu Xuan, and then heard a long sigh, echoing in the ruined temple.Gu Xuan was startled, but he didn't find anything unusual. The silver snake glanced at Gu Xuan, shook his head, stood up, and turned into a human figure. A man in his 30s appeared, wearing a Silver tunic, the whole appearance is very ordinary, but there is a kind of persistence and arrogance in those eyes, as if they were born with this.

"You came here, which means that I am dead. It's just a pity that I guessed. You can come here without being blocked by the prohibition in front of the cave. It shows that you are a member of my family, and it also shows that your will is very firm. And you can see your original heart clearly, you are not tempted by greed, you can get my inheritance, if you want to know what's going on, you can solve your doubts when you refine the silver monument, this idea of ​​mine, my original desire It was time to disappear into the world, but I never thought that the ancestral land would be so wonderful. After so many years of cultivation, it has become the body of a weapon spirit. It really is a trick of good fortune. Well, go and refine the silver monument! Waiting for you Once you master it, you will understand everything, and I will also fall into a deep sleep." After the silver snake incarnation finished speaking, Gu Xuan only felt another change in front of his eyes, and returned to the cave.

Gu Xuan forced out a drop of blood and shot it on the silver monument, the blood was absorbed as soon as it touched the monument.I saw a bright light from the huge stele, which penetrated into Gu Xuan's body, and immediately after that, a huge memory flooded into his sea of ​​consciousness.Gu Xuan only felt his soul tremble, and the Taoist Xuan tablet also released a soft light to protect his sea of ​​consciousness, Gu Xuan sat cross-legged in the stone cave and began to refine this memory.

Gu Xuan was immersed in refining the memory, and he couldn't feel the change of time at all. When he woke up again, he realized that it took him two days to refine the memory of the Silver Snake King.There is only one day left before the ancestral land is closed. Even if the ancestral land is really closed, I have gained a lot this time. I have refined the memory of the Silver Snake King's life and obtained the inheritance of the Silver Snake King. It is already a heaven-defying harvest. up.

He set his sights on the pool, and there was a flash of excitement in his eyes. He took a deep breath, and began to make a formula for the pool. After dozens of breaths, a snake-shaped talisman appeared on Gu Xuan's chest, Force out a drop of blood, into the talisman, and see the talisman transformed into a silver snake into the pool.

The ground shook for a while, and several cracks appeared around the pool. Only a bang was heard, and a colorful pool flew out. When it fell into Gu Xuan's hands, it was only the size of a thumb. With a thought, the pool was collected by Gu Xuan Inside.

This pond is called Bone Bone Pond, and it is a rare treasure refined by the Silver Snake King for the snake clan. Unfortunately, in order to verify his conjecture, the Silver Snake King ran out of lifespan and had to enter the Dao Ancestral Land in the end.It's just a pity that a generation of wizards was lost.

According to my own memories of refining the Silver Snake King, I know that the Silver Snake King was originally the most common snake, born in a temple, swallowed the offerings in the temple as soon as he was born, and opened up his spiritual wisdom. Swallowing the offerings, I thought it would be good just like this, but one day dozens of people came and started to wreak havoc on the temple. It was also the first time he discovered his weakness, and then he left the temple and started his career.

Fortunately, it was the first time he wandered, the Silver Snake King met a member of the Snake Clan, and found that the Silver Snake King had opened up his spiritual wisdom, so he brought him back to the Snake Clan. When he returned to the Snake Clan, the Silver Snake King soon got The exercises, began to practice.Maybe it's because his spiritual intelligence was opened too early, or because of other reasons, the Silver Snake King's cultivation speed is very slow. As time goes by, the masters who practiced with him at the same time have surpassed him, and even the later clansmen have caught up. He, the people who brought him back to the Hui family, were afraid that he would lose confidence in cultivation, so they arranged for him to practice alone.

With the passage of time, I don't know how many clansmen surpassed him. Although his cultivation speed was slow, he never gave up. It was not until he survived the catastrophe and transformed into a human form that he realized that his blood was not pure enough, which caused his cultivation speed slow down.But in his heart, another thought came into his mind, why can only the pure blood be able to cultivate quickly? At the beginning of the world, the ancestors of the Heavenly Snake and the Nine Great King Snakes didn't even have any skills, so they could become strong in the clan. Or, why can't I do it myself?

From that day on, the Silver Snake King left the Snake Clan and began to truly wander. After countless years of wandering and struggling countless life and death struggles, the Silver Snake King became more and more determined in his mind. He found that the world at this time could no longer Compared with the world in the early days, if he wanted to be stronger, he needed exercises, so he began to collect exercises, observed the world, mountains and rivers, and wanted to create his own exercises.

In order to realize his wish, the Silver Snake King began to collect allusions to exercises. During this period of time, the Silver Snake King seemed to be crazy. He even fought with others for a piece of rubbish exercises. The Silver Snake King finally felt that he could create his own kung fu.Back to the Snake Clan to comprehend the Heavenly Snake Monument, the Silver Snake King comprehended in front of the Heavenly Snake Monument for 900 years before he began to retreat and create his own skills.

After thousands of years of retreat, the Silver Snake King finally created his own kung fu, and the auspiciousness descended from the sky shocked the entire snake clan. The tenth exercise is called the Silver Snake King by the snake clan.With his own skills, the cultivation of the Silver Snake King also began to skyrocket, and since then a legend of the Silver Snake King has been created in the snake clan.

The world in the early days was shattered, the ancestor of the Heavenly Snake disappeared, the ancient world was shattered, and the ancestor of the Nine King Snakes also disappeared. In ancient times, within the snake clan, the silver snake was the king. After refining an inherited treasure, he left the Snake Clan and embarked on the journey again.

After countless years of research, the Silver Snake King discovered that apart from the scales, the bones of all races in the world are the hardest part of the body. As he deepened his research on the bones, he discovered that as long as the bones are strong, the body will also grow stronger. With the strength of the bones, it slowly sublimates.The bone marrow has the power to make blood, the marrow is the source of the body, and the blood is the power of the body. The bones of the whole body are incomparably powerful, and naturally drive the flesh, muscles and bones of the whole body.

In order to study the mysteries of bones, the Silver Snake King went to the ancient battlefield alone, where there are endless bones, where all races of the world died fighting for the last living place. It can be said that the ancient battlefield is the cemetery of all races in the world.He collected thousands of snake bones in the ancient battlefield, refined the "burning bones and phosphorus fire" in the depths of the battlefield, and started his refining career.

He used the bone essence of the strong snake clan as the source, and the bone essence of the strong people of all races in the world as the material. After tens of thousands of years of refining, he finally succeeded in refining the treasure in his heart.It is the Bone Transformation Pool, as long as the bones are thrown into the Evolution Bone Pool, they will be automatically transformed into bone essence by the Bone Transformation Pool. The success of the Bone Transformation Pool has also made the Silver Snake King's heart even more crazy.He collected all the bones from the ancient battlefield and put them into the bone pool, intending to refine the best bone-hardening treasures in the world.

However, when the Silver Snake King returned to the snake clan full of joy, he found that the snake clan's resident was empty, and there were only countless bones of the clan members.The Silver Snake King was furious and started a massacre. Within a million miles, in just a few days, blood flowed into rivers, corpses piled up like mountains, and it became a human Shura field, and the entire area was covered by a cloud of blood.

The methods of the Silver Snake King made all the tribes in the world terrified, and they also began to secretly form alliances. In the end, the ancestors of all tribes fought with the Silver Snake King for dozens of days and severely injured the Silver Snake King. , So he broke out of the encirclement and left alone.

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(End of this chapter)

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