ancestral snake

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Seeing this, the ancestors of all ethnic groups didn't want to chase and kill them anymore, so they died down immediately.The Silver Snake King also became famous in the First World War, and the Snake Clan was recognized by all clans again. Unfortunately, it was only after the Silver Snake King returned to the Snake Clan that he understood what happened.It turned out that the Nine Kings Snake Patriarch's Life Bead that was tributed by the ancestral land of the Snake Clan suddenly dimmed, and the Life Bead of the Tuntian Patriarch's was actually covered with a layer of cracks.Less than half a month after this incident happened, a group of masters in bronze giant armor came to the Snake Clan to massacre them wantonly. Inside, hide.

It wasn't until they heard that the blood slaughter clan of the Silver Snake King returned to the clan was a million miles away, that the elders of the clan sent some people to welcome the return of the Silver Snake King.It's a pity that as soon as those clansmen went out, they were wiped out by other clans.It wasn't until after the Silver Snake King fought with the ancestors of various tribes that he severely wounded dozens of ancestors, who became famous and left alone, that the tribes did not dare to attack the snake tribe again.

It was only after the Silver Snake King returned to the clan that the elders of the Snake clan learned that the battle between the Silver Snake King and the ancestors of various clans had injured the original source. His injuries are beyond repair.Just when the crowd was at a loss, the Silver Snake King came up with a crazy idea. If it succeeds, the Silver Snake King would not only survive, but his strength would also be further comparable to that of the ancestors of the Nine King Snakes.If you fail, you will only die and return to heaven and earth.

The clan elders and the others finally chose the Silver Snake King's proposal of "Living Man Refining Artifacts". According to Silver Snake King's speculation, using the blood essence of the clansmen as the source, and his soul as the fire, he fused countless treasures of heaven and earth into himself, ignited the blood essence, As long as you persevere, you can undergo an unprecedented transformation.

Then the people of the Snake Clan mobilized wantonly to besiege the various clans of the Silver Snake King to beg for the treasures of heaven and earth. They threatened that the Silver Snake King had recovered and wanted to refine and inherit sacred objects for the Snake Clan. Three treasures of heaven and earth.

The various clans thought of the strength of the Silver Snake King, and the ancestors of all clans joined forces to get rid of the Silver Snake King. If the Silver Snake King came to their clan, they would definitely wipe out the clan.Adding the Heavenly Snake clan, they all chose to pay compensation. In less than a month, all the treasures of heaven and earth were collected, and the blood essence of the clansmen was also collected. The rest is up to God's will.

300 years have passed. Seeing that the Silver Snake King has reached the stage of success, he unexpectedly ushered in the punishment of God. The Silver Snake King uses his soul as fire to support his successful transformation, which is the obsession in his heart.Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, God's punishment was attracted, and the success fell short in the end.

After the plan failed, the Silver Snake King's lifespan was limited, so he entered the ancestral land and sat down, but he was a little unwilling, so he set up a big formation, condensing his whole body into two essence blood balls, placed Put it in the big formation, as long as you have greed in your heart, you will be led into the big formation. If you can't wake up within three hours, you will be confused by the big formation and break your soul.If one can overcome one's desire and enter the cave, one can obtain the inheritance of the Silver Snake King.

Gu Xuan moved out of the cave, looked at the two silver beads on the altar, but felt a little sentimental in his heart, the silver snake king, a generation of arrogance, ended up like this in the end, and thinking of the great ape king of the monster clan, Gu Xuan felt a little sad. Come up with an idea, is it true that heaven and earth do not allow such arrogance to exist in the world, or that these arrogance have not passed the test of heaven and earth?

After pondering for a moment, Gu Xuan waved his hand to put away the two blood essence balls, then sacrificed the bone-transforming pool, collected all the corpses in the entire valley, and left the valley. It seems that they strayed into the big formation arranged by the Silver Snake King in order to find the water source.Obtained the inheritance of a Tianjiao in a daze.

With a wry smile, Gu Xuan walked towards the sound of the water, and within less than a stick of incense, Gu Xuan came to the sound of the water, only to find that the river actually flows out of the mouth of a stone snake, the stone snake is one foot thick, It is more than three feet long and has only one snake body. It seems that a giant snake broke out of a mountain rock. I don't know whether this stone snake was carved by the predecessors or created by heaven and earth.

Letting out his spiritual sense to explore, he found that the stone snake was connected to a vein of primordial stone. No wonder there was a trace of heaven and earth vitality in the river water.The heaven and earth primordial stone may be a treasure of heaven and earth to others, but he has three veins of primordial stone in his hand, so he is not very interested in it.

He had already obtained the inheritance of the Silver Snake King, so he didn't pay much attention to other inheritances. After refining the memory of the Silver Snake King, Gu Xuan felt a little tired, and now he just wanted to sleep.Then he blocked a big tree, and a canoe appeared after a while, released the Purple Fire of Absolute Beginning, and within a few breaths, the canoe was dried. Gu Xuan glanced at the little black snake crawling on his shoulder, and thought about it. After a while, he took out an enlightenment pill and stuffed it into the mouth of the little black snake, and threw it away, and the little black snake appeared in the mouth of the stone snake.

The little black snake still wanted to struggle, but was stopped by Gu Xuan, before leaving, he forced out another drop of blood essence, sealed the heavenly snake inside, with a flick of his finger, the drop of blood essence penetrated into the little black snake's body.Gu Xuan threw the canoe into the river, and lay down in the canoe as soon as he moved. Gu Xuan fell asleep in it, and the canoe went down the river without any obstruction, only a snoring sound echoed in the river.

The canoe went down the river all the way, and I didn't know how the river flowed. Gu Xuan was still in a deep sleep, and didn't pay any attention to it. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Gu Xuan was snoring sweetly and fell asleep.Only one canoe floated on the sparkling water.The only thing that accompanied it was the snoring.

The night passed quickly, and just as the red sun just appeared, Gu Xuan also woke up, after a night of deep sleep, the mental fatigue was swept away.At this time, he didn't know where he was taken by the canoe, and he stood on the void as soon as he stepped on the canoe, and let out a long roar.

He let out his spiritual sense to look around, found nothing, then went back to the canoe again, took out a wine gourd and started to drink, the little hairy monkey was also released by him, the little guy jumped into the water, and splashed it at Gu Xuan. He didn't care about the water coming, but the little hairy monkey played more vigorously.

After playing like this for more than an hour, the little hairy monkey suddenly squeaked. Seeing that Gu Xuan didn't respond, he got a little angry, jumped into the canoe, grabbed the wine gourd from Gu Xuan's hand and threw it directly into the water. Shouting at Gu Xuan for a while.

"You said there are treasures around here, or are they rare?" Gu Xuan asked the little monkey cautiously.

Seeing the little hairy monkey nodding, Gu Xuan waved his hand to pick up the wine gourd, and said to the little hairy monkey, "Lead the way!"

The little hairy monkey was overjoyed and jumped onto Gu Xuan's shoulder, pointing its paws to one side of the river. Gu Xuan disappeared on the canoe in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already on top of a mountain. Gu Xuan saw that there were mountains all around him. Surrounded by thick fog in the middle of the mountain, it is impossible to see clearly. Gu Xuan released his divine sense to observe for a long time but did not find any treasure, so what treasure is there.The little hairy monkey was full of anxiety, jumping up and down, and screaming. After hearing this, Gu Xuan said suspiciously: "You mean that the treasure is here, and it has been hidden by people."

Seeing the serious face of the little hairy monkey, the doubts on Gu Xuan's face disappeared, followed by a serious face. It can be seen that the level of the treasure is definitely not low if the little guy can be like this, but he can't even find the divine sense, so then It shows that this treasure is even more difficult.After contemplating for a moment, Gu Xuan's eyes changed, and two golden lights shot down into the void.Although wherever it passed, the dense fog in the void dissipated.Soon the golden light passed through the thick fog and came to the surface of the water.

But in Gu Xuan's sea of ​​consciousness, there was a picture scroll. On the surface of a lake, a huge purple egg floated. After some time, the huge purple egg finally cracked, and a purple snake was born. The snake did not devour the eggshells, but flew into the lake and began to devour the lake water. After an unknown number of years, a super purple snake appeared between the heavens and the earth, and after that, more snakes also appeared.

Finally, a purple snake turned into a human form and returned to the snake clan. Countless clansmen began to worship. The ones at the front were nine giant snakes. Seeing this, Gu Xuan was shocked. This purple snake was the ancestor of the Heavenly Snake. It is the ancestor of the Nine King Snakes.

The snake clan is getting bigger and bigger, one day the ancestor of the sky snake returned to the place where he was born, put away his eggshell, and then summoned a purple flame, and nine fist-sized purple beads, took out an illusory The world of the world combines the illusory world with the eggshell that nourishes itself, and finally turns it into a purple treasure.The ancestor of the Heavenly Snake sacrificed the purple treasure mirror. The lake where he was born and the surrounding areas were included in the purple treasure mirror by the ancestor of the Heavenly Snake. The person left.

The scrolls of pictures that appeared after that were the clansmen entering the Baojian. There were several times when the snake clan was in danger, and the person in charge of the Baojian collected all the clansmen in the Baojian. go back.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xuan also understood that Baojian is the ancestral land of the snake clan, no wonder it will be of great help to the clansmen, it is refined from the fusion of the eggshell that gave birth to the ancestor of the snake clan in one world.And the lake water in the birthplace of the Heavenly Snake Patriarch was actually condensed from the true water of Taiyin.

The Taiyin True Water is one of the top waters in the world. The Taiyin True Water can freeze everything, and the impermeability is not as good as the penetrating power. The most important thing is that the Taiyin True Water can enlighten the living beings and make them open their spiritual wisdom. Looking at this lake Taiyin Zhenshui, Gu Xuan also had some understanding, why in the world of the ancestral land, there are very few creatures who have opened their spiritual wisdom. Presumably, the aura of enlightening creatures in the world is all absorbed by Taiyin Zhenshui Lake.As a result, many creatures have just entered the door. Although they are full of spirituality, they are far less than enlightened.

The Taiyin True Water is covered by mist, presumably it is the subconscious concealment of this world, this is the birthplace of the Heavenly Snake Patriarch, and this world was refined by the Sky Snake Patriarch himself, and also fused with the eggshell that gave birth to him.The rules of this world will subconsciously do this, if Gu Xuanyou hadn't released the little hairy monkey, he wouldn't have come here, perhaps no one would have discovered it after thousands of years.

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(End of this chapter)

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