ancestral snake

Chapter 148 Black snake fruit from the ancestral land

Chapter 148 Black snake fruit from the ancestral land

When Gu Xuan saw that there was a wave of Taiyin True Water deep in the mist, he became a little excited, and rushed towards the depth of the dense fog as soon as he took the little monkey away.Sure enough, after Gu Xuan saw through this square lake wave, he did not hide it anymore. Gu Xuan released the book of heaven and earth, and opened up a small lake wave on the edge of the blood lake, with a radius of only about ten feet and a depth of more than one foot.After Gu Xuan filled the small lake with waves, he found that the surrounding thick fog began to gather towards the lake.Apparently he was afraid that he would collect the Taiyin True Water again, Gu Xuan laughed a little, he had collected enough Taiyin True Water, and when he said that he had Sanguang Shenshui, he was much less interested in other waters.Seeing that Taiyin Lake was once again covered by dense fog, Gu Xuan shook his head and disappeared by the edge of Taiyin Lake as a gust of wind.

Gu Xuan didn't go back to the canoe, let out the little hairy monkey, and wandered among the mountains casually.The little monkey squatted on Gu Xuan's shoulder and yelled at him continuously, as if saying that Gu Xuan was not loyal, he forgot himself when he saw the treasure, it was good to occupy it alone.

Seeing the little monkey's distraught look, he had no choice but to comfort him. Finally, Gu Xuan calmed down the little monkey's resentment by taking out a small gourd of Sanguang Shenshui and two monkey fruits.

One person and one monkey shuttled among the peaks, and encountered some elixir along the way, but the level was a bit low, Gu Xuan only charged a small part, and the little monkey teased some strange spirit beasts from time to time. After a long time, this guy He also felt bored, so he just rested on Gu Xuan's shoulder and didn't move.

Seeing that the red sun was rising higher and higher, Gu Xuan didn't want to run around anymore, so he found a stone cave at random, sat cross-legged, and waited for the ancestral land to end.Just as he sat down, the little hairy monkey squeaked again, Gu Xuan was taken aback, and he found a stone cave at random, all of which contained treasures?Seeing the little hairy monkey running towards the depths of the cave, Gu Xuan had no choice but to follow in.

The cave is a bit deep, with twists and turns all the way, the further in, the darker the light.I don't know what treasures are there?Soon Gu Xuan came to the end of the cave, here is a stone room, Gu Xuan released his consciousness and found nothing else, could it be that the little hairy monkey lied to him?
Just when Gu Xuan was in a daze, a small head protruded from the stone wall, it was a little hairy monkey, and squeaked at Gu Xuan. After a while, Gu Xuan understood that the treasure was behind the stone wall, and he didn't know that there was something on the stone wall. Why can he hinder his own consciousness.

Gu Xuan came to the stone wall and stretched his hand directly into the stone wall. The stone wall was only more than one foot thick. Soon Gu Xuan fell into the stone wall and appeared on the other side in the blink of an eye. Here is another stone cave. The stone cave is hundreds of feet high and tens of feet wide. The place where Gu Xuan was standing at this time was a platform more than three feet wide, but below the platform was a black quagmire, constantly bubbling air bubbles.

And not far from the platform grew a pitch-black tree, less than a foot high, with some snake-shaped fruits growing on it, and I don't know what magical effect it had.The little monkey stood by the tree, pointed at the black tree and squeaked at Gu Xuan.

"You mean, there are my kinsmen on the tree?" Gu Xuan was a little surprised, he had already released his consciousness to observe, and there was nothing on this black tree except fruits and branches. Could it be that this black tree It also has the effect of isolating the prying eyes of the gods?
Then Gu Xuan released a coercion, the unique coercion of the snake clan, as long as it is a lower level snake clan than Gu Xuan, it will obediently show up.Sure enough, not long after Gu Xuan released his coercion, a pitch-black little snake emerged from a bark, only about a foot long, thick as a thumb, spitting out a letter, looking at Gu Xuan with some fear in his eyes. mysterious.Gu Xuan glanced at the little snake, only to find that this little guy had actually developed spiritual intelligence, it seems that this guy has some chance.

"Little guy, you should understand what I said. I want this black tree. I will give you two choices. One is that I will practice the exercises for you. You stay here, but follow me. Which one do you choose?" Gu Xuan looked at the little black snake aside after speaking.

The little black snake tilted its head to think for a while, and finally crawled towards Gu Xuan.Gu Xuan was happy in his heart, he is indeed a guy with enlightened wisdom, and he also knows that following him has a future.Afterwards, he sacrificed his remnant sword and began digging along the root system of the black ink tree. After a while, Gu Xuan discovered that the root system of this black ink tree had penetrated into the black quagmire below. The little black snake hissed at Gu Xuan.

"You mean that the ink tree must rely on the ink-colored quagmire to survive?" After Gu Xuan heard this, he took out the book of heaven and earth, wrapped it in front of the ink-colored quagmire, and a large black-colored quagmire and ink trees appeared in the book of heaven and earth. Gu Xuan planted it on the edge of the elixir valley, the ink tree still grew on the stone wall, and the root system was still connected to the ink-colored quagmire.

He discovered that the ink-colored quagmire actually has the effect of isolating spiritual thoughts, so he opened a pit in the book of heaven and earth with a radius of ten feet and a depth of more than ten feet. The pit was filled, and Gu Xuanhua made a big hand with real essence, grabbed a piece of ink clay, and found that it was extremely soft and could be kneaded at will, which had the same characteristics as the previous blue stone wall.Presumably, the stone wall absorbed the properties of the ink mud and was assimilated after a long period of time.

When leaving the cave, Gu Xuan collected some more from the blue stone wall, put the little black snake in the book of heaven and earth, and the little guy went straight into the black tree.The little hairy monkey also climbed onto the black fruit tree, unable to survive, asked him what kind of treasure the black tree was, the little monkey couldn't tell, but told Gu Xuan that it was a treasure, and the ink mud was also a great treasure.What is the specific effect, the little hairy monkey also asked three questions.Gu Xuan had no choice but to give up asking, maybe he would know when the opportunity came in the future.

She Qianshan and others who entered the ancestral land this time did not enter, and they don't know how the clan elders arranged it.Glancing at the red sun in the sky, Gu Xuan found that at most half an hour, the ancestral land would be closed and they would be automatically teleported out.I don't know how big the ancestral land is. The 36 people who came in at the same time didn't meet any of them. I don't know if Xiao Ling'er has gained anything this time.

Gu Xuan drank the spiritual wine and recalled his trip to the ancestral land. This time he entered, he obtained a golden pupil with supernatural powers, and also received the inheritance of the Silver Snake King. In the end, he discovered the secret of the origin of the ancestral land. Two treasures, and thinking about the countless treasures obtained after his rebirth, compared with his previous life, there have been earth-shaking changes. Sometimes Gu Xuan thinks back, is he reincarnated and reborn?I still had a dream, and the experiences of the previous life all happened in the dream.

He learned from the memory of the Silver Snake King that when the world was created in the beginning, a treasure "Fengdu City" was born in the world. Fengdu City has its own world, and a world is formed inside. People undergo reincarnation.It's just that after the world was broken in the early days, Fengdu City disappeared. At the beginning of the ancient times, countless powerful people gathered together to deduce the whereabouts of Fengdu City, but in the end they encountered backlash. Since then, no one dared to attack Fengdu City.

I don't know if I will have the chance to see Fengdu City in this life. The more he knows, the more he feels the vastness of the world and his own insignificance. With my knowledge getting wider and wider.As my vision got higher and higher, I realized how ridiculous my previous thoughts were.The only thing that makes Gu Xuan proud is that he has created his own kung fu and can deduce his own way and method.

Just when Gu Xuan was recalling, he only felt his body lighten, and then realized that he appeared in the valley.Suddenly there are more people around me, most of them are only in the Jindan Nascent Soul stage, and they are probably the clansmen who entered the ancestral land with me.

"Okay, the trip to the ancestral land is over, go back and feel what you have got, and those who have not gained anything, go back and temper your own blood, let's go!" After She Yan finished speaking, she glanced at the Walking around the crowd, I found that most of the clansmen had happy faces, and they must have gained something, only two of them looked a little bit bitter, and they must have gained nothing.

Gu Xuan took a look, and found that all the elders and Supreme Elders appeared here, only Elder Snake had not yet appeared, and Xiao Ling'er was talking to Yan Ruxue, his face was full of joy, thinking that the ancestors The trip to the land was rewarding.He walked up to the patriarch Sheyan, and transmitted a few words. After hearing this, Sheyan's face changed, and his body trembled for a while, and he looked at Gu Xuan with a questioning expression.Seeing Gu Xuan nodding, She Yan was even more excited.

After a while, Gu Xuan only felt the space beside him move, and found that the old snake had arrived, nodded to Gu Xuan, and then walked to Xiao Ling'er. I don't know what the sound transmission said, anyway, Xiao Linger is Nod your head.The whole person also seemed a little excited.

Then Mr. She turned around and said to She Yan and the others: "It will take a long time to refine and inherit the sacred objects this time. You can let the people below arrange the affairs in the clan. You can make decisions on major matters. When you are free, Go to the Inheritance Pavilion more often, it’s much better than closing the death gate. It’s good news for the clansmen to have the Inheritance Holy Relic, but it doesn’t have much to do with you. Heaven rewards hard work, if you don’t pay, how can you gain? Let's all go back!" After finishing speaking, Old Snake walked towards the stone wall, and disappeared within the stone wall in the blink of an eye.

"Clan elders, I will take you to a place first, don't resist!" Gu Xuan saw that most people were contemplating, but there was not much concern in their eyes, so he knew that the words of Snake Lao had little effect. How big, he shook his head secretly, it seems that he has to come forward to wake up these clan elders.

After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he released his spiritual consciousness to wrap everyone up, and then disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had already arrived in the Book of Heaven and Earth.Fortunately, Jin Qiong and Bi Taotian said that they had already been here once, but the rest of them lost their composure, looking at the elixir valley with greedy eyes.

A light coughing sound awakened everyone who was addicted to greed. They seemed to know that they had lost their composure just now, and their faces were all flushed.

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(End of this chapter)

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