ancestral snake

Chapter 149 On Ancient and Modern Alarm Bells

Chapter 149 On Ancient and Modern Alarm Bells

With a wave of his hand, Gu Xuan released a fist-sized dark red hall, which swelled in the wind and turned into an ordinary hall in the blink of an eye.

"Clan elders, please!" After Gu Xuan finished speaking, with a thought, there was an extra step under each person's feet, leading to the main hall.

Jin Qiong looked at the steps under his feet, stepped up directly, and entered the main hall. Seeing this, everyone responded one after another. After a while, all of them appeared in the main hall, and each found a seat and sat down.

"Patriarch, are all the elders here?" Gu Xuan turned and asked She Yan!

"Except for the Black Pool Patriarch and the Black Puppet Patriarch to retreat, the rest are already here, what's your business, just say it!" She Yan seemed to have guessed Gu Xuan's intention to call all the clan elders here, Just push the boat with the water and say.

"I don't know if you have ever heard of the Silver Snake King?" As soon as Gu Xuan said, apart from the shocked faces of the Supreme Elders, there were only three people, the Chuangong Elder Snake Cheng, the Law Enforcement Elder Bloody, and the Quest Elder Snake Zhen. Standing up, the rest of the people were either puzzled or a little surprised.Obviously, except for a few people who know about the Silver Snake King, the rest have never heard of it.

"Gu Xuan, during this trip to the ancestral land, did you come across the inheritance of the Silver Snake King?" She Cheng, the elder of Chuangong said excitedly!Those who knew the truth looked at Gu Xuan expectantly, but those who didn't know the Silver Snake King looked at She Cheng with doubts on their faces.

"Elder Chuan Gong, I would like to ask, how did you find out about the Silver Snake King?" She Cheng was a bit shocked, apparently he did not expect Gu Xuan to ask him this way.After a moment of hesitation, he said, "I saw the deeds of the Silver Snake King in the Inheritance Pavilion. What's wrong?"

Gu Xuan nodded to She Cheng, and then asked: "I don't know what procedures the elders need to go through to enter the Inheritance Pavilion?"

Hearing Gu Xuan's words, She Yan was also a little puzzled, but she still answered truthfully: "Elders can enter the Inheritance Pavilion at will, without restriction!"

"Since this is the case, why do so many elders not know who the Silver Snake King is? If the inheritance is broken, why would the elders of Chuangong know? The inheritance has not been broken, but there are so many elders who didn't look it up. There is only one chance to enter the inheritance pavilion in a lifetime, and the rest have to apply to the mission elders, but the core disciples have the opportunity to enter the inheritance pavilion once a year, but they are all rushing to practice skills, supernatural powers, and secret techniques. But no one cares about the inheritance! My family can pass it on from the beginning to the present, and the inheritance is only those exercises, secret techniques, and supernatural powers?"

Hearing Gu Xuan's words, everyone felt a little baffled.Even She Yan frowned, but the elder Chuan Gong's eyes flickered, as if he understood something!
"Several ancestors, the Heavenly Snake Monument was jointly refined by the Heavenly Snake Patriarch and the Nine Great King Snake Patriarchs. The mysteries in it are endless. It has been in my family for so many years, but it has been secretly cast by the pearl. No one has gone to see it. Will the things left by the ancestors be useless? Since the beginning of the world, the world has been changing. Our family has experienced the beginning, the ancient, the ancient, and the ancient inheritance. There is one thing that has not changed, and that is the way of cultivation. It is said that after countless generations of research and perfection, the present world is the great world of cultivation, and only strength is the eternal topic."

"In the early days, our clan had the Heavenly Snake Patriarch and the Nine King Snake Patriarchs. In ancient times, our clan had the Silver Snake King. But after the Silver Snake King, who else in our clan would be the leader? Who was there in ancient times? Who else is there?" Gu Xuan's words were forceful, his eyes were like lightning, he scanned the crowd, sighed, and fell silent.

"I'll tell everyone about the deeds of the Silver Snake King. In a word of arrogance, I don't think anyone in the entire clan knows more about the existing inheritance of my clan than I do. Gu Xuan is right. Since the Silver Snake King of the Snake Clan, there have been a few geniuses born in our clan, but they all died halfway!" A look of regret flashed across the face of the elder She Cheng of Chuan Gong, and then he began to tell the story of the Silver Snake King.

"The background of the Silver Snake King was very ordinary. He was born in a temple. He was just the most common silver snake. He was enlightened because he devoured the offerings in the temple. However, the temple was destroyed not long after. The Snake King just realized how weak he was, so he left the temple. The Silver Snake King was lucky when he was discovered by the snake tribe as soon as he left the temple. Seeing that he had developed spiritual wisdom, he brought the Silver Snake King back to the snake tribe. The bloodline is too ordinary, and the speed of cultivation is extremely slow. After he survived the catastrophe and turned into a human form, he found that the same group of practitioners had already surpassed him by several realms, but the Silver Snake King didn't care, and instead became meditative , in the beginning, the Heavenly Snake Patriarch and the Nine Great King Snake Patriarchs could become the strongest in the world without skills, why can't I?"

"So, the Silver Snake King left the clan alone and started his career. Countless years passed, and after experiencing countless life and death wanderings, the Silver Snake King discovered that if he wanted to be like the ancestor of the Nine King Snakes or the ancestor of the Heavenly Snake, he must To have a skill that suits you, from this moment on, the Silver Snake King had the idea of ​​creating his own skills. In the days to come, the Silver Snake King began to observe the world, mountains and rivers, and robbed the skills. When the Silver Snake King felt that the skills he had collected When the dharma is almost done, I will return to the clan, sit cross-legged in front of the Heavenly Serpent Monument, and comprehend the mystery of the Heavenly Serpent Monument, this one is 900 years old."

"Then he began to retreat and create his own exercises. Thousands of years later, the Silver Snake King finally created his own exercises, the 'Great Snake Sutra', which shocked the whole family and was called the Silver Snake King. With his own Cultivation method, the speed of the Silver Snake King's cultivation is like the water breaking through the embankment, and it is out of control. In just a few hundred years, he surpassed countless people and became the top master of the snake clan. After countless years of research, the Silver Snake King found that the hardest part of the body of the creatures in the world is the bones except for the scales, so he went to the ancient battlefield, where there are endless bones. After many years, the Silver Snake King has finally refined a treasure 'Bone Bone Pond'."

"When the Silver Snake King returned to the Snake Clan, he found that there were corpses of his clan members in the clan land. There was no living person, so he slaughtered all the creatures within a million miles of the Snake Clan. The entire region is covered with dark clouds and covered with blood clouds, and the actions of the Silver Snake King made all the tribes feel threatened, so they invited the ancestors of all tribes out to surround and kill the Silver Snake King, but it was a pity that the success fell short."

"The Silver Snake King learned that the Snake Clan was not destroyed, and was called back by the tribe, only to learn that someone wanted to destroy the Snake Clan. Unfortunately, the Silver Snake King fought with the ancestors of various tribes and injured the source. Just when the Snake Clan was facing the disaster of extinction , the Silver Snake King proposed a crazy plan "Living Artifact Refining", which uses the blood of the tribe as the source, his own soul as the fire, and integrates the treasures of heaven and earth into one body. 300 years have passed, seeing that it is about to succeed, but it was punished by heaven. The living person's refining plan failed, and the Silver Snake King entered the ancestral land to sit. After ancient times and ancient times, the "Great Snake Sutra" in the clan was lost. " After Chuan Gong elder She Cheng finished speaking, he sighed all over his face, and everyone was silent.

"During this trip to the ancestral land, I obtained the inheritance of the Silver Snake King. In other words, I refined the memories of the Silver Snake King's life. When I refined the memories of the Silver Snake King, I discovered the vastness of the world. They are nothing more than ants. The more I know, the more I realize how precious the treasures left by our ancestors are, but we are blinded by greed and blinded. We never thought that the real treasures are being passed on Inside the pavilion. The Celestial Snake Monument is covered in dust. This is the first time I entered the Inheritance Pavilion to wipe off the dust on it, and even left a message to remind me, but it didn’t help. You must know that the simpler the foundation, the more people will forget it. On the first floor of the Inheritance Pavilion, the basic skills of the Nine King Snakes are placed, but no one cares about them. Everyone chooses the first floor, but no one thinks about it. What is the reason for the ancestors to do this? If the ancestors had chosen the first-level basic skills, they would have ascended a long time ago, instead of worrying about dealing with the Sanxian Tribulation." Gu Xuan fixed his eyes on Jin Qiong and the others, lightly sigh.

Jin Qiong and others were shocked when they heard Gu Xuan's words, and there were thousands of waves in their hearts, but no one objected.At this time, Gu Xuan had absorbed the memory of the Silver Snake King, and he knew much more than the old snake.Hearing Gu Xuan's words, everyone felt a little bitter in their hearts. They all lived in a peaceful and prosperous age, and they had not experienced race wars, nor had they experienced genocide. Their usual fights were totally useless in Gu Xuan's eyes.

Apart from other things, the things that Gu Xuan experienced after he came out of the Yin-Yang Cave are absolutely more dangerous than those experienced by the geniuses of the Snake Clan.People who have never wandered between life and death will never know how important it is to be alive.What's more, Gu Xuan is a person who has died once, so he has a deep understanding of being alive. As long as you live, there is hope. It is only a matter of time before you succeed.

"All ancestors, clan elders, if you think about it today, go back and think about it carefully. I will keep the Bone Transformation Pond in person after I refine it. I will arrange a large formation. In the future, as long as people from my snake clan break through After setting up the big formation I set up, you can enter the Bone Transformation Pond to wash your body and condense your blood. I will talk about the specific matters after I set up the big formation. As for the 'Yuan Snake Sutra' and 'Great Snake Sutra', I will burn two copies and put them in Inheritance Pavilion. Maybe what I said today might be a little offensive to the elders, but Gu Xuan is doing it for the good of you all, and for my Snake Clan to become stronger." After finishing speaking, Gu Xuan bowed deeply to everyone.

"Inheritance, inheritance, passed down from our ancestors, we didn't promise, we deserved to go through so many detours, and we have to beware of the catastrophe coming, we were wrong, we were all wrong, from today on, I will stay in the inheritance pavilion, the catastrophe will not last a day If so, I won’t leave the inheritance pavilion for a day!” Jin Qiong sighed after speaking, but his eyes were full of light.

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(End of this chapter)

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