ancestral snake

Chapter 152

Chapter 152

Just after noon, three more beast eggs cracked open. The three alien beasts born this time are Tianlei Eagle, Green Blood Golden Eyed Python, and Tianxiang Fox.

The Sky Thunder Eagle, the alien king of the Eagle Clan, is said to be the first Sky Thunder Eagle in the world was born from the Heavenly Tribulation. Since then, there has been a trace of the Sky Thunder Eagle in the blood of the Sky Thunder Eagle. The Sky Thunder Eagle can be said to be The darling of thunder and lightning, he is naturally proficient in the laws of thunder and lightning, and will gradually comprehend as the sky thunder eagle continues to grow.The little guy was born with a flash of lightning all over his body. He opened his mouth and spit out a burst of lightning power, blasting his eggshell into a pile of slag, and then he flapped his wings and swallowed his eggshell clean.

The blue-blooded golden-eyed python belongs to the snake family, but it has the blood of the golden python and the black water snake.When the bloodline is activated, the only one awakened natal supernatural power is the "Heavenly Snake Dharma Aspect". The Heavenly Snake is the ancestor of the Snake Clan. Once the Heavenly Snake Dharma is released, the people of the Snake Clan will be suppressed by the breath of the Heavenly Snake. Supernatural powers, other people will also be deterred by the breath of the sky snake, and their strength will be greatly reduced.

Tianxianghu, born in the Tianhu family, has a fragrance on her body from birth. These fragrances will increase with the improvement of Tianxianghu's strength. The memory of the Silver Snake King has the scene of Tianxianghu fighting against people. When the fragrance comes out, it is charming. People fall into illusions unconsciously, or commit suicide, or are killed by others.

At dusk, the remaining alien beasts were born, Mo Qilin, Qingjiao, Bingluan, Wine Monkey, Jingkong Beast, and Celestial Centipede.

Mo Qilin belongs to the unicorn family of divine beasts, and is born with the ability to control the earth, fire, feng shui, which was rare even before ancient times.

Qingjiao, the descendant of Jiaozu, traced back to the origin, should belong to the descendant of Qinglong. The ancestor of Jiao is Qingjiao, the son of Qinglong, who is in charge of the Jiaolong clan. Since then, Qingjiao has become the king of the Jiaolong clan.Born to control the water of heaven and earth, he is no worse than the Dragon Clan.

Bingluan, a mutated descendant of the Phoenix family, has never been recognized by the Phoenix family. He is naturally proficient in the laws of the ice system. When he grows to a certain level, Bingluan breathes out and freezes everything.

The wine monkey is a heterogeneous species of apes. It is naturally interested in wine and is a born master of wine making. The secret recipe of spirit wine of the apes is probably passed down by the wine monkey.It's just that the birth rate of the wine monkey is lower than that of the super beast purple-eyed war ape, and it has always been the baby of the ape clan.Unexpectedly, Gu Xuan got one.I don't know whether it is good fortune to trick people, or a cycle of cause and effect.

Jingkong Beast, an ancient strange beast, lives in the turbulence of the void or space faults, is naturally proficient in the laws of space, grows to the peak, and can independently open up a world of strange beasts, Jingkong Beast rarely leaves the place where it lives, In addition, people who are proficient in the laws of space have always been rare.As a result, Jingkong Beast became more precious. With Jingkong Beast, you can walk freely in the turbulent void without worrying about getting lost.

The Celestial Centipede, living in the endless starry sky, has few opponents. It feeds on the dust of the starry sky, and can guide the star power to temper the body. It can be said that the mature Celestial Centipede can destroy a star field at will.

Looking at the strange beasts around him, Gu Xuan was very proud.The fourteen unnamed beast eggs I got at the beginning, I didn't expect that I got fourteen strange beasts out of thin air. Kindness reaps good results. At the beginning, I just felt a faint breath of life. I felt that they were not easy, so I rescued them .As a result, God gave me a surprise.

The gold-swallowing beast and the golden idol fell into a deep sleep, and the rest of the strange beasts followed Gu Xuan, and the little hairy monkey would also come, waving the little black snake in its hand, followed by the three-legged dragon bird and the jade toad.Walking in figure eight steps, with small nostrils facing the sky, I look like I am the boss.Gu Xuan was also amused by the appearance of the little hairy monkey, so he gave a few brain jumps according to his monkey head. Gu Xuan distributed the spiritual fruits he collected to many aliens for generations. The little hairy monkey took all the strange beasts to play.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of the bloody catastrophe. Countless people from the Snake Clan went to Leigu to observe, but Gu Xuan stayed in the Book of Heaven and Earth and arranged many strange beasts. Under the leadership of the little hairy monkey, all The strange beasts all entered the elixir valley. These strange beasts were born from the end of the world. They were born with a sense of spiritual things. Once they entered the elixir valley, the little monkey lost control of these strange beasts and knew that it was in trouble. He hurried to find Gu Xuan.After Gu Xuan arrived, he realized that only part of the high-level elixir was lost, while many strange beasts had all fallen into a deep sleep.

Gu Xuan didn't have much to say about this, but how to arrange these guys was a big problem.In the end, he became ruthless and threw all the strange beasts into the blood lake. He didn't care about it. He felt that his spiritual consciousness had reached a critical moment of transformation. After the transformation of his spiritual consciousness was completed, he could start refining the array flag .

Another day later, Gu Xuan was still comprehending the Desire Transformation Soul Formation, and only felt that the pool of divine consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness had changed. In an instant, Gu Xuan found that he could actually feel the divine consciousness. After a while, he found that It seems that some kind of change has taken place after the spiritual consciousness has been transformed.In the end, Gu Xuan discovered that the divine consciousness can be fully manifested. The previous spiritual consciousness was nothingness. Although some pictures can be virtualized, in essence, it is still illusory.But after this transformation, the spiritual consciousness can actually manifest, and my spiritual consciousness has turned golden.

In particular, my spiritual consciousness can be divided into countless thoughts, which are not related to each other. Sure enough, my guess is right.Divine consciousness has transformed into immortal consciousness, and has also evolved into immortal thoughts. Once a thought is moved, it can be transformed into countless incarnations.

Afterwards, Gu Xuan began to become familiar with immortal consciousness and immortal thoughts.

Another three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Gu Xuan also had a certain understanding of immortal consciousness and immortal thought.It is found that the biggest difference between divine consciousness and immortal consciousness is that divine consciousness is invisible, while immortal consciousness can be transformed into reality and virtual, and has aggressiveness, which is comparable to those soul secrets.

Xiannian is even more amazing, it can be divided into countless avatars, but after his research, he found that at this time he can divide up to [-] thoughts, so he has [-] incarnations.The three hundred incarnations all have independent thinking ability, which means that they have three hundred times the comprehension ability of ordinary people.It's just that it consumes too much immortal consciousness. If the immortal thought is divided into three hundred thought incarnations, the immortal consciousness pool in the sea of ​​consciousness can last for half an hour at most.If only nine thought incarnations are differentiated, it will not affect the pool of immortal consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness.

After Gu Xuan understood the immortal consciousness and immortal thought, he released the Book of Heaven and Earth, released his immortal consciousness to feel the movement of Thunder Valley, and found that the bloody catastrophe had not yet been completed, but its power was stronger than the heaven and earth he had crossed in his previous life. The power of Jie is a bit stronger, but after thinking that Xue Can is the beast of the gods, he understands a little bit.After feeling it carefully, he felt that there was no problem for the blood to survive the catastrophe successfully, so he prepared to retreat and refine the formation flag of the Desire Transformation Soul Formation.

He has already prepared the main materials for the formation banner of the Desire Transformation Soul Formation, and the only thing left is to refine it.With a thought, one hundred and eight blood-colored beads appeared in front of Gu Xuan, which were the essence blood cells absorbed and condensed by the swallowing bottle, and three huge corpses also appeared beside him.In the beginning, the purple fire was also sacrificed by Gu Xuan, and it was divided into nine flames. The spine of the silver dragon was also drawn out by himself. The remaining 99 auxiliary flags.

As soon as the immortal consciousness moved, the blood ax flew out, and the spine of the silver flood dragon was transformed into nine sections. Each of the nine incarnations collected one piece, and the refining began. The purple fire in the beginning wrapped the nine sections of the spine of the silver flood dragon, and the nine incarnations surrounded the ancient world. Xuan kept pinching the handprint beside Xuan, and the immortal consciousness controlled the purple fire of the beginning to melt the spine continuously. After more than an hour, the spine had softened and formed the appearance of a formation flag. At this moment, nine blood-colored beads flew out. , falling in front of the nine great incarnations, once wrapped in the immortal consciousness, the blood-colored beads entered the purple fire of the primordial beginning, and turned into a pool of pure blood after a few breaths.The hands of the nine incarnations are flying like flying, constantly pinching the handprints. After a stick of incense time has passed, the talisman seals on the formation flag have been formed. Imprinted on the formation flag, the formation flag emitted a bright light, but it was seen that the talisman had been completely integrated with the formation flag.

Gu Xuan took a deep breath, the nine main formation flags have been successfully refined, and the next is the remaining 99 auxiliary formation flags.With a thought, the Nine Dragon Furnace appeared, Gu Xuan put away the nine incarnations, and the remaining 99 auxiliary formation flags were to be refined in the Nine Dragon Furnace.

36 handprints were printed, the lid of the Jiulong Furnace flew up, the bones of the silver flood dragon flew into the Jiulong Furnace, and the remaining 99 blood-colored beads also entered the Jiulong Furnace, and the Zihuo in the early days flew towards the Jiulong Furnace, and hurriedly shot 81 As for the handprints, the purple fire in the early days was brightly lit, and the Nine Dragon Furnace began to refine. Gu Xuan also made handprints with both hands, and quickly made handprints one after another, and finally turned into a talisman seal.Transfer directly to Kowloon.

The next time was to wait, and Gu Xuan also sat cross-legged on the edge of the Jiulong furnace to recover the consumed immortal consciousness.The ethereal stones are inlaid after the talisman seals on the array flags are intact, but Gu Xuan is not going to do this, he wants to wait for all the array flags to be successfully refined, throw all the array flags into the Jiulong furnace, and then add the ethereal crystals. , I think the effect will not be worse than the inlaid Void Spirit Stone.

Three hours passed, the Nine Dragon Furnace trembled, Gu Xuan also opened his eyes, and made 36 handprints, and saw that the nine dragon patterns would become a divine dragon. With a wave of the hand, 99 auxiliary formation flags and nine main formation flags entered the Jiulong furnace again. Gu Xuan took out ten ethereal crystals and threw them into the Jiulong furnace. With a thought, he made 99 handprints. The fire started to burn again, and the Jiulong Furnace also started the final stage. As long as the fusion of the empty spirit crystals is completed, the Desire and Soul Formation will be completed.

After about half an hour, the Nine Dragon Furnace trembled, and Gu Xuan hurriedly made 36 handprints, and the nine dragon patterns turned into a dragon again. ripple.It was the one hundred and eight formation flags, with the power of space shining on them, obviously the Ethereal Crystal played a role.

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(End of this chapter)

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