ancestral snake

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

More than a month has passed in the blink of an eye, Bihan also successfully survived the catastrophe, and the reputation of the Snake Clan was greatly shaken. In just a few years, the Snake Clan had three more Mahayana cultivators. A kind of background.

After more than a month of investigation, Gu Xuan also selected the location of the formation, and chose it on a planet not far from Guiyuanzong. One of the closest planets to the Wild Beast Plain.This time, when he arranged the Desire Transformation Soul Formation, Gu Xuan wanted to cheat Yuanzong, and it was disgusting to return to Yuanzong.

Afterwards, Gu Xuan came to Dragon Snake City and directly stepped onto the teleportation array.When it reappeared, it had already arrived at Panlong City on Qianlong Star, which is the domain of the Dragon Clan. In the entire Dragon Domain, only Panlong City had the teleportation array to Yuanzong.

After handing over [-] spirit stones, Gu Xuan stepped onto the teleportation formation to Yuancheng.After dozens of breaths, he only felt his body tremble, only to realize that he had appeared on the edge of the teleportation array.After checking with his immortal consciousness, he left the teleportation array and started wandering around Yuancheng.

An hour later, he finished all the arrangements, changed his appearance, came to the front of the teleportation formation again, said Lanyue City, handed in a hundred spirit stones, and disappeared in Yuan City.

Not half an hour after Gu Xuan disappeared, the jade slips he left behind were discovered, and then a news spread in Yuancheng that there was a treasure to be born on Lanyue Planet, which was said to have been handed down from ancient times.No matter who it is, as long as they get ascended to immortality, there is absolutely no problem at all.As for the place where the treasure was born, it didn't say anything.But many people are concerned, Yuancheng is very close to Lanyuexing, so it doesn't matter if you make a special trip, the big deal is just wasting a little time, if there is a treasure, maybe there is a chance.

All of a sudden, the entire Yuan City was full of noise. Many cultivators had already arrived in front of the teleportation formation, but there was already a long queue in front of the teleportation formation going to Lanyuexing.

At this time, Gu Xuan appeared in a cave, surrounded by soft light, looked back at the formation he had arranged, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.He took out a multicolored bead, and threw it directly towards the sky when he got out of the crypt, only to see a lot of multicolored auspicious clouds appearing, all the cultivators of Lanyuexing noticed the abnormality here, and rushed towards this place.

This crypt was carefully selected by him. It used to be an ancient cave mansion. After being discovered, all the useful things in the cave mansion were taken away, leaving only an empty underground world. His purpose is to desire With the name of Guxiu Cave Mansion, countless cultivators have been attracted to explore here, and more and more cultivators have suffered a secret loss here and spread the word.Gui Yuanzong who is similar to him will definitely come to investigate, and his arrangement will be half successful by then. Let's explore, and after the scattered immortals are injured and leave, the news that there are treasures here will be confirmed.

This will attract more cultivators to come here to explore, and in three years time, the Desire Transformation Soul Formation should evolve into a formation space.Not only has my goal been achieved, but there may also be unexpected gains.

Gu Xuan discovered that a wave of cultivators appeared in his immortal consciousness, all of them came towards this place.The bait has been released, and the next step is to wait for countless fish to take the bait.Feeling the speed of this wave of people coming, he could arrive within one stick of incense at most, a smile appeared on his face, and after that, he entered the big formation, entered the book of heaven and earth with a flash, and began to retreat.

Since the creation of the Yuan Snake Sutra, his time is very tight, and now there is finally a buffer period, just to take advantage of this opportunity, he will practice the Yuan Snake Sutra from the beginning, and transform all his true essence into the cultivation of the Yuan Snake Sutra. True Yuan.

The creation of the Yuan Snake Sutra has integrated countless exercises, including magic cultivation techniques, demon cultivation techniques, and many other ancient race techniques. It uses chaos as the object of visualization, and has nine characteristics. Unfortunately, it ends here He has only derived two major characteristics, and this time he practiced the Yuan Snake Sutra from scratch to make the true essence in his body have the characteristics he created.

After practicing the Yuan Snake Sutra in the ancient Xuan retreat, the first wave of cultivators who discovered the vision came to the original place of the vision, only to find that the place where the vision manifested was a deserted ancient cave. A thought arose in everyone, that is, the real treasure was not found by the predecessors, and it was manifested and born today. Thinking of the first wave of people who came here, their hearts suddenly became hot, and they all rushed towards this crypt enter.

With greed together, the heart will lose the power of judgment, and all thoughts are blinded by greed. This wave of people rushed into the crypt, and they entered the big formation arranged by Gu Xuan without knowing it. Soon fell into a hallucination.

"Ningying Pill, there is actually Ningying Pill here, as long as I get the Ningying Pill, I can break the pill and become a baby, hahaha!"

"There is actually an immortal exercise here, God pity me! With this exercise in hand, immortality can be expected!"

"It turned out to be an ancient divine weapon, and I happened to refine it into my talisman. With the ancient divine weapon, I can avenge my revenge!"


This group of people are all caught in their own greed and cannot extricate themselves. They don't even know that they have fallen into an illusion. After a stick of incense time has passed, they only hear a muffled sound. There is blood on the corners of this group of people's mouths. Full of fear, feeling traumatized, secretly complaining why Guxiu Cave Mansion arranged such a vicious formation.Looking at each other, the self-aware practitioners had quietly left the crypt, and they knew that staying here with their own strength would be of no avail.And those who were unwilling to leave the crypt stayed aside, and fantasized about waiting for other people to break through the formation and fish in troubled waters.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed, and the news that there is a treasure in Lanyue Xing's ancient repair cave has already spread throughout the spiritual realm.Everyone ignored the influence of the big formation on the soul. Countless cultivators came one after another, but all returned empty-handed.As the matter got bigger and bigger, some small and medium-sized forces in the spiritual domain also sent people here to investigate, but they all returned in embarrassment in the end, but it made people more convinced that there were treasures here.

On this day, a group of cultivators came, those with the lowest level of cultivation were in the stage of distraction, but the three leading ones had the cultivation level of the stage of crossing the catastrophe, those cultivators who were unwilling to reconcile were also excited.They finally got their hope. When they saw this group of people entering the crypt, they followed them.But they hid aside and watched, no one dared to step forward.

"Fellow Daoist Yunkai and Fellow Daoist Liuyun, can you see something different?" Three cultivators in the Tribulation Stage discussed it!

"Fellow Daoist Gu Dan, it's hard to say, we two brothers and sisters have lived for so many years, and we have seen many formations, but this formation is as if it is one with this place, and we are hard to say. Was it artificially arranged, or was it created by the heavens and the earth?" Liu Yun said with a sigh all over his face!

"According to the experience of other people, this formation is a phantom formation. It is supposed to test everyone's xinxing. It should be arranged artificially. The ancient practitioners are indeed not comparable to us. The formation formed is unexpectedly There are no flaws. This trip was a waste of time, so I might as well just leave!" Gu Dan wanted to leave after finishing speaking.

Yun Kai and Liu Yun looked at each other and said with a smile on their faces: "Fellow Daoist Gu Dan wait a minute, all formations in the world can be broken, there are no more than three methods, one is to find the eye of the formation and break it, two The formation has already been broken, and the third is to break the formation with force. Thinking about the cultivation of the three of us, plus the people we brought, we should be able to give it a try! I don’t know how you feel about Gu Dan’s friendship?”

"Okay, but only this time!" Thinking for a moment, Gu Dan still nodded in agreement!

"For a while, the three of us are the main ones. After the three of us attack, all of you will attack the place where the three of us attacked. You understand!" Liu Yun said to the dozens of people behind him!

The three of Liu Yun nodded, and they all took out their strongest attacks, a huge aura rose in the crypt, and then the three of them shouted loudly, and released their attacks, but the result was the same They imagined it differently.The three attacks were like a drop of water entering the sea, without even a wave floating up.After that, dozens of attacks followed, but the result was still the same.

A look of astonishment flashed across the faces of the three of Liuyun, Gu Dan was silent for a moment, and then left. The two of Liuyun obviously still had some unwillingness to give up, they looked at each other, and walked towards the formation, and disappeared after a while.Seeing this, the rest of the people divided into two groups, one group left directly, and the other group also entered the big formation.After a stick of incense, there were dozens of muffled groans in the crypt, and Liu Yun and the people who entered the battle all came out.With a trace of fear on their faces, they left without saying a word.

Even the masters of the tribulation period couldn't break the big formation, and it pushed this matter to a climax. Every day, many unbelieving practitioners joined the formation.

Time passed gradually, and in a blink of an eye, a year passed. Gu Xuan, who was in seclusion for a day, finally woke up. At this time, his cultivation had reached the initial stage of Nascent Soul.Release the immortal consciousness and experience the Desire Transformation Soul Formation, and find that it is not far from condensing the illusory space.He left the formation quietly, with an extra plant of ginseng in his hand, full of fragrance, looking at its appearance, it would be thousands of years to say the least.The cultivators guarding the outside of the crypt were all jealous, but when they thought of the experience of themselves and others, they felt a burst of horror. Now that someone found the treasure and came out, it stimulated these people even more.

"Little brother, I don't know how you passed the big formation?" A distracted cultivator asked this ancient Xuan!
"Reporting to senior, as long as you have no greed in your heart, you can pass through the formation. Unfortunately, the boy's physique does not match the inheritance, so I asked the boy to dig out a plant of earth dragon ginseng. What is there in the formation? The boy swore an oath, Do not tell outsiders, please forgive me senior!" After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he showed the earth dragon ginseng in his hand to the people next to him.There was still soil, and it really had just been dug out. A look of envy flashed in the eyes of the distracted cultivator, and Yu Kong left.

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(End of this chapter)

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