ancestral snake

Chapter 159 Blood Nerve Cutting Heaven Order Part [-]

Chapter 159 Blood Nerve Cutting Heaven Order Part [-]

Along the way, Gu Xuan didn't come across anything that moved his heart, so he left Fangshi directly, and followed the flow of people towards the exchange of Master Jiu Yuan.

When they arrived at the bottom of the giant tower, they found that many people had released their spiritual senses towards a stone tablet, and immediately released their immortal senses. After a while, they knew the rules of the trading conference, so they walked straight to the gate of the tower.

After stepping in, he realized that the space inside the tower was quite large, several thousand meters wide, and there were thousands of practitioners, some of whom rushed directly to the upper floors.He just wandered around casually. When he walked to the pile of ore storage area, he seemed to think of something. He patted his waist, and the little hairy monkey appeared in his arms. With Gu Xuan.

The little black snake also found Gu Xuan, and wanted to crawl towards his shoulder, but was dragged back by the little hairy monkey. Gu Xuan was a little speechless, and the little guy seemed to recognize the little black snake, as long as there was nothing wrong, he would go The little black snake was called out from the black snake fruit tree, and then it became a whip in the hands of the little hairy monkey. With a thought, the little black snake was collected into the book of heaven and earth by him. Just as the little monkey was about to complain, it saw the whip in Gu Xuan's hand. The monkey fruit, snatched it, jumped onto his shoulder and gnawed it.

Gu Xuan squatted in front of the ore pavement, released his immortal consciousness to observe these stones, but unfortunately, after reading them all over, he found that they were all ordinary ores, although there were some high-quality ones, they didn't catch his eyes.

Soon, the first floor was completed, but Gu Xuan didn't gain anything.He had no choice but to go to the second floor. When he reached the second floor, he found that there were a few more practitioners here than on the first floor. Judging from their cultivation base, most of them were in the out-of-body stage, and some people hid their real cultivation. Because, on the second floor, you can either hang out or make a deal.

After walking around for a while, he found many cultivators gathered in front of a booth. It seemed that a treasure had come out, and more and more people came to watch.Seeing this, Gu Xuan also walked over, only to find that the booth was full of some cultivation methods, either engraved in jade slips, or copied in animal skins, and there were some special books placed there.

There is an introduction in front of each exercise, but unfortunately it cannot be opened. Presumably, it was restricted by the owner of the stall. Seeing that more and more people gathered, the owner of the stall was not watching, so he stood up and shouted: "Fellow Taoists, these exercises The Dharma is all obtained by myself in one ruins. There are all kinds of Dharma, there are immortals, demons, monsters, and some ancient aliens. They are all available. There are no friends who are good at practicing kung fu. , you can step forward and choose one to practice, and maybe you can ascend into the sky."

Hearing the stall owner's words, the eyes of many casual cultivators burst into light, and even some cultivators from small forces actively tried it!
"Fellow daoists, for your convenience, I have recorded all the introductions to the exercises in the jade slips. This is a hundred jade slips. You can pass them around for a look, and if you are interested, you can discuss them with me in private. "After the stall owner finished speaking, he waved a hundred jade slips and flew towards the crowd. Gu Xuan reached out and took one, and poked into his immortal consciousness to look at it.

After a while, Gu Xuan threw the jade slip in his hand to a person next to him, and walked towards the stall owner. There were several people with the same purpose as him. Seeing this, the stall owner showed a gleam of joy on his face. Behind him, his hands flew like flying, making handprints one after another, and soon a protective shield appeared beside everyone, surrounding them.

"Fellow daoists, please forgive me. This restriction can prevent outsiders from prying eyes. You can now tell me the exercises you want to buy!" After setting up the restriction, the stall owner said to everyone!

Several people looked at each other, but no one spoke. Seeing this, Gu Xuan said directly: "Bring me the four exercises of 'Xuanying Jue', 'Golden Bell Transformation', 'Beast God Jue' and 'Blood Nerve' , I need the original, I can leave you a copy, and you can tell me a price!"

The stall owner pondered for a moment and said, "Fellow Daoist, these four exercises require a total of 1000 million spirit stones. Fellow Daoist wants to add another 300 million spirit stones!"

"This is [-] spirit crystals, bring me the 'Leading Lightning Jue' too!" Gu Xuan took out a storage bag and threw it to the stall owner!

"Wait! I've also taken a liking to the Art of Introducing Thunder, and I also need the original. This is 200 million spirit stones!" A young man waved and took out a storage bag and threw it to the stall owner, his face full of arrogance.

The stall owner's face remained unchanged and he said: "I don't know how many fellow Taoists, who wants to draw the Thunder Jue?"

Seeing that the rest of the people shook their heads, they said to Gu Xuan and the man: "Right now, the two fellow daoists want to quote the original version of the Thunder Jue, but it's a bit difficult. This fellow daoist has paid for the spirit stone first. , Yin Lei Jue should belong to this fellow Taoist!" The stall owner said after finishing speaking, pointing at Gu Xuan!

"As for this fellow daoist, you can buy it from me, or from the fellow daoist beside you!" the stall owner said and returned a storage bag in his hand to the young man.Turning over his hands, he took out four books and a bronze medal that flashed with lightning, and handed them to Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's immortal sense was swept away, and after finding it was correct, he put it away, and wanted to leave the restraint, but the man beside him looked a little ugly, so he directly moved to block him, and stretched out a hand to him. : "Sell me the original Lightning Jue, and I'll add another 1000 million spirit stones!"

"Don't sell it, get out of the way!" Gu Xuan got a few exercises, and now he just wants to find a quiet place to study it, so he doesn't care about other things.

Gu Xuan threw the man in front of him away, and went out of the restraint directly, without even taking a second look.The man's face was changing, and he was able to drip water gloomyly. He snorted coldly at the stall owner and left the restraint.The faces of the few people next to them all showed a trace of disdain. Nine out of ten people who can enter the wasteland star have backers, and only a few fish in troubled waters. Besides, Gu Xuan took out tens of thousands of spirit stones without blinking. I don't think this person can eat Gu Xuan.

As soon as he got out of the restriction, Gu Xuan found a secluded corner and directly entered the Book of Heaven and Earth. With a thought, the four books and the bronze medal appeared in front of his eyes. When he stretched out his hand, the blood nerve appeared in his hand. Start browsing right away.After about half an hour, Gu Xuan finally finished reading the book Blood Nerves.

The blood nerve was created by a member of the monster clan, but the body of this monster clan is a lake of blood, and he has absorbed the blood of many living beings and finally opened his spiritual wisdom. When he transformed into form, he encountered After the blood-colored thunder tribulation, after he survived the catastrophe, the entire blood lake was only three feet in size, but this person also got a great fortune.The memories of those monks who died in the blood lake were actually absorbed by him.

Absorbing countless memories all of a sudden changed the character of this monster clan member. In order to restore his strength, this monster clan member started a massacre. As soon as the blood lake came out, all the creatures were turned into blood and became his body. part.In the end, this person was called a blood demon by people in the cultivation world.

The blood demon's body is a blood lake, which can be regarded as an extraordinary talent, and he has also created a technique of blood nerves with the improvement of his cultivation.In the end, for some unknown reason, the blood demon disappeared from the eyes of everyone, and gradually faded out of the eyes of monks.It's just that everyone didn't notice that the blood demon disappeared, but there was another race, the blood demon clan.

The blood nerves are left by the blood demon clan. It is said that in order to break through to a higher level, the blood demon turned its body into the blood demon clan, leaving the last trace of soul and soul to reincarnate and rebuild. The blood demon clan does not know how to reincarnate. .

After watching the blood nerves, Gu Xuan not only learned about the secrets of the blood demon and the blood demon clan, but also observed the blood nerves. The visualization of the blood nerves is the blood essence of himself, which uses his own blood essence as the source to devour the blood. The blood of the living beings in the world strengthens their own blood, does not absorb the aura of heaven and earth, does not temper their own body, only tempers their own blood, and sublimates to the utmost.

The power of the bloodline is stronger, so it is natural to temper one's own physique, but it is a pity that to practice this technique is to condense the Linglong Blood Pool. The blood demon clan can cultivate the blood nerves, because the blood demon has condensed its own blood marrow and essence. An exquisite blood pool left a legacy for the blood demon clan.

Seeing this, Gu Xuan had no choice but to put the blood nerves aside, and after the desolate plain was over, he would study it further, and then took the remaining three exercises in his hands to observe. Less than an hour later, He has read all three exercises. Xuanying Jue is an immortal cultivation exercise. It has no special characteristics, but it is a little different from ordinary exercises, and it focuses more on Yuanying.

Admiralty Transformation is a body training method. After the mastery, a golden bell will be condensed in the body. When encountering an attack, the golden bell will automatically protect the body. It's just that the golden bell transformation is extremely difficult to practice.But you can also learn from it and integrate it into the original snake scripture you created.

Although the name of the Beast God Jue is just an ordinary demon cultivation technique, it was created by a crow after he had successfully cultivated it. If he hadn't found out that it was a demon clan technique during the introduction, Gu Xuan would not have chosen this technique .

The last Lightning Inducing Jue skill is in the bronze medal, looking at its shape, I think it has a lot of background.Just put the immortal consciousness directly into the bronze medal, and as soon as the immortal consciousness entered, a piece of information appeared in his heart, it was the Lightning Jue. The power of lightning is connected to the bronze medal, and the bronze medal will automatically refine the power of lightning. In this way, practitioners who cultivate the attribute of lightning can easily refine the power of lightning into their bodies for their cultivation.

After observing all the gains, Gu Xuan came out of the Book of Heaven and Earth and rushed towards the third floor.

On the third floor of the trading tower, the number of people has decreased to less than 2000. The minimum cultivation level of the cultivators here is the distraction stage. If they are put into those small forces, the cultivators in the distraction stage can already be regarded as high-ranking people. elders.

After Gu Xuan took the little monkey around, he found that he didn't have the items he needed, so he rushed towards the fourth floor. Unfortunately, he didn't find anything special after the fourth floor.Then go directly to the fifth floor.Just when Gu Xuan entered the fifth floor, he heard an exclamation!
"This is the order to cut down the sky!"

(End of this chapter)

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