ancestral snake

Chapter 160 Blood Nerve Cutting Heaven Order

Chapter 160 Blood Nerve Cutting Heaven Order

"The order to cut down the sky? Is it true or not?"

"The legendary order to cut down the sky? It can't be a lie!"

"Fatian Order, that is the sign to enter the Fatian Palace, it will appear here, it must be fake?"

Fatian Order, that is the key to enter Fatian Palace, and Fatian Palace was the biggest force in the cultivation world countless years ago, none of them. It is said that countless years ago, there was no fairy world and other high-level interfaces. At that time, only An ancient fairy world is above the cultivation world, and the only ruling force in the ancient fairy world is Tiangong.

With the changes in the world, great changes have also taken place in the realm of cultivation. At this time, some forces in the realm of cultivation have been dissatisfied with the rule of Tiangong, so they secretly allied and formed a force to attack Tiangong. The palace, the name of this treasure was given by the name of the faction formed by the various factions after discussion. This is also the lair of Fatian Palace.

After countless years of hard work and development, Fatiangong finally began to show its fangs, openly provoking the authority of Tiangong. As the contradiction deepened, a big war finally broke out. Fatiangong prepared for many years, and Tiangong suffered a dark loss in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, Tiangong has a deep foundation. A great battle lasted for thousands of years. In the end, the Heavenly Palace sacrificed to the Tiantian Palace. The two treasures attacked each other, but in the end both lost.

The battle of countless masters also caused great changes in the world, resulting in the birth of these advanced interfaces of the fairy, demon and demon world, and then the ancient fairy world disappeared in front of the eyes of the practitioners, and could not be hidden. The high-level interface that was born, finally decided to leave a part of the tribe to continue to develop in the cultivation world, and the rest of the people entered the newly born interface.

The treasure of Fatian Palace was also disabled, and the forces of all parties sealed it in the void, allowing it to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to recover on its own!Unexpectedly, countless years have passed, but Fatian Palace has broken away from the control of various forces, and formed a special relic, which has become a treasure hunting place for all forces
Endless years have passed, and Fatian Palace will appear every other period of time, at most 3 years, at least 3000 years, and will appear in the cultivation world. Every time Fatian Palace is born, there will be a bloody storm. Some places entered, and the major forces all made moves one after another.Even the upper realm sent people to participate in it, and it has been passed down to this day.

Hearing someone chanting the order to cut down the sky, the cultivators on the fifth floor were a little skeptical, but they said loudly, but they rushed towards the place where the sound was made just now.Even the big forces in the fairy world will be greedy for such treasures as the Fatian Ling. Every time the Heaven Failing Palace is opened, the major forces in the fairy world will send some people to the cultivation world to hunt for the treasure in the Tiantian Palace.

Gu Xuan, who had just arrived at the fifth floor, was shocked when he heard the Heaven-Fighting Token. Although the Heaven-Fighting Token was just a token, it was the basis for entering the Heaven-Fighting Palace.In my previous life, I had only heard about it, but I had never seen the true face of the Fatianling. Now I heard that someone had discovered the Tianling, but I could see the sky's face.

The cultivators who can enter the fifth level are all in the state of transcending the catastrophe period. Occasionally, there are a few who are not in the transcending catastrophe period, but they have a lot of background. Care about, as long as they can come up with something that satisfies them, even if their cultivation base is low, they will not complain.

As soon as the three words Fatian Ling came out, within a few breaths, everyone gathered in front of a pavement. There were a total of more than 100 people on the fifth floor of the trading tower. In an instant, a large area was vacated.

The owner of the Order of Cutting Heaven was a middle-aged man, wearing a dark blue Taoist robe all over his body, with a black long knife stuck on his back, with a haggard complexion, and his whole body revealed a downcast appearance.There were only five items on the booth, a broken scroll, a piece of khaki metal, a withered yellow branch, a blue flying sword and a white token.

At this time, everyone's eyes were on the white token, and their eyes were full of fire. With a Heaven-Slaying Order, they would have the opportunity to enter the Heaven-Smashing Palace.

"Ahem——" A cough sounded, and everyone put away the greed in their hearts.The stall owner looked around the crowd before saying: "If you want to cut down the sky, you can exchange the treasures for repairing the soul, and the rest will not accept it!"

When all the cultivators heard the stall owner's words, most of them sighed, shook their heads and left. In a moment, there were only a dozen or so people left around the stall, but Gu Xuan's heart was a little tumbling at this moment, because the There are two tokens, except the color is different from the token in front of you, the rest are exactly the same, no matter the size or the engraved patterns and marks, they are all the same as the token in front of you.Could it be that the two tokens in his hand are also the order to cut down the sky?But why is it different from the one in front of you?
After thinking for a moment, Gu Xuan asked the people beside him: "Fellow Daoist, I heard that the Heaven Cutting Order is green, why is it white in front of my eyes, did I hear wrong?"

"Fellow daoists don't know that the Heaven-Fighting Order came from the Heaven-Fighting Palace. There are nine tokens in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black and white. White is the lowest level, and black is the highest level. White tokens can only Let the holder of the token enter the Fatian Palace alone, and then the rest of the tokens can bring three more people into the Fatian Palace for each level. Unfortunately, there are only nine Fatian Tokens for each level, and there are only 81 tokens in total. Every time the Fatian Palace is closed Afterwards, these tokens will be scattered all over the world of comprehension. In addition, the major forces block the news. , these tokens will look different!" After the cultivator finished speaking, a trace of silence flashed across his face.

"Thank you fellow daoist for clarifying the confusion!" After Gu Xuan thanked this person, he left here, but he was overwhelmed with surprise in his heart. He did not expect that he would get two heaven-cutting orders in a daze, which can be described as a unique gift.

Then it started to turn around, but unfortunately found nothing, so I had to go to the barter area on the sixth floor, and found a 3000-year-old Golden Crow Fire Jujube tree. Without getting into his eyes, he exited the trading tower, found a secluded corner and entered the book of heaven and earth.

After planting the Golden Crow Fire Jujube Tree in the elixir valley and pouring some Sanguang Shenshui, the Golden Crow Fire Jujube Tree unexpectedly undergoes a major transformation and blooms immediately, attracting countless Purple Crystal Peaks to gather honey here.Gu Xuan also had a little more expectation in his heart. The Golden Crow Fire Date was transformed from the blood of the three-legged Golden Crow, an ancient mythical beast. It has an effect, which is to change the physique of the cultivator, so that ordinary people have a physique of the fire attribute, and the cultivator with the physique of the fire attribute can transform himself into the acquired fire spirit body by taking the Golden Crow Fire Jujube regularly.

Although I created the Yuan Snake Sutra, I have inherited the characteristics of the Yuan Jie technique. When I finish my experience in the Wild Beast Plain, I will retreat and condense the Fire Building Body Chapter.Sanguang Shenshui can actually catalyze the Jinwu fire jujube tree to make it bloom, and it can be matured after a period of time by watering it once.

Take it for a period of time by yourself, and when the time comes to condense the chapter of building the body of fire, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

(End of this chapter)

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