ancestral snake

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

When the sky was just dawning, Gu Xuan came out of the Book of Heaven and Earth, silently waiting for the return of the golden-backed dog. Just when the first ray of light passed through the gap between the dense forest and shone on the ground, there was a sound of dog sniffing, Gu Xuan Letting out his sense of immortality, he found that the golden back dog was not far from his old lair, and at most he would be able to return within a stick of incense.

After waiting quietly for a while, thousands of golden back dogs appeared in his sight. The layout of the refining world is only ten feet away.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of Gu Xuan's mouth, and he was done. The golden-backed dog group only felt light, and appeared in the trial world. Thousands of snake-shaped runes penetrated into their brains in an instant, and soon these golden-backed dogs The dog became quiet, and Gu Xuan appeared next to the dog king. He took out an enlightening pill and threw it to the dog king. After the dog king refined the medicine and told him to appease the group, he left the trial world and began to search Next target.

It's a pity that nothing was found in the next few days. Once those cultivators arrived at his place, but as they continued to deepen, the strength of the desolate beasts continued to grow. At the beginning, there was no grass left, and it began to evolve into a harvest. If there are fewer, those cultivators with low cultivation bases, even if dozens of people unite together, will gain less and less.

At this time, the advantages of the major forces are reflected.Led by experts, when encountering desolate beasts, those cultivators with low cultivation levels will form a formation to restrain the desolate beasts, and the masters will wait for the opportunity to kill the desolate beasts, and those casual cultivators or small forces will follow suit. It's a pity that the effect is obviously not as good as those of those powerful people. The main reason is that the distribution is uneven.

Gu Xuan then leaped deeper, and after another three days, he finally found a group of suitable desolate beasts.The Earth Dragon Clan, the Earth Dragon Clan is huge and not good at attacking, and the large number of them is very suitable for other groups of food. The only trouble is that the Earth Dragon Clan lives in the earth and feeds on the spirit of the earth. Few of them live on the ground. Activity.

If the Earth Dragon Clan can be included in the Trial Realm, the entire Trial Realm will have food for all kinds of desolate beasts, and the Earth Dragon Clan does not need to provide food by itself, but it is the best food race.

Looking at the ground under his feet, Gu Xuan began to think about how to wipe out the earth dragon clan. Just as Gu Xuan was thinking, seventeen cultivators came here, and the leading cultivator took out a jade slip and looked at it for a while and said : "That's right, that's right here. The Earth Dragon Clan lives here. Except for our Cold Light Sect, few people know about it. Even if they know, they have no way to hunt them down. It's just cheaper for my Cold Light Sect!"

"Senior Brother Yi, you see that this person is also afraid of attacking the Earth Dragon Clan again, what should I do?"

"Junior Brother Min Fei and Junior Brother Han Feng are going to drive this person away. I'm going to use a secret technique in a while to summon the Earth Dragon Clan. No accidents are allowed? You guys understand!"

"Brother, don't worry, we'll go right away!" The two agreed and walked towards Gu Xuan.

"Fellow daoist, this is the place where I taught Hanguang, fellow daoist, please change to another place." Min Fei said arrogantly to Gu Xuan!
Gu Xuan glanced at it, and continued to think about how to force the Earth Dragon Clan out. He didn't take this person's words to heart at all. Although the Cold Light Sect was a big force, it was useless to Gu Xuan.

"Fellow Daoist, I'm telling you again that this is the site of my Cold Light Sect, please leave, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!" After Min Fei finished speaking, an aura of fusion stage pressed towards Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's heart was already troubled by the matter of the Earth Dragon Clan, but now he was disturbed by this person again and again, he was very displeased, he frowned, his eyes widened and he said directly: "Get out!"

"Fellow Daoist, since you don't know good from bad, don't blame us!" After Min Fei finished speaking, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he nodded towards Han Feng, and both of them slapped Gu Xuan at the same time. Soon they felt that something was wrong, but they saw that the two palms hit Gu Xuan's body and only made his body sway. At this moment, they also understood that this person is not a cultivator at the out-of-body stage, he is clearly pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

There was a burst of regret in their hearts, but when they met Gu Xuan's cold eyes, they knew that it was difficult to be kind, so they stopped talking and directly sacrificed their magic weapons to kill Gu Xuan.

As soon as the two people sacrificed their magic weapons, the surrounding temperature dropped a bit. Gu Xuan saw that the two of them were still attacking without knowing their life and death, so he snorted coldly and shouted with the magic power of rising and falling soul: "Get lost!"

After the attack of the two people, they froze in place, but there was a tumbling in the sea of ​​consciousness. Gu Xuan's scolding sound kept echoing in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the sound of rolling became higher and higher. , After a stick of incense, the two of them bled from their seven orifices, their eyes were lifeless, and they fell to the ground with a bang.

Senior Brother Yi in the distance also noticed this situation. He was stunned for a moment, and then an aura of the middle stage of the tribulation rose up. He jumped up and arrived at the two people's sides in an instant. After sweeping his consciousness, he found that the two had lost their breath. Without vitality, a breath of rage swept around.

Gu Xuan glanced at this person, and a more powerful aura crushed this person, his face changed, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.A dark blue mirror was suspended above the head, and a piercing chill spread towards the surroundings.

Seeing this, Gu Xuan was also angry. Immortal thoughts instantly gathered into a big clock and manifested in the air. Bursts of divine and soul aura came from the big clock, making people fall into it involuntarily. A giant palm slapped towards the big clock, and a bell rang, covering this person. The person seemed to have thought of something, and exclaimed: "Spirit attack!"

As soon as the words fell, he wanted to escape, but Gu Xuan gave him a chance, using a special space artistic conception, this person felt a change in his body, as if he was trapped in mud, at this moment, the giant palm also quickly pointed at the big clock It struck, and after nine consecutive bell rings, the big bell and the giant palm disappeared into the air at the same time, and Gu Xuan's face turned pale.

The Coiled Snake Gun penetrated directly into this person's body, and was sucked dry in a short while. Afterwards, the previous two corpses also followed suit. They waved their hands and put away the three storage rings, only to find that the rest of the people had already fled away. The rest of these people, he did not kill them all.

At this moment, he felt a faint pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, but it was just a moment ago, all the immortal consciousness was consumed, and the soul was also a little turbulent. With a movement in his heart, he entered the book of heaven and earth, and hurriedly circulated the primordial snake scripture, and started The soul power consumed by luck restoration.

In a blink of an eye, three days have passed, and Gu Xuan's depleted soul power has been fully recovered. The Yuan Snake Sutra and merits in the Sea of ​​Consciousness are still the same, and have not changed. The only thing that has changed is the speed of the gray mist around the Sea of ​​Consciousness. It was much faster, and it kept pouring towards the pool of divine consciousness, turning into a golden liquid.

Turning over his hand, he took out the storage ring of the man who had crossed the catastrophe, and began to recognize the owner with blood. After a while, he found the record of how to kill the earth dragon clan. The earth dragon clan lived in the earth. Although many people found out, But there is no way to take it, but the Hanguang Sect has found another way and thought of a way.

The earth dragons mainly feed on the essence of the earth. The Hanguang Sect took advantage of it and did what it liked. They collected countless spiritual soils and refined a treasure. The elixir garden can not only use this to lure the earth dragons, but also plant spiritual treasures. Among them, medicine can kill two birds with one stone.

Then, Gu Xuan began to refine the elixir garden. The elixir garden is like a basin, but some Xumi formations were arranged during the refinement. The elixir garden seems to be only the size of a fist, but in fact it is thousands of feet in size. Its refining techniques and auxiliary materials are somewhat crude. After this time, it will be refined again and handed over to the Snake Clan. Every time the Wild Beast Plain is opened, the clansmen can come in and collect some Earth Dragon Clans.

Three hours passed in a blink of an eye, and the elixir garden was initially refined by Gu Xuan. All he needed was some simple manipulations, and there was no need for perfect refining.After this time is over, I don't know if there will be another chance next time.

Afterwards, Gu Xuan published the Book of Heaven and Earth, sacrificed the Trial Realm and covered it with a radius of several thousand meters, placed the Spiritual Medicine Garden in it, and when he moved his mind, the Spiritual Medicine Garden turned into a size of ten feet and fell on the ground. I saw a stream of earth-type spiritual power penetrating towards the surface of the earth.After half an hour, Gu Xuan felt that the spiritual power of the earth element in the elixir garden had dropped by [-]%, so he stopped operating.

The next thing is to wait quietly for the Earth Dragon Clan to take the bait. After waiting for a while, Gu Xuan was afraid that the Earth Dragon Clan would not take the bait, so he put a top-quality earth-type spiritual item in the elixir garden, and then waited quietly.

About half an hour later, Gu Xuan noticed some slight changes in the ground, so he probed into the ground with his sense of immortality, and found that within a few thousand meters around the elixir garden, there were densely packed people of the earth dragon clan. Later, it was found that these earth dragons have the lowest cultivation base and also have a period of out of body.He was also surprised that the tallest one had the cultivation base of the late stage of crossing the catastrophe, but he also found that the actions of the earth dragon clan seemed to be based on instinct.It is worse than other desolate beasts, and I don't know why.

Sure enough, thousands of earth dragon heads protruded from the ground before burning an incense stick, and soon these earth dragons crawled towards the elixir garden. The largest earth dragon was more than three feet long, and the smallest one was one It was more than ten feet long, but the rest of the earth dragons at the bottom of the ground were desperately crawling out.

Soon the first batch of earth dragons entered the area set up by the trial world. These earth dragons found themselves in a strange place before they could react. After reaching the breath of the elixir garden, he wanted to burrow into the ground.

After a while, these earth dragons discovered that the land they originally depended on for survival could not be entered. For a while, these earth dragons began to become chaotic and kept lying around. At this moment, the second batch of earth dragons also came in. Gu Xuan With a thought, countless snake-shaped runes penetrated into the bodies of the Earth Dragons. After a while, these Earth Dragons climbed towards a hill, which was the new home that Gu Xuan arranged for them.

(End of this chapter)

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