ancestral snake

Chapter 172 Level 2 Sky Desolate Stone

Chapter 172

Three days passed in a flash, and Gu Xuan also captured hundreds of thousands of dragons. Seeing that the strength of the dragons behind was getting weaker and weaker, he left a chance for the dragons to prevent them from being wiped out. It takes a thousand years of recuperation and reproduction to recover.He stopped collecting it, and directly withdrew from the Spirit Medicine Garden, collected the Trial Realm, left this place, and continued to move toward the depths of the first layer of the Wild Beast Plain.

The further you go into the Wild Beast Plain, the stronger the wild beasts become, which also slows down the speed of the cultivators who enter here. Gu Xuan walks alone all the way, be careful, and when he encounters a lonely wild beast, he directly slaughters the beast to get the pill. Come across some relatively rare elixir treasures and collect them.

However, generally speaking, the resources such as treasures and elixir on the first floor of the Wild Beast Plain are somewhat lacking. The same is true for desolate beasts, 30 years is just enough to cultivate their health and rest, and as soon as they have rested, practitioners come in to hunt them down, causing these desolate beasts to maintain a constant reproduction forever.

But in this way, every time the surviving desolate beasts became stronger and stronger, over time, the weaknesses of the cultivators became obvious, so every time the desolate beast plains were opened, none of the cultivators entered it. For the big powers, this is just a trial, while those small powers' casual cultivators are like a catastrophe, but no small powers are willing to give up on this.

They are all gambling with their own disciples. As long as there are three or two people who survive, they will definitely lead the sect to rise hundreds of years later, and casual cultivators can only look at their good luck. Those who survive, as long as they are not unlucky, There is always something to be achieved.However, this is the reality, and no one can change it for millions of years.

Inadvertently, it has been a month since the opening of the Wild Beast Plain. The tens of thousands of cultivators who originally entered have lost about 49% at this time. After a month of struggle and killing, almost all of them have gathered in the first place of the Wild Beast Plain The entrance of the second floor, if you just want to enter the second floor, you must drive away or kill all the desolate beasts guarding the entrance, and there are [-] desolate beasts guarding here, and all of them have cultivation levels. Later stage of crossing the catastrophe.

In the face of these desolate beasts, a single force can only die, and only all cultivators can drive them away or kill them together, otherwise they will not be able to enter the second floor.

"At this time, almost everyone from all the forces has arrived, and all the masters of the tribulation period from all the forces are dispatched to kill these desolate beasts together. Pass!" The person who spoke was a member of the Dragon Clan, Ao Kong, who was also a small member of the Dragon Clan who entered the Wild Beast Plain this time, with the strength of the middle stage of the tribulation.

"Old rules, the alchemy will be provided by Danfeng Daoyou of the Huadan Sect, Ye Jianyuan of the Spirit Sword Sect, Ouyang Dao of the Huadao Sect, Yintianqu of the Blood Demon Sect, Tianjin of the Yulei Sect, Bitianpan of the Heavenly Snake Clan, and Bai Tianpan of the Tiger Clan." Yichen, Yuxuan of the Peng Clan, Xiao Li of the Wolf Clan, and our Dragon Clan will be the general attack, and the remaining forces will arrange a large formation to trap all the wild beasts. After killing these wild beasts, all the materials will be handed over to the Huadan Sect Refining the elixir, as for the distribution, it will be handed over to their respective forces, I don’t know if you have any objections, if not, we will start to act!" After finishing speaking, Ao Kong looked at the others.

After hearing this, people from various forces expressed no objection, and then each force began to take out an array flag and rush towards the entrance of the second floor.The entrance to the second floor is in a valley. Although the Wild Beast Plain is an endless plain, there are still some mountains, but not many.

Just after they arrived in the valley, they found a three-foot-high light gate hovering in the valley, and around the light gate was surrounded by a group of desolate beasts, constantly swallowing wisps of breath from the light gate.

"Okay, let's set up the big formation first. After the big formation is not finished, the nine of you will lead some of the wild beasts into the big formation, and then we will catch them all!" Tianlingzong Duye finished, and the rest People began to arrange a large formation.In less than half an hour, the formation was finished.

Ao Kong directly manifested his body, a silver giant dragon groaned, and with a sweep of its giant tail, it swept towards three of the wild beasts. The rest of the people all shot at this, and in an instant, the entire valley reverberated with anger Seeing that the desolate beasts had been enraged, everyone began to retreat. Although these desolate beasts had a trace of spirituality, they were still desolate beasts after all. When they attacked for a while, they became angry. The original spirituality was quickly destroyed. Instinctively suppressed.

Soon eleven wild beasts were led into the formation, and the wild beasts that followed saw the enemy disappear, roared for a while, and returned to the position just now to huff and puff and practice.

It was a desolate beast that entered the formation. It acted instinctively. When it saw the enemy appearing, it hurriedly killed it. Each of the nine people was a sharp attacking person. Killing a desolate beast together is like drinking cold water. In less than half an hour, the first desolate beast had been killed.Everyone's eyes changed, and another desolate beast appeared, and the enemy was extremely jealous when they met.

When the wild beast saw the nine people, its eyes were full of madness and rage. Relying on its thick skin and thick flesh, it directly ran towards Ao Kong, but before he could move, a sword light struck over and landed on the ground of the wild beast. There was only a scar of blood on the beast's body. The desolate beast ate the pain, and opened its mouth to spit out the inner alchemy to attack Ao Kong. Unfortunately, as soon as the inner alchemy came out of the body, it was entangled by the formation. A stream of blood flew out from the wound just now, and the wild beast was furious, but unfortunately it was doing futile work, and the nine teamed up to kill the second wild beast very quickly.

Three hours passed in a flash, and all eleven desolate beasts were killed. After cleaning the battlefield, everyone withdrew from the valley. Start to restore the real yuan.

When everyone recovered their true energy, the sky had already darkened, so they had to go back to their respective forces, meditate and practice!
As night fell, countless desolate beasts began to kill again. The screams and roars echoed over the desolate beast plain throughout the night, but the cultivators who entered here gathered together to practice or to talk about their gains.

The night passed quickly, and just after dawn, the masters of the tribulation period of the major forces gathered again and rushed towards the valley. With yesterday's cooperation, the formation was completed in an instant. Seeing this, the nine people stepped into the valley again. Valley, followed by a roar.This time, the nine people seemed to have discussed it long ago, and directly led twenty wild beasts into the formation.

Then another round of killing began. After about three hours, all the wild beasts in the formation had fallen. After Danfeng entered the formation and collected all the corpses of the wild beasts, everyone silently exited the valley , Continue to start recovering true essence.A day passed quickly, and these people seemed to have a tacit understanding and did not act again.

The next day, just after dawn, everyone gathered in the valley, and the remaining desolate beasts became irritable when they saw everyone.As soon as the array was set up, the nine people headed towards the valley. This time, the nine people did not attack one of the wild beasts together, and the other wild beasts became more irritable when they saw this.

The nine people looked at each other, and they all released their strongest attacks. In a moment, the wild beast died at the hands of everyone. Seeing this, the remaining wild beasts roared and attacked the nine people. They also kept attacking these desolate beasts, and after about a stick of incense, all the desolate beasts were finally enraged and began to act on instinct.

The next attack was a matter of course. After the desolate beast was introduced into the formation, everyone heaved a sigh of relief and ran the formation with all their strength, no longer retaining their strength. With the help of those who maintained the formation, within an hour, all All the desolate beasts were wiped out, and everyone was panting heavily, but seeing the empty valley and the gate, their hearts became hot.

Everyone took out their spirit stones and began to recover their true energy.When it was almost noon, all the people opened their eyes, each sent one person to inform the disciples, and the rest guarded here. A moment later, countless practitioners poured into the valley.As soon as the people from the major forces discussed it, they decided to set off for the second floor immediately.Afterwards, cultivators from all major forces began to enter the portal in an orderly manner, and it took a full hour for all these cultivators to enter the second floor.

After all the cultivators entered the second floor, except for the people from the major forces, the rest dispersed and started a treasure hunt, for fear that the major forces would snatch it from them. This behavior is undoubtedly death in the eyes of the major forces. The way to do this is to know that the overall strength of the wild beasts in the second floor of the Wild Beast Plain is higher than that of the first floor. If there is no good plan, once you encounter a large group of wild beasts, even a cultivator in the tribulation period will have a hard time. There is only one dead end.

People from all major forces began to restrain their disciples. To form a team to act, each team must have a master of the tribulation period sitting in command, so as to ensure their safety.However, soon the major forces acted in a hurry, because someone actually found the Tianhuang Stone at the edge of the second floor. You must know that the Tianhuang Stone is extremely rare. At this time, it suddenly appeared at the edge of the second floor. Disrupted the arrangements of the major forces.

Facing Tianhuangshi, all the forces were tempted and began to change their original plans. In less than half an hour, people from all major forces began to act.

As soon as Gu Xuan entered the second floor, he felt some changes in the aura in the air. After thinking carefully for a while, he realized that the aura on the second floor was a little gentler than that on the first floor. The aura on the first floor was full of violent energy. At the second level, although the spiritual energy is still a bit irritable, compared with the first level, it can already be absorbed into the body, but the refining time is longer.

Gradually, his thoughts became clearer, and he understood why the wild beast couldn't activate its intelligence, but whether the result was the same as the guess in his heart, he only needed to experiment to find out.

(End of this chapter)

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