ancestral snake

Chapter 180 Alchemy Tianhuang Fruit

Chapter 180 Alchemy Tianhuang Fruit

After hearing Gu Xuan's words, Xueyin laughed and said: "It's just a pill fire, you don't need to worry, as long as you want, you can choose any fire in the ancient beast world, even if it is the fire of the Qingluan family's life, as long as you open your mouth, they You can also give it to you. But refining the elixir is not a joke, you have to think about it, otherwise you will not be able to refine the elixir, even if you and I are of the same race, I will not protect you!"

When he said the following words, Xueyin's face became serious again, Gu Xuan just smiled, and stopped talking, he knew his own ability, as long as it was not a elixir, or a special kind of elixir, looking at the cultivation world, there really is no elixir that he could not refine medicine.

Seeing Gu Xuan's appearance like this, Xue Yin also nodded, as long as he has confidence, he is afraid of the kind of person who does not shake half of the bottle when it is full.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a place!" After the blood seal finished speaking, he brought Gu Xuan to another stone room, there was a teleportation array inside, and the blood seal and Gu Xuan entered the teleportation array. At that time, he found that this place was actually a city, and countless people from the monster clan kept shuttling in the city, some of the monster clan directly appeared in the body, and some turned into human forms.

"Why? Feel incredible? It can be seen that you haven't converted from the concept of wild beasts. These are all monster races inherited from ancient times, and their blood is very pure. Don't be surprised. You must know that there are many monster races in other interfaces. They all follow the most primitive cultivation and don't recognize the transformation line at all!" He was a little dumbfounded when he heard the blood seal's words, but those things had nothing to do with him.

"In the ancient beast world, there are no other races, only the monster race. Except for the natural enemies who inherit the bloodline, there are very few fights. Unlike the outside world, there are rumors of intrigue among the same race!" This time Gu Xuan did not refute, obviously Acknowledged his statement.

The blood seal brought Gu Xuan to a mansion, went straight into a large hall, and asked Gu Xuan to wait for a while, the blood seal took out a command talisman, and penetrated into it with his divine sense, obviously communicating with others, and he closed his eyes at the side. Eyes refreshed.

More than half an hour passed, and suddenly there was a slight fluctuation in the space in the hall. Gu Xuan opened his eyes, and saw an old man with a gloomy face appearing. Looking at it, Gu Xuan frowned, and the special spatial artistic conception wrapped his whole body, the gloomy old man let out a sigh, closed his eyes, and sat down beside him.

"Old blood ghost, is this the alchemy master you mentioned? It is indeed different, but let's talk about everything after everyone is here!" After finishing speaking, the gloomy old man lost his mind and leaned back on the chair to take a nap.

After a while, two more people came in from the door. They both fixed their eyes on him, but they had a special spatial artistic conception. They watched for a long time, but found nothing. There was a look of surprise in their eyes, and they didn't say much. , nodded to the blood mark, and found a seat to do it. For a while, the atmosphere in the whole hall was a little weird.

After waiting for a while, three figures appeared in the main hall, a woman and two middle-aged men, all of them were full of domineering, once they entered the main hall, they fixed their eyes on Gu Xuan, but no matter how the three of them observed, They all got nothing, the same as the previous two.

After everyone was seated, the gloomy old man opened his eyes, looked at everyone, and then said: "Okay, everyone is here, let's discuss what the blood old ghost said , let me declare first, as long as the pill is enough, I have no objection!"

"My meaning is the same as that of the ground mouse. I think you all mean the same, so there is no need to discuss it. If you want to use the teleportation array, everything depends on the pill, boy. You want to use the teleportation array to leave here. What do you mean? "One of the people who came in earlier spoke.

"Gu Xuan, let me introduce these people to you. This gloomy-faced person, you can just call him a ground mouse. His body is a dark spirit mouse. The person next to him is called Bi Changfeng, and his body is a blue-blooded golden-eyed dragon. Just now The one who spoke was Lie Yan, the body was Jin Yanying, the last three people came, the one on your left is Qilin King, the one on the opposite side is Ao Yan, the body is Fire Dragon, and the rest is Qingying from the Qingluan clan!"

"This junior, Gu Xuan, has met a few seniors. This is the elixir refined by this junior. How about you take a look first?" Gu Xuan got up and saluted, then waved out a jade bottle, handed it to Qing Ying, and sat back to his original position. .

After Qingying finished watching the elixir, a light flashed in his eyes, and he handed the jade bottle to the Qilin King. The Qilin King directly poured out a pill, and after letting out his spiritual sense to feel it, he nodded in satisfaction. Seeing this, I also have a bottom in my heart.They didn't continue to watch, but directly discussed through sound transmission.

"Gu Xuan, we have already finished the discussion. This time we will only refine two kinds of pills, Qiling Pill and Ziyuan Pill. There are still twelve days before the closing of the lower three floors. You can estimate that the two kinds of pills can How much can you refine?" Xue Yin looked at him expectantly and said!
"Ziyuan Pill is used to break through the realm, and the main material needs Ziyu Xiantao. How many Ziyu Xiantao do you have?"

"There are still 36 purple jade fairy peaches. How about it? How many Ziyuan pills can we refine?" Hearing Qing Ying's words, several people also looked at him. About 36 jade fairy peaches can be made into pills, but the juniors have a suggestion. Although Ziyuan Dan can make people break through a realm, it is only useful to take one. After the second pill, the efficacy will be greatly reduced, but It’s not as good as another kind of elixir, but to refine this elixir, you need Sky Thunder Crystal—”

Gu Xuan said that he didn't say any more here, obviously he was not optimistic that these people would have Tianlei Jing, but he didn't expect these people, when they heard Tianlei Jing, they were taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

"Boy, what kind of elixir is the latter elixir you mentioned? What effect does it have?" Ao Yan asked excitedly!

"The Breaking Realm Pill is suitable for any realm before crossing the catastrophe, and you can take three pills in a row without loss of potency. It's just that after taking this kind of pill, it will cause great pain. Human beings will be tortured by this kind of pain and become obsessed at least, and at worst, they will be out of their wits!" After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he looked at them and waited for their decision.

After discussing with each other, they all decided to refine the Breakthrough Pill and Qiling Pill!

"By the way, my Pill Fire had an accident, and I can't use it temporarily, but I need a kindling, otherwise, all this is empty talk!"

"Don't worry, the fire seed has been prepared long ago, we will take you to refine the fire seed now!" After Qing Ying finished speaking, everyone stood up, and Gu Xuan was also a little excited, so he followed the crowd out of the main hall, towards the teleportation formation go.

A bright light flashed, and they appeared on the edge of a valley. After that, they walked towards the valley. After a while, everyone came to a cave entrance, and a gust of hot air rushed towards them. After several turns, a magma lake appeared in the in front of him.There were dozens of blue-purple flames floating on the magma lake, and how many more flames had turned into lavender. After Gu Xuan saw it, his face was full of disbelief, and he suppressed the shock in his heart!
"This is the fire of Heavenly Tribulation! It's a very good kind of fire!" Gu Xuan praised sincerely!
Although the catastrophe is a kind of catastrophe, it also contains a kind of vitality. It is suitable for alchemy. Many people want to collect a little bit of sky fire to breed fire seeds when they cross the catastrophe, but they all fail in the end. Dozens of Heavenly Tribulation Fire Seeds, if an alchemist sees them, they will definitely go crazy with joy.

"Okay, you can choose any one!" Gu Xuan nodded, forced out a drop of blood essence, separated a ray of immortal consciousness into the blood essence, kept pinching the fingerprints with both hands, and the blood essence turned into a flame after a while The rune, the immortal sense controlled and flew towards a lavender flame.This flame also seemed to feel a little crisis, and wanted to escape, but it was too late.

When the flame rune penetrated into this flame, the lavender flame slowly extinguished, leaving only a finger-sized flame, flying towards Gu Xuan, directly sinking into his body, and he sat cross-legged in the lava lake The side began to refine the fire.

An hour later, Gu Xuan opened his eyes, got up and said: "Okay, you guys will go and prepare the spirit medicine, and I can refine it!"

After hearing this, several people showed a smile on their faces, and immediately they took him back to the city, arranged a secret room for him, took the jade slip that Gu Xuan gave them, and went to collect spiritual medicinal materials , About half an hour later, several people came to the secret room, handed over two rings to Gu Xuan, and Blood Seal and the others withdrew.

After recognizing the master with a drop of blood, Gu Xuan discovered that the entire ring was filled with materials for refining two kinds of elixir, and each elixir was full of age.This is the material for refining [-] copies. It can be seen that they still lack confidence in themselves, and he doesn't care about it.

In the other ring are actually three hundred wild fruits. Wild fruit is a precious medicine for tempering the body. It can not only temper the body, but the most important thing is that it can expand the sea of ​​energy by [-]%. To know the great powers in the cultivation world, the main task of entering the wild beast plain is to enter the third floor to snatch the wild fruit.

At first, I thought I missed the good opportunity this time, and I had no chance with Tianhuang fruit, but I didn’t expect to get [-] Tianhuang fruit, obviously there is also Tianhuang fruit tree here, so I can take this opportunity to ask for one, it’s really not possible , just ask for a branch and cultivate it yourself.

After adjusting his mind to the peak state, he was going to refine Qiling Pill first. The main medicine of Qiling Pill is Qiling Root, which needs ten kinds of spiritual medicinal materials, and immediately sorted out a thousand medicinal materials.Just take out the Jiulong Furnace. After 36 handprints, the furnace lid is opened, and one thousand copies of Qiling Pill medicinal materials are thrown into the furnace in a hurry. The Heavenly Tribulation Fire is also sacrificed. After 81 handprints, the Heavenly Tribulation Fire begins burn up.

He transformed into the incarnation of Nine Dao Immortal Thoughts, one person controlled a kind of medicinal material and began to purify it, and the fire began to heat up as soon as his mind moved, and these medicinal materials in the Jiulong Furnace gradually turned into a liquid state, and all impurities were burned by the Jiulong Furnace. After three hours, After the purification is complete, the essence of these elixir medicines will be fused together.

More than an hour passed, all the essence of the elixir was perfectly fused together, and the rest of the Jiulong Furnace could be completed. Gu Xuan took back the incarnation of the Nine Dao Immortal Thoughts and began to restore the power of divine consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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