ancestral snake

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

Suddenly, the Nine Dragon Furnace trembled, and Gu Xuan immediately opened his eyes, his hands flew up, and after the 36 handprints were printed, the nine dragon patterns on the furnace wall emitted a burst of brilliance, turned into a dragon, gave a long cry, and opened his mouth to spit out a pill Yao Hongliu hurriedly took out two jade gourds, and played a few moves, the pill Hongliu split into two and got into the two gourds.

Gu Xuan put one of the gourds in the Book of Heaven and Earth. You must know that the pills he refined are full pills. One thousand copies of medicinal materials will produce nine thousand pills, and they are all top-quality pills. One thousand pieces, and the remaining [-] pieces are going to be handed over to Xueyin and others.

The next step is to refine the Breakthrough Pill. Looking at the 300 yuan Sky Thunder Crystal in the storage ring, he was overjoyed. This is a good thing. Before seeing the sky thunder crystal again, he knew that the monster race in the ancient beast world must have researched a secret technique, which can collect sky fire and sky thunder in the catastrophe.

A total of 33 kinds of spiritual medicinal materials are needed for Breaking the Realm Pill. There are three main medicines, the marrow-washing flower, the essence-condensing grass, and the morning dew. , The marrow is the root of the body, if you want to break through, you must let your physique reach its peak state.Condensing Essence Grass can make the true essence in the body more condensed and pure. As for the morning dew, it is a unique dew that must be collected from those thousand-year-old elixir. The dew is also stained with a unique life force.

The Sky Thunder Crystal is more of a main medicine than a drug guide. With the help of the power of thunder and calamity in the Sky Thunder to reconcile various medicinal materials, generally speaking, the Breaking Realm Pill should be counted as a special medicine.

After selecting [-] copies of the spiritual medicinal materials of the Boundary Pill, he prepared to refine the Boundary Pill. After opening the furnace lid, the [-] parts of the Boundary Pill's medicinal materials entered the Jiulong furnace, and some of them were Sheng Chenlu was replaced by Biluo spring water by him.

After the 81 handprints were printed, the Jiulong Furnace was also activated, and the Heavenly Tribulation Fire burned blazingly again.The incarnations of the Nine Immortal Thoughts also sat around the Jiulong Furnace again, probing the immortal consciousness into the Jiulong Furnace. Each avatar of the Immortal Thoughts controlled the purification of the three medicinal materials, and Gu Xuan himself controlled the rest.With a thought, the temperature in the furnace began to change, higher or lower, depending on the thought.

Gu Xuan's immortal sense kept feeling the changes of all the medicinal materials, and he didn't dare to neglect in the slightest.He firmly remembered a sentence in the Cao Mu Jing: No matter refining any elixir, you must go all out, even the simplest elixir taken by mortals has infinite mysteries!Especially after creating the Yuan Snake Sutra and absorbing the memory of the Silver Snake King, it felt a truth more and more.

That is, the simpler the basics, the more people will ignore them. He may not understand the truth, but he can learn from the most basic things, so every time he refines the pill, he puts all his energy into it. Go all out, not letting go of the slightest change.

The change of every kind of medicinal material is a manifestation of the change of alchemy. Although his goal is not alchemy, there are thousands of roads and different routes lead to the same goal. This is the reason why stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade.

Time passed bit by bit, and in a blink of an eye, one night passed. The 33 kinds of spiritual medicines had been purified, and the next step was fusion. Xuan even wrapped up all the elixir essences with immortal consciousness, and carefully experienced the fusion and changes of these elixir essences. With the fusion of these elixir essences, some impurities also emerged, but they were burned up by the Jiulong furnace in an instant.

Gu Xuancai breathed a sigh of relief when the essence of Tianlei Jing was also fully fused. You must know that Tianlei is violent. Although there are more than 30 kinds of coordination of elixir, the essence has not changed. A state of balance, constantly integrated into all the essence of the elixir.

Three hours later, all the essence of the elixir was completely fused to form a huge ball of essence of the elixir, and the force of thunder and calamity kept beating on its surface, which seemed a little strange.Gu Xuan withdrew his immortal consciousness, but the incarnation of Nine Paths of Immortal Thought did not. Instead, he asked them to carefully experience the harvest of this alchemy.

The alchemy this time almost exhausted his spiritual power, and he lay down on the ground and fell asleep. The Yuan Snake Sutra also started to work on its own, and began to recover the consumed spiritual power.

Three days passed in a flash, Gu Xuan also came to his senses, the elixir was collected into two jade gourds by the incarnation of Xiannian, and [-] pieces of Breaking Realm Pill were also intercepted, and the rest were prepared to be left to these people in the Ancient Beast Realm.

But I can't go out like this, I have to pretend, and after a while, I become a look of excessive mental exhaustion, take out a jade talisman, stop the formation in the secret room, put away the Jiulong furnace, and push it away. Open the door of the secret room and come out.

As soon as they left the door of the secret room, Xueyin and others all surrounded him. They were surprised when they saw Gu Xuan's appearance, but they were too embarrassed to ask. Their faces stiffened for a while. Gu Xuan was a little funny in his heart, so he didn't say much. He took out two jade gourds with a wave and said: "Fortunately, I refined these, but I want to recover. This alchemy consumes all the power of my consciousness, and I won't be able to refine alchemy in three years! I hope that the seniors will keep their promises!"

After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he returned to the secret room, activated the formation, and began to experience the harvest of this alchemy.

Blood Seal and the others glanced at each other, their old faces blushed, and then they began to check the elixir in the two jade gourds. After a while, the faces of several people were full of horror, their eyes were full of disbelief, but they were all excited in an instant , all of them turned red.

"There are [-] Enlightenment Pills and [-] Pills for Breaking the Realm, both of which are of the highest grade, but this time they are released. I am not afraid that no genius will be born in the Ancient Beast Realm within a thousand years. Let's go, let's discuss it first. How to distribute the pills!" When the Qilin King said this, the rest of the people had no objection.

After they finished their discussions, more than three hours had passed, and everyone was smiling, obviously satisfied with the distribution results.At this moment, Gu Xuan also came to the entrance of the main hall, his face recovered a little rosy, his spirit was still a little weak, and he still looked a little sick.

"Seniors, are these pills satisfactory?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied, if you can stay here, your status will be the same as ours, and all resources will be given priority to you, how about it?" Bi Changfeng smiled and offered him a condition to stay here .

"Thank you for your kindness, senior, but this is to disappoint you. The younger generation bears the vengeance of destroying the family and has no intention of staying here. However, when the pill is used up in the future, it can be exchanged with the people of the snake clan. After the opening of the Wild Beast Plain, the younger generation Let the tribe bring enough pills. At that time, there will be more types, it depends on whether you are willing!" Gu Xuan threw out a bait for them.

"By the way, senior, I think you have Tianhuang fruit trees here, so I don't know if you can part with one. I have some things here that can be traded!"

"Hahaha——" Hearing Gu Xuan's words, several people burst into laughter!

Looking at Gu Xuan's puzzled face, Xue Yin explained: "The wild fruit, that's what the outside world calls it, but in fact this kind of fruit is called the demon spirit fruit, and it's the food of those people who haven't developed their spiritual wisdom in the ancient beast world. That's all, maybe it's very precious to outsiders, but to us, it's like the Chinese cabbage on the roadside, extremely common, it should be that the rules here are different from those of the outside world, it's very useful to you, but For the native demon clan, it can only be regarded as a kind of food to supplement physical strength."

Gu Xuan nodded after hearing this: "This junior still has some things here, I want to trade some with you seniors, I wonder if it's possible?"

Hearing this, the eyes of several people also brightened. They might have looked down upon Gu Xuan because of his lack of cultivation before, but since seeing his alchemy ability, they completely put Gu Xuan on the same level. It's normal to communicate with each other, it's just that it's difficult for monks from various interfaces to gather together.

At this time, they heard that a master of elixir wanted to trade with each other, but they couldn't find out. At the moment, no one took out some materials or treasures that they didn't need, and asked Gu Xuan to choose them. There are metals, ores, materials, animal bones, elixir, and magic weapons, but there is no elixir.

Gu Xuan took out four jade gourds, three of which contained three kinds of elixirs, Body Tempering Pill, Yunling Pill, and Rejuvenating Pill, and the remaining one gourd contained three hundred catties of Biluo spring water, and put it aside.Then he began to pick things out, and after half an hour, Gu Xuan put the things he had chosen together.

Star Pattern Iron, Buddha Gold, Black Dragon Golden Crystal, Scarlet Phoenix Immortal Copper, Purple Jade Grape, Eternal Vine, Yuehua Tianshui, Ice Fruit, Blood Phoenix Grass, and Earth Spirit Orb are the ten treasures chosen by Gu Xuan. I can't see it either.

"Senior, I don't know if they can be exchanged. These are three kinds of elixir, one for restoring true essence, one for tempering the body, and one for repairing injuries. There are three hundred pills each, plus a gourd of Biluo spring water, which contains life spirit Li, you can take a look!" After speaking, he handed the four jade gourds to Xue Yin and the others.

After a few people checked, they found that the three kinds of elixirs were all top-quality panacea, and they were very suitable for their monsters to take, but they were a little less, but when they felt the life and spiritual power in the Biluo spring water, they all felt that this time The transaction is profitable. You must know that life and spiritual power are the foundation of every cultivator. The lifespan is limited. Those with good aptitude can become immortals. At that time, the lifespan was almost endless, and the lifespan that failed to become a fairy was only 12. For 600 years, but every time you get injured, you will lose some of your life and spiritual power. Although it is repaired in the end, the lost lifespan will not come back.

This is also why all cultivators are pursuing immortality, becoming immortals and ascending!Only with Endless Shouyuan can we have the opportunity to pursue the true method of cultivation, realize our own body, cultivate our true self, the world will perish but I will not perish, the sun and the moon will perish but I will survive alone!

(End of this chapter)

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