ancestral snake

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

After the transaction was completed, the blood seal took him to the demon spirit fruit forest. When Gu Xuan saw the demon spirit fruit forest, he was also shocked by the scene. Thousands of acres were covered with demon spirit fruit trees. No wonder the third floor had demon spirit fruit trees There are no desolate beasts around to guard it, so that's it!

"Okay, this is where the demon spirit fruit tree is. You can transplant a few more, after all, there is another group behind you!" After hearing the words of the blood seal, he also nodded, no longer being coquettish, and turned his hand over. The Immortal Sword Artifact appeared in his hand.

With a thought, the remnant knife fell into the ground, and the immortal consciousness controlled the remnant knife to the bottom of the root system. After the land with a radius of [-] zhang where the demon spirit fruit tree was located was separated from the ground, the immortal consciousness wrapped it, and a three hundred zhang The big pit appeared in front of him, and the blood seal transformed into a giant hand that covered the sky and grabbed a hill, and the hill exploded, and was thrown into the huge pit by the blood seal.

After the matter of the demon spirit fruit tree was resolved, the two returned to the city, and the rest of the people had been waiting for them.

"Let's go, let's open the teleportation array!" After the Qilin King finished speaking, none of the people objected, and brought Gu Xuan to a large hall. A three-foot-sized altar stood in the middle of the hall, with countless runes and dao marks engraved on it. , the whole altar gave people a sense of vicissitudes, and the seven people including Xueshen each forced out a drop of blood essence and blended into the altar, their hands kept flying, making handprints one after another.

After a stick of incense time passed, a rune appeared in front of each of the seven people, and the altar was like a prehistoric beast starting to wake up, a powerful coercion came out from it, the Qilin King and the others looked dignified, Brand the runes transformed in front of each other towards the altar.

There was a sound in the void, and a portal appeared in an instant, and the blood mark shouted at Gu Xuan: "Quick, go in!"

Gu Xuan didn't dare to stay, and entered the portal as fast as he could, only to feel his body lighten, and realized that he had already appeared in the third floor. Everyone returned to the second floor?Immediately released the ghost dragon king, and rushed directly towards the portal leading to the second floor.

When the sky was just getting dark, the Ghost Dragon King had already felt the door leading to the second floor. Gu Xuan took out the book of heaven and earth, put the Ghost Dragon King away, and returned to the second floor with a movement of his body. When there was no one, he released his sense of immortality and found that almost all the cultivators who entered here were on a plain thirty thousand miles to the south.

Could it be that in the last half month, other changes have taken place in the Wild Beast Plain?Although he had some doubts in his heart, he had already found the crowd, so he stopped worrying and released the Ghost Dragon Dynasty, and the Ghost Dragon Clan rushed away.

After a while, the ghost dragon king took him to the lair of the ghost dragon clan. It turned out that the ghost dragon clan lived in a valley behind Tianhuang Mountain. The hole, presumably it is the cave of the ghost dragon clan.

The ghost dragon king roared, and dozens of ghost dragons crawled out of the cave. After seeing the ghost dragon king, they all roared. The ghost dragon king roared, and all the ghost dragons returned to the cave respectively. Take him to the biggest cave**.If you want to come here, it is the old lair of the Ghost Dragon King.

After throwing hundreds of spirit crystals to the Ghost Dragon King, he entered the book of heaven and earth and walked towards the place where the demon spirit fruit tree was planted. With a thought, the Biluo spring turned into a piece of rain and fell on the place where the demon spirit fruit tree was .As the master of the book of heaven and earth, he clearly felt that the demon spirit fruit tree had a little more vitality and a little more change.

The night passed quickly!
The next day, at dawn, he took the Ghost Dragon King and rushed to the place where everyone gathered. Several hours later, when he was only a few hundred miles away from where he was, he put the Ghost Dragon King away, and the imperial weapon But when he was about to arrive, a burst of violent energy scattered in all directions.The figures of the two sides are at war with each other, confronting each other, if there is a slight discrepancy, the two forces will fight.

He patted the person next to him calmly, the person turned around, and just about to get angry, he found that the person who patted him was actually a master of the tribulation stage, his face turned pale, and there was some fear in his eyes, tremblingly said : "Senior, I don't know what—order—" After speaking, he glanced at Gu Xuan secretly, and found that the master in front of him didn't mean to blame, and his heart was only half relieved.

"What's going on here?" Gu Xuan raised his eyebrows and asked, pointing at the two groups confronting each other!

"Senior, this matter started half a month ago. After the major forces and some seniors went to the third floor, all the people continued to besiege and kill wild beasts. At the beginning, everything was normal, but suddenly one day , A casual cultivator actually found a Tianhuang stone in a pile of dry bones, and then found several more, this was discovered by the people of Canghaimen, and the casual cultivator was killed."

"At the beginning, no one noticed the actions of Canghaimen, but for three days in a row, the entire twenty disciples of Canghaimen searched there, and they were suspected of having secrets here. As soon as the news spread, many scattered Xiu Du came here and began to search. Unexpectedly, one person really found a piece of Tianhuang Stone. For a while, everyone searched hard. Then, several people found Tianhuang Stone one after another. If you can’t sit still, get involved.”

"After searching by various forces, it was found that these Tianhuang stones seemed to be found from the hill in front of them, so they began to push this hill together and searched for it. Unexpectedly, after the hill fell, not only the Tianhuang stone appeared That's right, even the legendary Shenhuang stone appeared, and the battle began. Now, people from the Tiger Clan and the Feixian faction discovered three Shenhuang stones at the same time, and the two fought, and finally the Feixian faction His disciples were exterminated by members of the Tiger Clan, and the Desolate Stone was also taken by the Tiger Clan, so the Feixian Sect members were naturally unwilling, and the fight became more and more intense, and finally rose to the battle between the masters of the Transcendence Tribulation Stage!" After listening to Gu Xuan, , nodded, and the person left in a hurry, for fear of losing his life if he slowed down.

Sighing in my heart, it was only for profit after all, but I was a little puzzled in my heart, what is the god desolate stone, which made the two big forces lose their minds, and immediately walked towards the place where the snake clan was.

When he walked to the land of the Snake Clan, he had already returned to his original appearance. Seeing this, She Qianshan and the others were overjoyed, since they had not seen Gu Xuan since they entered the second floor.

"You boy, every time you sneak away alone, let us worry about you!" She Qianshan complained a little, but he knew the importance of Gu Xuan to the snake clan, even the princess Xiao Ling'er at this moment is not as important as him .A slight mistake would be a huge blow to the snake clan.

"How many people were lost in the clan this time?" Gu Xuan sighed secretly when he realized that some clan members were missing!
"So far, 14 people have been lost, which is not bad. Eleven of them are disciples of the clan, and three of them are deacons of the clan. But if you want to gain something, casualties are inevitable!" She Qianshan sighed, but He didn't say anything more, obviously he had already expected this result.

"Have you found the God Desolate Stone?" Gu Xuan asked directly!
"I was lucky this time. I found two in total, but they were all at the place of Brother Tianpan. Don't tell me you need the God's Desolate Stone?" She Qianshan's face flashed with doubt, and his expression was a little surprised.

"I just want to see what the Shenhuangshi looks like?" In fact, this is also what he thought in his heart. He also wanted to see what is so strange about the treasure that can cause the two great forces to confront each other.

"Let's go, I'll take you there, but Tianpan clan brother is with Xue Kai, Heitong and other clan brothers!" She Qianshan walked aside with Gu Xuan after finishing speaking.Seeing this, the rest followed behind and walked together.

"Gu Xuan, did you think you wouldn't come? If I hadn't had confidence in you, I would have thought you were plotted against!" Bi Tianpan jokingly said when he saw him!
"Brother Tianpan Clan, Gu Xuan wants to see the Shenhuang Stone, so you can satisfy him!" She Qianshan also said jokingly, when the people behind heard this, there was a hint of smile on their faces, and neither did Gu Xuan. Cover up, eyes full of anticipation!

Bi Tianpan turned his hands and took out two blue-gray ones, the whole body was crystal clear, just like crystals. Seeing this, Gu Xuan's heart moved, he took them in his hands and felt it, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and he sighed secretly in his heart, Sure enough.

At this moment, he also understood that the so-called desolate stones are just the products of discarded primordial stones that have been infected by spiritual energy over a long period of time. The first time I saw Huangshi, I felt a little familiar, so it was so.Immediately returned the so-called Shenhuang Stone to Bi Tianpan!I was somewhat disappointed in my heart.

Seeing the flickering disappointment in Gu Xuan's eyes, Bi Tianpan smiled wryly in his heart. He had seen Gu Xuan's background before, so he could only murmur in his heart.

At this moment, Bai Yichen of the Tiger Clan and Wen Kai of the Feixian Sect rose sharply, and the battle was imminent!Bai Yichen held the big black knife on his back in his hand, Wen Kai also sacrificed a long sawtooth sword, the two of them had long hair fluttering, their robes fluttered, and they looked at each other from a distance, gathering momentum, wanting their opponent to head on one strike.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up around the two of them. Seeing this, the onlookers retreated quickly. The leaders of the major forces also made their disciples retreat thousands of feet when they saw this. Outside the master, everyone retreated a thousand feet away, looking nervously at the two people who were gaining momentum.

Just when the aura of the two of them reached their peak, they moved at the same time. Bai Yichen waved the long knife in his hand lightly and struck casually, but Wen Kai's jagged long sword in his hand chopped directly. Aside from the dignified expressions of the masters in the Transcending Tribulation Period, the rest of the people felt a little puzzled. This is a contest between masters, and the power is too weak. Could there be something else hidden?

A voice suddenly came up, it seemed to confirm the thoughts in their hearts, but they saw ripples in the space where the two were fighting, and a destructive breath erupted instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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