ancestral snake

Chapter 191

Chapter 191

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed!

On this day, Gu Xuan was still cultivating, when he suddenly received a voice transmission from Star Devouring Beast Xingkui, he immediately quit the cultivating state.The body appeared next to Xingkui in an instant. Xingkui's remnant soul was still not complete. After all, countless years had passed since his fall, and the source of his soul was also exhausted. If he hadn't been parasitic in the inner alchemy, he might have already The soul flies away.

"Xingkui, how is your spirit recovering?" Gu Xuan asked expectantly!

"Returning to the master, the recovery is not bad, but my soul source is exhausted, but I need a physical body, otherwise the soul will not be able to last for a long time!" After hearing Xingkui's words, Gu Xuan pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth Said: "Do you have a favorite body?"

"The physical body of the Azurite Clan is pretty good, and I couldn't think of a suitable one for a while, but I can conceive an incarnation for you, the master. The physical body is the same as that of the Azurite Clan, or even better! " Xingkui hastily said to curry favor!
"Let's talk about this later, let's talk about it after getting you a physical body!" Gu Xuan took a deep look at Xingkui.

"That—Master—I can conceive an incarnation for you, but I can't conceive a physical body for myself. The main reason is that I only have a soul now, and I need some blood to conceive a physical body, so I can only take away the body. , or rebirth. With the strength of my spirit and soul, I can't think of other races except the body of the Azurite family. As for rebirth, forget it. After rebirth, my memory will be erased. At that time, Whether it is me or not! So my body is entrusted to the master!" Xingkui looked a little nervous, for fear that Gu Xuan would kill him if he got angry.

"Do you know the details of the Azurite Clan?"

"Of course I understand. They claim to be conceived in my sea of ​​consciousness. Although this is true, they cannot be conceived without blood. If it is true as they say, the Azurite people have already spread all over this place. There will only be more than 200 of them now." Xingkui sneered!

"According to the Blue Crystal Clan, members of their clan have no weaknesses? The body is comparable to a fairy weapon, and the power of the soul is also extremely powerful. Is there really such a race against the sky in the world?" Gu Xuan asked Xingkui with a puzzled face!

"Master, do you believe it? Even if there is such a race that defies the sky, it is not the turn of the blue crystal clan. They live in a corner, and they have never seen how vast the world is, so they deserve to be called the sky defying race? There is no need for their bodies to be strong." Negative, as for the power of the soul, it is just bluffing, master, do you feel the strong aura of the soul in their clan, and see their powerful physical body, believe it!" Xingkui's eyes are full of The color of disdain.

"If the master conflicts with them, it's best not to let them get close, just use that kind of pupil technique to kill them! In fact, if you want to deal with them, it's best to use the soul attack, even the patriarch of the blue crystal clan Master, you only need to use that pupil technique three times in a row to kill it, but he will not give you a chance, you must know that they will not be bound by the law here, but you, master, are suppressed everywhere!" Xing Kui He spoke a little excitedly, as if he was about to find trouble with the Blue Crystal Clan.

"Okay, don't even think about the body of the Blue Crystal Clan. I don't want to conflict with the Blue Crystal Clan yet. By the way, do you know how to leave this planet?" Gu Xuan stared at Xingkui firmly after speaking, It seems that as long as Xingkui says he doesn't know, he has no value in existence.

Xingkui got a little hairy from being stared at by Gu Xuan, and stopped talking nonsense immediately, and hurriedly said: "You know, you must know that the entire planet is transformed by my body, and the way to leave is too simple for me. But it's a bit difficult for you, master." When Xingkui said the following words, his tone was a little hesitant.

"Say it quickly, after finishing speaking, I will take you to choose a physical body!" Gu Xuan's heart tightened, but he also secretly became excited, not afraid of difficulty, but afraid that there would be no way to leave.

"The master only needs to refine the star core transformed by my inner alchemy and then leave. At that time, the master can be said to be the master of this planet. Even if the planet explodes, it only needs one thought, but the master also saw it. The star core transformed by my inner alchemy is tens of miles in size, and it will take at least a hundred years to refine it, and this is the shortest time I estimate based on the master's strength."

Gu Xuan's originally excited heart also dissipated without a trace after hearing these words. A hundred years may not be worth mentioning to a cultivator, but to him, a hundred years can do a lot of things.

Coupled with the current undercurrent in the cultivation world, which may change at any time, he can't afford it in 100 years.This is still Xingkui's conservative time, and it will definitely take longer to actually refine the star core.

"Is there any better way to leave?" Gu Xuan asked again unwillingly!

After pondering for a moment, Xingkui said: "If the master really needs to leave urgently, then you can think about what I said earlier. I will give birth to an incarnation outside the body for the master. At that time, that is to say, two masters will work together to practice it." For the star core, the time may be shortened by half, and it will definitely not exceed a hundred years. It’s just that if you want to conceive an incarnation outside your body, you need to wait for three years, and the master can think about it first before making a decision.”

Gu Xuan was silent this time, he was also thinking about Xingkui's words in his heart, and after a while, he made a decision in his heart.

"Let's go, I'll take you to choose a body first!" As soon as the words finished, Gu Xuan brought Xingkui and appeared at the place where the Desolate Beast King was practicing.

"You pick a body, and it's enough to seize it when the time comes. The bodies of these desolate beasts are barely enough!" After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he looked at Xing Kui, who also released the power of his soul, Pick it up.After a while, he chose the body of Duoshe.

"It's just the long worm. His bloodline seems to be a bit strange, and his physical body is not bad, so that's it!" Gu Xuan didn't expect that Xingkui actually fell in love with the silver Huangjiao, so he didn't talk nonsense at the moment. Jiao appeared in front of Xingkui, Xingkui didn't say much, his soul condensed for a while, after a few breaths, he condensed a soul orb, and his soul became much weaker, he nodded to Gu Xuan, and Drilled into Huangjiao's sea of ​​consciousness.

After half an hour, Xingkui initially grasped Huangjiao's body, and said to Gu Xuan: "Master, this guy's sea of ​​consciousness is too small, it can't even hold [-]% of my soul power, I should have known Just choose another body."

Hearing Xingkui's complaint, a flash of light flashed in Gu Xuan's mind, and he immediately took out a jade gourd and said to Xingkui, "Open your mouth!"

Xingkui opened his mouth subconsciously, and saw a torrent of water entering his mouth. After feeling it for a while, he realized that it was the power of the star soul in his sea of ​​consciousness. He thought it was some kind of treasure?He was a little disappointed in his heart, but within less than a stick of incense, he felt that his sea of ​​consciousness was expanding.Immediately excited.

The sea of ​​consciousness, which was originally less than three feet, expanded dozens of times in less than half an hour. When the power of a gourd star soul was exhausted, Xingkui's sea of ​​consciousness had expanded by more than 100 feet. With the power of a gourd star soul, it's a pity that when Xingkui's sea of ​​consciousness expands to three hundred feet, it can no longer expand, obviously it has reached its limit.

"Okay, you are here to get acquainted with the physical body first, and when you are completely integrated with this physical body, let me know!" Gu Xuan left after finishing speaking.

Gu Xuan came to the edge of the Biluoquan, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and began to think about countless exercises. Xingkui's words also reminded him that he could definitely condense some spells similar to incarnations outside his body. This saves a lot of time.

Three months passed in a flash, Gu Xuan flashed countless exercises in his mind, deduced them one by one, and finally found that there are four exercises that may be able to condense the art of avatar such as incarnation outside the body. There is a secret art in the Pluto Sutra. The souls of countless living beings can condense a Pluto clone, which has half the cultivation of the main body. There is a kind of seed grafting technique in the Ten Thousand Beasts, but it requires a beast soul, strips its consciousness, and then separates a part of its own soul Assimilated into the beast soul and continuously fed with blood essence, when the beast soul condenses into a body, it is equivalent to having an extra clone of oneself.

There is also an incarnation technique in the blood nerves, using one's own blood essence as the source, and the soul as the guide, to conceive a physical body, which can be said to come from the same source as oneself. After successful conceiving, it will be a completely different self, not only has independent consciousness, At critical moments, you can sacrifice yourself to help the main body.It's just that the time required for this method is too long.

The last thing is the volume of body avatar that I got in Zidan Star. I can also refine an incarnation outside the body with the earth vein beads. Always emergency.

At this time, a method of refining weapons, a method of refining blood, suddenly appeared in his heart.The method of blood refinement was created by a blacksmith on a mortal planet after he had successfully practiced. It is based on his own body, fusing thousands of materials, and the weapons he forges are not only connected with his own blood, but can also evolve continuously. Snake gun is refined in this way.

Can I also refine the avatar as a talisman?As soon as this idea appeared, it seemed to take root, appearing in the whole heart, lingering.If he can really succeed, not only will he solve the current trouble, but he will also have a different hole card.

In this case, let's combine the four incarnation techniques with the blood refinement technique and deduce it to see if a supreme secret technique can be deduced.

Immediately, he visualized the Yuan Snake Sutra, using the Yuan Snake Sutra as a furnace, using chaos as a guide, and the soul as fire, and began to deduce, the Yuan Snake Sutra transformed into a coiled snake cauldron in his sea of ​​consciousness, inside the cauldron was chaos, four kinds of The method of incarnation and the method of blood refinement appeared in the chaos, up and down, evolving different dao rhymes.

(End of this chapter)

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