ancestral snake

Chapter 192 Blood Refining Body Incarnation Out

Chapter 192 Blood Refining Body Incarnation Out

The four methods of incarnation and the method of blood refining are constantly blending, and the power of the soul is also operating to the extreme, constantly deducing the changes of the four methods of incarnation, using the method of blood refining as a link, confirming and merging with each other, learning from each other, and following With the passage of time, four illusory figures appeared in the chaotic cauldron transformed by the Yuan Snake Sutra. Different dao rhymes flashed on the four figures, and an illusory chain connected the four figures together.

After an unknown amount of time, another phantom figure appeared in the middle of the four figures.The Tao rhyme transformed by the four incarnation techniques and the method of blood refinement perfectly appeared on this figure. When he opened his eyes, the phantom formed by the four incarnation techniques penetrated into his body instantly, and Gu Xuan's phantom seemed to solidify somewhat.

At this time, the chaotic cauldron transformed by the Yuan Snake Sutra disappeared, leaving only an illusory figure in his sea of ​​consciousness. After a while, this phantom turned into a rune seal and melted into his sea of ​​consciousness. The technique appeared in his heart.

This incarnation method is called the Body of Blood Refining. It uses a part of the body as the source, incorporates countless precious materials, and continuously strengthens itself. After the physical body is formed, half of the soul is differentiated, and it can be completed when it enters the main incarnation.After completion, the incarnation not only has independent thinking consciousness, but also can practice alone, but those insights can be shared with each other.

The incarnation method has been deduced successfully, and the next step is to refine the avatar. It only took a short month to deduce the blood-refined body, but Gu Xuan felt that it seemed that countless years had passed, and the soul was also a little weak, so it started to function immediately The Yuan Snake Sutra began to restore the soul.

As soon as the primordial snake meridian started to work, he felt a sense of sleepiness sweeping through his whole body, and immediately fell asleep on the spot.

After he woke up, he realized that he had slept for half a month, so he began to prepare the materials for refining the blood-refined body. This time, he also made up his mind to use half of his own body to refine this incarnation And so on and on, he is going to use the soul-eating stone to evolve the sea of ​​consciousness of the incarnation, and the dantian of the sea of ​​qi with the ethereal crystal, and when the time comes, he will integrate the one-third of the world origin that he got from the secret realm of the blood Buddha into the sea of ​​consciousness and qi of the incarnation In the sea, he planned to incorporate some Immortal Immortal Gold into his body.

In order to condense this incarnation, he spent a lot of money. In his opinion, an incarnation with independent consciousness is no different from the main body.It is absolutely worthwhile to use the treasures I have collected on such an incarnation.

It took him three whole days to prepare all the materials for his condensed incarnation, and then he entered the Star Orb. Presumably, with the Sanguang Shenshui, even if he gave up half of his body, he would recover in three to five days. .As soon as the body moved, it turned into the main body, and a giant purple snake hundreds of feet long appeared.

With a thought, a blood-colored giant ax was suspended above his body, but when he reached this step, he was a little hesitant. After a moment, his heart froze, his eyes closed, and he saw a flash of blood, and his body was broken into two Cut, he was also directly passed out from the pain.

When he woke up again, he found that his body had recovered, but his face was still a little pale. He checked himself and found that everything was normal except for some weakness, and he let out a sigh of relief.As soon as he moved his body, he transformed into a human form and released a star bead.

Right now, it can be said that everything is ready, so it's time to start.

It's a pity that his body is a little weak. He didn't want his hard work to be ruined. He immediately took out the earth spirit liquid and drank some Biluo spring water. He also took some dragon's blood bodhi vine. They were all swallowed by him.Then began to refine these medicinal powers to restore the body.

Another half month has passed after this tossing, Gu Xuan's body has also returned to its peak state, and the Nine Dragon Furnace has been released long ago. The Purple Fire of Absolute Beginning is hovering under the Nine Dragon Furnace. There are piles of materials around him, count carefully, There are dozens of kinds, all of which are rare treasures in the cultivation world.

36 After the fingerprints were printed, the furnace cover flew up, and he threw all the materials into the Jiulong furnace. With a wave of his hand, half of his body also entered the Jiulong furnace.Hastily made 81 handprints, the Jiulong Furnace shook, and the Purple Fire of the First Beginning was also blazing.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed, and all the materials are perfectly integrated with half of my body.It turned into a ten-foot-sized purple essence ball.Immediately, he transformed into the incarnation of nine immortal thoughts, and continuously made handprints on the Jiulong furnace. As time went by, the purple essence ball in the Jiulong furnace gradually condensed and changed, and the left back turned into a flesh body. There are about ten feet.

More than an hour passed, and Gu Xuan and the incarnation of Jiu Dao Xiannian were still pinching the fingerprints. At this time, his face became serious, and he took a deep breath, and the speed of pinching in his hands accelerated a little again, and the incarnation of Jiu Dao also did the same. In this way, after a full incense stick of time, Gu Xuan stopped the movements in his hands.

The body inside the Nine Dragon Furnace was covered with talismans at the moment, and its appearance was covered by purple light, as if it was undergoing transformation. After a while, the Nine Dragon Furnace trembled, and Gu Xuan shot instantly. After 36 handprints, the Nine Dragon Furnace cover flew up , A purple figure flew out and stood in front of Gu Xuan, his appearance was the same as his, but his eyes were closed tightly, lifeless, but his whole body was full of energy and blood.

The appearance of the avatar at this moment is the same as that of ordinary people. Although the body is condensed again, it is still a head taller than his main body.He could feel a feeling of being connected by flesh and blood. You must know that this avatar is mainly composed of half of his body, supplemented by various other rare materials.

The next step is to open up the sea of ​​energy and sea of ​​consciousness for the avatar.

Flipping his hand, a brown stone appeared in his hand, only the size of a fist, it was the Soul Eater Stone, he immediately forced out a drop of blood essence, separated a ray of immortal consciousness, and shot it into it, after that, sacrificed the Purple Fire of Absolute Beginning , began to melt the Soul-Eating Stone, and within less than a stick of incense, the Soul-Eating Stone turned into a pool of blood-brown liquid, exuding a soul-absorbing aura.

As soon as the Soul-devouring Stone was melted, Gu Xuan took out a piece of five-colored glazed glass. With a sweep of his sense of immortality, he found that there seemed to be a world contained in it, and he drove it into the liquid.Immediately afterwards, the incarnation of Nine Dao Immortal Thoughts made handprints one after another on the liquid. After making a total of [-] handprints, the liquid turned into a stream of light and penetrated into the center of the avatar's eyebrows.

He probed into the center of the avatar's eyebrows with his immortal consciousness, and found that there was an extra space inside, exuding a real spirit breath, which was a full three hundred miles in size, and it was indeed the space opened up by the origin of the world.Immediately take back the immortal consciousness with satisfaction.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness has been successfully shaped, and the sea of ​​Qi is next. In the blink of an eye, there is an extra piece of Void Spirit Crystal in his hand, which is devoured by the Purple Fire of Primordial Beginning, and submerged in the dantian of the avatar in an instant. After a while, an illusory space appears That's it, Gu Xuan put all the remaining sources of the world into this illusory space, and only one small world was formed.Although it is not as good as the real small world, it is still very good. When you encounter the origin of the world and enter the small world of the clone, it will be equivalent to carrying a world on the clone.

Although I still have a source of the world, I don't use it on my avatar, but keep it for emergency use. I think that when his cultivation level improves, he is not afraid that he will not have a chance.You must know that the Taixu Chamber of Commerce has persevered in the cultivation world for countless years, as long as you can afford it, you can definitely buy it.

Both the sea of ​​consciousness and the sea of ​​qi have been shaped, and you only need to distribute half of your soul to the avatar, and this incarnation outside your body can be a complete success.When he gritted his teeth, the immortal consciousness transformed into a sharp sword, facing his own soul, Gu Xuan couldn't help but groaned, his face paled instantly, and a sense of weakness arose in his soul, the pain of splitting his soul was fundamental Words cannot describe it.

If it wasn't for Gu Xuan's great perseverance, he would have passed out a long time ago. Just when he was enduring the weakness and pain in his soul and wanted to send the other half of his soul into his avatar, the merits and virtues hovering in the sea of ​​consciousness came out. Two strands penetrated into the two divine souls. When the merit first touched the divine soul, he felt the pain in the divine soul gradually disappear. When the merit was completely integrated into the divine soul, his divine soul recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the divided soul was also quickly replenished. In less than a stick of incense, the two souls were restored to their original state, and the split soul then drilled out of his sea of ​​consciousness and submerged into the sea of ​​consciousness of the clone.

"I've met fellow daoist, let me familiarize myself with my body first!" After the avatar finished speaking, he fell cross-legged on the ground, and Gu Xuan felt a strange feeling in his heart, talking to himself, why did he feel a bit awkward?Thinking of this, I laughed a little in my heart.

Half an hour later, the avatar opened its eyes, and said to Gu Xuan, "Very nice body, even more perfect than imagined, I can feel that as long as there is a chance, the strength of the physical body will break through to the level of a fairy weapon Level, what kind of exercises should I practice in the future?"

Hearing the words of the avatar, Gu Xuan also had some headaches. You must know that your avatar can be said to be an independent person, and the potential does not need those so-called special weak constitutions. If you practice a kung fu indiscriminately, it is a waste of the avatar.

After pondering for a while, he finally said: "How about this, fellow Taoist practice a random exercise first, and after you leave here, you can retreat and create another exercise that suits you. I don't know if this is feasible?"

"That's the only way to go. By the way, the Jiulong Furnace will belong to me in the future, and the Heavenly Tribulation Fire will also be given to me. You have the Pan Snake Cauldron, and the Jiulong Furnace is also optional. When you need the Jiulong Furnace, you Take it now, it seems that after I leave No Return Star, I have to sacrifice my talisman!" After the avatar finished speaking, the Heavenly Tribulation Fire and Jiulong Furnace flew into his body.

"Since you said that, you can also take the Purple Pagoda and the Dark Blood Hall! What else you need, you decide on your own, you are me, I am you, there are not so many politeness between you and me!" Hearing Gu Xuan said so Said, the avatar nodded and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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