ancestral snake

Chapter 197 I want to turn my face and show my hole card

Chapter 197 I want to turn my face and show my hole card

If this is the blue crystal patriarch's hole card, then as long as he carries it through, the blue crystal clan will be seriously injured. He doesn't think that these people who set up the big formation will not be exhausted, so he will stop worrying about the pressure on his body and focus on it wholeheartedly. Running the Yuan Snake Sutra, resisting.

One stick of incense passed, and sure enough, the formation was as he had guessed, and it collapsed without attack. The members of the Lanjing clan who formed the formation fell to the ground one after another, and their breath disappeared completely. In front of him, his eyes narrowed, his face changed slightly, he didn't say a word of nonsense, and left with all the people in his clan.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about whether to take this opportunity to keep the Lanjing family behind, and finally shook his head. At this time, Xingkui also came to his side, looking at him with a puzzled face.Seeing that Gu Xuan didn't speak, he finally couldn't help but said: "Master, why did you suddenly change the plan? I've prepared everything, and I'm just waiting for a word from the master, but why did the master let the Blue Crystal Clan go at the critical moment?"

"I'll talk about this later, why do I always feel something is wrong?" Gu Xuan frowned and looked at Xingkui.

"What's wrong?" Xingkui hurriedly asked!It's a pity that Gu Xuan didn't answer his question. Instead, he walked up to the corpses of the Blue Crystal clansmen and observed them. After a while, he released his sense of immortality, wrapped up the corpses, and disappeared in place with Xingkui.

As soon as he entered the Book of Heaven and Earth, Gu Xuan felt his eyes darken, and fell to the ground, and the blue color also turned pale. Seeing this, Xingkui wanted to help him up, but he waved his hand to stop him, and said to him: "You go to practice first. Come on, I'm going to rest for a while, and I'll call you when the time comes!"

Seeing this, Xingkui left without saying anything.

However, Gu Xuan was lying on the ground panting heavily. You must know that he was already at the end of his strength at this time, and he was supported by his strong consciousness. Seeing the blue crystal patriarch retreating, how could he still think about staying outside. Now his spirit is so weak Ultimately, the most important thing is to restore the soul.At that moment, the Yuan Snake Sutra began to work on its own, and as soon as he relaxed, a feeling of tiredness came to his mind. He only had one thought now, and that was to sleep.

In a blink of an eye, half a year passed, and Gu Xuan also came to his senses. He felt the soul, and found that although the soul had shrunk a lot, it had also solidified a lot, and his physical body had improved a little. He didn't know whether it was a gain or a loss up.

In the Book of Heaven and Earth, beside the Biluoquan, Gu Xuan sat opposite to the clone, and Xing Kui also sat aside, his eyes were full of doubts, and he didn't know what kind of riddle the two of them were playing?And embarrassed to ask, like ants on a hot pot, fidgeting.

When Gu Xuan waved his hands, a corpse of the Blue Crystal Clan appeared in front of him and his avatar, and said softly, "Did you feel it?"

The avatar nodded, and said to Xingkui with a solemn expression, "Xingkui, tell me about the origin of the Blue Crystal Clan. It must be detailed, and you must not let go of any details!"

Seeing that the avatar's face was extremely serious, Xingkui also became quiet, with a trace of confusion in his eyes, and some doubts. Could it be that there is something wrong with the Lanjing tribe?The thought was filtered out as soon as it appeared in his mind.After pondering for a moment, he opened his mouth and said: "The Azurite Clan was born in my sea of ​​consciousness. The main body is a kind of creature that was born after endless years after my soul crystal was contaminated with blood. But there was a time when the Azurite The members of the Azurite Clan suddenly exploded and killed dozens of people, and after that accident, there seems to be only one person left in the Azurite Clan!"

"At that time, two people suddenly came in from the outside world, and they started fighting as soon as they came in. Unfortunately, the difference in cultivation between the two was too great. The weaker one hadn't even lasted three breaths, and his soul was blown away. At this time, only the Azurite Clan The remaining member of the tribe came to the surface to communicate with the remaining person, probably because he wanted the corpse, so I didn't pay much attention to it. Since that time, none of the members of the Azurite family have died. The blood of people from the outside world will be collected by the people of the Azurite Clan after death, but this time, nearly half of them were wiped out by the master at once, which can be said to be traumatic!"

Hearing this, Gu Xuan and the avatar looked at each other, and then fell silent. Seeing this, Xingkui stopped talking, the whole scene was a bit weird.The time for a stick of incense passed, and Gu Xuancai said: "It seems that our guess is probably correct. In this way, the Blue Crystal Patriarch may still have a hole in his hand, but he wants to deal with this person. It's a little difficult."

Gu Xuan lifted the corpse of the Azurite tribe to his side, two golden lights shot out from his eyes, and landed on the corpse of the Azurite tribe, but it was the supernatural power of the golden python - the golden pupil.Almost in the blink of an eye, the golden light wrapped up the corpse, wisps of metal power were absorbed by the golden pupils, seeing this, a flash of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the avatar.

Three hours passed, and after Gu Xuan could no longer feel a ray of metal power from the corpse of the blue crystal clansman, he closed his golden pupils, only to see the corpse that was originally crystal clear like a blue gem. But there was no trace of luster, and the color turned into a faint blue. A wave of pure soul wave came from inside the corpse. Xingkui screamed, releasing a burst of power of soul, wrapping it, and seeing the blue crystal clansmen The corpse turned into a wave of divine soul power and penetrated into Xingkui Consciousness Sea, where it was absorbed by the divine soul.

After a while, Xingkui opened his eyes, revealing a trace of joy in his eyes, and excitedly said to Gu Xuan: "Master, with a few corpses like this, my remnant soul can recover to [-]%. After the clansmen absorb all of them, my soul will definitely recover more than half."

"Anyone can absorb the power of Xingkui's soul!" Hearing Gu Xuan's words, Xingkui shrugged instantly and whispered: "Master, even though that's the case, you must know that this is what my soul possesses. If outsiders want to absorb it, they must refine my aura. I have devoured countless things since I was born, and I have absorbed some in my soul. Ordinary people want to refine it, it is not worth the candle!"

"By the way, Xingkui, you said that you want to conceive an incarnation outside the body for me. I don't know if it's okay to directly implant a ray of soul into the corpse of the blue crystal clansman?" Gu Xuan asked on a whim!

"If the master wants to be an incarnation, I can conceive one for you. Although these corpses are already formed, they are also formed by the condensed blood of others. They conflict with your blood, master. If you want to use them as an incarnation, It will take longer, not only that, but you also need to accumulate your essence and blood, master, and it will take at least a hundred years to accumulate it if you want to use it like an arm!" After hearing Xingkui's words, he gave up directly. the idea.

(End of this chapter)

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