ancestral snake

Chapter 198 I want to turn my face and show my hole card

Chapter 198 I want to turn my face and show my hole card

"This time, the Blue Crystal Clan lost nearly half of its members at once. It can be said that the foundation has been shaken. I think the Blue Crystal Clan Chief will not come again in the short term. One of his hole cards has been exposed, but our hole card has not been exposed. Blue Crystal The patriarch must have some scruples. With the experience of the previous two times, when the blue crystal patriarch comes again, a fierce battle will definitely be unavoidable. Xingkui, you should use this time to practice hard, and it is best to make a breakthrough! "Gu Xuan said to him with a serious face!
"Don't worry, with me here, the Blue Crystal Clan will never be able to make waves!" Xing Kui patted his chest and said loudly!

Gu Xuan secretly sighed, if he had confidence in Xingkui before he discovered the secrets of the Blue Crystal Clan, but now that he has understood the secrets of the Blue Crystal Clan, Xingkui has not noticed it yet, and he has not given all the secrets of the Blue Crystal Clan. Hope rests on Xingkui alone.

Countless years have passed, and Xingkui is no longer the overlord of the starry sky. Although he is still alive at this moment, he is just a remnant soul.If Wu Hui Xing hadn't been transformed by his body, perhaps he would have lost his soul long ago.

Seeing Xingkui's appearance, he didn't say any more, and left Tiandishu directly, came to work on the star core, and continued to refine the star core.

The boring days kept repeating, and the connection between him and the star core was getting closer and closer.In the blink of an eye, it has been 51 years since he came to No Return Star.On this day, the entire Wuhui Star trembled again, but all the [-] lines on the star core had been refined by him, and he could also control part of the laws on the Wuhui Star, and he could walk in the sky.If you want to leave here, you need to completely refine the star core.

After so many years, his cultivation has hardly increased. The only thing that makes him a little excited is that the desolate beast kings he cultivated finally became enlightened after absorbing some of Xingkui's soul power. His spiritual intelligence is equivalent to that of an eleven or twelve-year-old child, and he can completely practice alone, so he imprinted some exercises suitable for their bloodlines into their sea of ​​consciousness, and asked them to practice hard.

However, he didn't pass on the method of transforming to them. It wasn't because Gu Xuan was stingy, but because he discovered that these desolate beasts could cultivate with their own bodies much faster than transforming into human forms.After making this discovery, he spared no effort to provide them with more resources.Especially the Body Tempering Pill, these desolate beast kings ate it as a meal every day.

In this way, the improvement is also very obvious. I think that by the time he leaves No Return Star, the cultivation base of these wild beast kings should have been raised to the out-of-body stage.As for Qinghu, he doesn't know what's going on. After so many years, he still hasn't woken up. If he didn't find that everything was normal, he would have thought that this guy was pretending to be dead?
After resting for half a year, Gu Xuan and his avatar resumed their previous work, refining the star core. However, it is much easier now. One hundred and eight lines have divided the star core into countless pieces, so he doesn't need to It's as troublesome as before, just continue refining one by one.

Sitting cross-legged on the star core, looking at the surrounding area divided into pieces by the lines, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and then his hands flew like flying, and he started to make a formula, one by one, he pinched out the handprints and punched them into the star core, Half a month later, he had already refined an area, and after exchanging with the avatar, he entered the book of heaven and earth to restore his true energy.

Day after day, year after year, in the blink of an eye, it has been 70 years since I came to Wuhui Star, and the star core has been refined by more than [-]%. He has the feeling that in three years at most, he can completely refine the star core , when the time comes, the entire planet will become his personal property, and the hope of leaving is getting closer and closer.

After flashing into the Book of Heaven and Earth, and running the Yuan Snake Sutra, he began to fall into a deep sleep, and soon a snore sounded.

This sleep, a full month has passed, and after waking up, I feel refreshed, and all my vital energy has been recovered.People feel refreshed on happy occasions, seeing that the star core is about to be successfully refined, and he can leave here as soon as possible, all this feels like a dream to him.

After leaving the book of heaven and earth, he saw the blue star core in front of him, which was so pleasing to the eye, which he had never felt before.After suppressing the excitement and excitement in his heart, he began to refine the star core again. More than [-]% of the star core was refined, and the remaining star core, even if he was not refining, would be at most After more than ten years, it will be sublimated by the surrounding atmosphere.But he couldn't wait any longer.

As time went by, his control over the star core became more and more powerful. When the last bit of the star core was also refined by him, the whole planet also cheered. A feeling appeared in Gu Xuan's heart, as long as he had a thought, He will know the secrets of the entire planet. On this planet, he can teleport, and he only needs one thought to think about it.

Just when he had completely refined the star core, Xingkui in the book of heaven and earth felt it, and he secretly sighed, even if he is on the planet of no return, he will be suppressed by the laws of this planet. In the teleportation, it is even more wishful thinking.

As soon as I thought about it, the star core began to shrink, and finally turned into a fist-sized blue bead with dao patterns flashing on it. Where there is still a star core, it is completely a magic weapon.

At this time, the avatar also appeared, with a wave of the hand, the star core was taken into the body of the avatar, and the avatar said to him: "This star core will be mine from now on, I am going to use the star core as the main body to refine a natal Magic weapon, as for the natal magic weapon, I will make a decision after I create a suitable method for me."

Hearing what the avatar said, he nodded and said: "It's up to you to decide. First observe the movements of the Azurite Clan. I always feel that the Azurite Clan Chief is planning something. I'm not sure, and I always feel a little awkward." !"

The avatar closed its eyes and began to investigate, Gu Xuan was also observing, but after a while, the two opened their eyes at the same time, their eyes were full of shock, they did not return to the star to find the blue crystal clan, and the blue crystal The clan's lair is also empty at the moment.There was only an empty shell left, and all the dead bones in the valley on the ground disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the two of them were not shocked. They thought that they could completely control the planet by refining the star core, but they didn't expect an accident.All signs show that there are secrets that they don't know about the No Return Star.

With a thought, Xingkui appeared in front of them. Gu Xuan didn't talk nonsense, and directly told him what he had observed, hoping that Xingkui would know some secret things. Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Xingkui also acted like they did. The two of them were normal, their faces were full of shock, and they obviously didn't know the reason.

What is the secret of the planet transformed by the star devouring beast?Even the master of this planet can't find him. If he can't completely control the planet after refining the star core, does that mean he still can't leave the planet?Thinking of this, Gu Xuan's heart sank.

This planet was transformed by the Star Devourer, that is to say, all the variables are related to the Star Devourer. The Star Devourer's inner alchemy evolved into a star core, and the sea of ​​consciousness gave birth to the Azurite Clan. Then the Star Devourer's body What else is more important?
(End of this chapter)

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