I might be a little strong

Chapter 101 Strengthening and destroying a life

Chapter 101 Strengthening Destroys Life

In the noisy city, a gust of wind blew by, blowing his clothes and hair, and the figure standing with the sword seemed to become extremely tall, as if standing against the sky.

Between heaven and earth, he is alone.

For a long time, for a long time, at the last second of the freeze frame, all the audience stared blankly at the hero, clenched their fists unconsciously, as if a force surged up.

Humans are strong.

They are far from hopeless, in front of Li He, all monsters are nothing but chickens and dogs!
They have great heroes who are invincible in the world!

The hero who saves the world!

Li He! ! !

Shocking cheers erupted all over the world. Almost everyone felt that it was not that difficult. With Li He, human beings would not be able to lose, and they just need to persevere...



Riding on the neck of a LV40 frost giant, Sun Ming forgot to attack for a while, but stared blankly at the big screen on the side of the TV station building, watching Li He's last concave shape.

After being stunned for a while, he casually blocked the giant's slap.

He muttered: "Lao Li wants to be the most beautiful boy in the world..."

After speaking, the saber in his hand plunged straight into the back of the giant's neck, stirred it, and killed the monster thoroughly. In a burst of dissipated light, Sun Ming held a pale yellow light ball and landed.

"It's really not handsome without a three-dimensional mobile device."

"However, I, the two heroes at the end of the crane, also want to be the most beautiful boy in the world!!!"

Sun Ming yelled and rushed out, which made the heroes behind him in the attack panic for a while, now, should we follow Team Sun to charge, the formation is messed up, hey! ! !
After dealing with a LV20 shadow wolf, Ning Fei smiled sincerely as he looked at Sun Ming's cheerful expression.

I really envy Brother Sun...

Then, taking the ring that the Shadow Wolf exploded with him, Ning Fei followed Sun Ming and rushed in. The two of them covered each other very tacitly, and killed the monsters like nothing else.

After a long time, the high-level monsters in this area were cleaned up, and they sat on the edge of a flower bed to rest. Sun Ming touched a piece of chocolate and handed it to Ning Fei.

"Your hypoglycemia, you have to supplement it. Don't listen to Lingling's hard candy. It's not a B-quality thing. If you eat chocolate, you look like a gambler."


Ning Fei took the melted chocolate, hesitated for a moment, opened it and ate it slowly.

Although I think sister Lingling is more scientific as a nurse, but Brother Sun's kindness can't be let down, but I don't understand why eating chocolate makes me look like a god of gamblers...

Ning Fei was eating chocolate, while Sun Ming was knocking on the Frost Warblade that had just exploded.

Frost Warblade (Grade D): Excellent, with the power of frost.

Equipment with elemental attributes can be said to be extremely rare. This war blade will have a surprising effect during a battle, but Sun Ming still feels that something is missing.

Those monsters slaughter creatures, absorb energy, and level up.

The higher the monster level, the better the explosive equipment.


Always feel that there are middlemen making the difference?

Can killing value directly improve equipment?
Thinking of this idea, Sun Ming tried to infuse the Frost Warblade with killing value as if strengthening his skills, and then he really saw that the killing value disappeared like flowing water.

And the Frost Warblade doesn't seem to have changed?
Not enough?
Thinking about it, Sun Ming continued to inject. He only had more than 1 remaining killing points. When he almost bottomed out, Frost Warblade finally changed...

Frost Warblade (Grade D): Strengthen +1, excellent, with slightly stronger frost power.

Ok? ? ?
Strengthen +1? ? ?

Damn it, the dog is plotting, learning poisonous milk powder, and dying! ! !

Recalling the fear of being dominated by Kaili once, Sun Ming shook his hand, and the Frost Warblade fell to the ground directly, causing Ning Fei beside him to stare in puzzlement.

And Sun Ming grabbed Ning Fei's shoulders, and said earnestly, "Fei, you have been enchanted for three generations, and strengthened to destroy your life."

"Promise me, don't strengthen it?"

Ning Fei looked confused, but still nodded...

But Sun Ming turned around and picked up the Frost Warblade, and muttered: "According to the experience of poisonous milk powder, it is absolutely impossible to go to 16 naked, so 15 is already the limit of human beings. where it fell twice!"

Ning Fei tilted his head, puzzled.

After Sun Ming edited a text message to the headquarters, he patted Ning Fei on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, continue to kill, get the best equipment first."



Sun Ming's text message was sent to the headquarters of the Heroes Association, and soon it was sent to the country.

The killing value can actually strengthen the equipment!
The news spread all over the world at once, and Li He, who was still sculpted on the high stage for almost 2 minutes, heard his cell phone ringing, so he couldn't help but said: "Well, director, are you ready? "

The director and host on the side woke up suddenly, only to realize that they forgot to call the end when they came back to their senses.

Apologizing quickly, Li He rubbed his eyes, keeping that look, maintaining that aura is very tiring, okay, it's over, let me know early, hello! ! !

Reluctantly, he took out the phone and looked at the information on it. Li He shook his hand and almost dropped the phone.

hiss! ! !
At that moment, Li He had the urge to delete the message without hesitation and pretend he didn't see it, but he couldn't help but raised his World Exterminating Demon Sword to look at it.

Artifact, will it explode...

No, there shouldn't be this problem, he has never exploded his equipment, because he can't get to 10 at all.

Ah, suddenly relieved a lot.

Li He looked at his remaining [-] million kill points, thinking, give it a try?
As a result, the digital interface of the killing value was like diving, and it decreased crazily. Soon, Li He saw that the number at the top changed from 2 to 1. One enhancement, [-] million killing points?
Seeing the light of the World Exterminating Demon Sword, Li He knew that the strengthening was successful.

World Destroyer Demon Sword (EX grade): Enhancement +1, artifact, contains the power of destruction, the damage caused cannot be repaired, and may even continue to erode.

So powerful?

Uh, after all, it is [-] million killing points, if it is used to upgrade skills, it is also EX level, but, speaking of it, is there a problem with the skill explosion rate in this world?

He still only has one skill, while that bastard Sun Ming has twenty.


 Thanks to the book friend "Memories A" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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