Chapter 102
Whether you are lucky or not, it doesn't really matter.

It takes 1 million killing points to strengthen the World-Exterminating Demon Sword. Even Li He can't afford it. After all, killing monsters doesn't give killing points. Now the world is full of monsters, and the killing points will only become more tense.

Li He had to save some killing points, after all, his little Heavenly Dao could be directly converted into vitality to replenish.

Moreover, it can save people.

After the live speech was over, Li He went to the medical center. Looking at the unconscious real Qingwei, Li He took a scan with his spiritual sense and felt that the injury might take several months to recover.

Now is the time when there is a lack of high-end combat power, so we can't wait that long.

As a result, several accompanying doctors and experts saw a miraculous sight... life and death, flesh and bones.

This is the first time medical practitioners have seen the manifestation of vitality, although they have been engaged in research in this area since they knew that the killing value is generated from vitality.

But no matter what, there is no way to extract vitality.

Now, right in front of you!
Immediately, Li He was surrounded by a group of experts excitedly, and the ward became a little noisy all of a sudden, and it was in this noise that Daoist Qingwei slowly opened his eyes.

The injury has basically recovered, feeling the majestic vitality overflowing in the air, real person Qingwei looked directly at Li He.

He didn't think anyone else could do it.

Li He had to promise those experts that they would cooperate with the research in the future, and then he was relieved. He came to the hospital bed and said with a smile, "Brother, your treatment is not cheap. It cost me more than 1000 million killing points."

"Can killing value be converted into vitality?"

"It is indeed possible, but it should be impossible for anyone other than me to do it."

The transformation of killing value and life value is the transformation of life and death. It is impossible for other people to achieve this level if they have not reached the realm of harmony.

The way of heaven has been opened, if anyone wants to steal the way of heaven, he might as well try.

Guaranteed to try and die.

When Li He said this, Daoist Qingwei didn't have any doubts. He nodded, hesitated, and asked, "Does everyone need 1000 million kill points to save lives, or is it based on strength?"

"Of course it is based on strength. For ordinary people, no amount of vitality can be poured in."

"Then, how much kill value is needed to treat a soldier with a gene liberation rate of 12%?"

"About... around 1?"


Hearing Li He's answer, Daoist Qingwei fell silent. Hell Phoenix created tens of thousands of disabled people. If Li He's treatment is relied on, that would be an astronomical figure.

Li He also knew what Daoist Qingwei was thinking, and said: "If it was before, I might have so many. Now, I have 2000 million left, and I can't save everyone."

"Also, it's not really possible to live and die."

"The effect on you is outstanding because your strength is strong enough, and you have the ultimate recovery ability of this level. If you are an ordinary person, the effect may not be obvious."

There is a saying in medicine that the deficiency cannot be supplemented.

Daoist Qingwei's foundation is strong enough, so he can recover so well, other people may not be sure.

Knowing this, Daoist Qingwei didn't bother anymore, he immediately got up and walked out, asking as he walked, "Junior brother, what's the situation outside now?"

"Nine LV100 monsters, three were killed by nuclear bombs, I killed five and escaped one."


"Well, I ran away and went underground."


Master Qingwei was shocked when he heard that the monster would run, and he took a deep breath after gradually learning from Li He that the Chuitian Demon Tree may have extremely high wisdom.

In many cases, people are more afraid of wisdom, especially wisdom with a foundation of strength.

While talking, Master Qingwei brought Li He to the command center, because the old marshal had said before that he wanted to chat with Li He.

The general command center was very busy. Even if they saw Li He and real Qingwei, the soldiers didn't have time to take a look. Instead, they processed all kinds of information and feedback non-stop.

On the contrary, after making up his mind, the old marshal was free.

He was making tea on the conference table at the moment, when he saw Li He and Daoist Qingwei coming, he waved.

Greeting them to sit down, he poured two cups of tea and handed them out one by one. The old marshal looked at Li He and said, "The old man suggested earlier that he wanted you to join the army, but they rejected it."

Li He didn't expect that the first sentence the old marshal said was this.

Earlier this time, I'm afraid it should have been when he went to the United States, and only those few big brothers could reject the old marshal's proposal.

Seeing that Li He understood, the old marshal continued: "I originally wanted to give you honor, give you a higher position, and of course, give you matching power."

"However, they said that there can't only be temples in this world, there must also be rivers and lakes."

"In the 70 years since the founding of the country, some things have changed subtly. We need a strong supervisor. Moreover, what we want is an invincible hero, not a warrior who is bound by the rules."

The words of the old marshal were very pungent.

Li He is free and unrestrained in the Jianghu. He can be invincible when he is single, but he will be bound by various rules when he enters the system. This has a great impact on Li He's state of mind and will hinder his progress.

It was only at this moment that Li He realized how much the country cared for him.

Even when they went to Luzhou to observe, the bosses just praised him as if they were juniors, but they didn't tell him any specific responsibilities or problems, and tried to make him ignore power, balance and so on.

It can be said that it was really well-intentioned.

Since the development of the Heroes Association, it has spread all over the country and has such a huge force, but Li He has never heard even a whisper of a struggle. It is conceivable how dedicated the escorts are.

It's not easy...

The old marshal patted Li He on the shoulder, and continued: "I didn't intend to disturb you at first, but the world has changed a bit this time, and there are some things that need to be explained to you in order to cooperate."

"This live broadcast, let you stand in front of the stage, it is a last resort."

"One, the world really needs a hero."

"Your existence will fill the whole world with confidence. You must know that the most important thing in war is confidence."

"Another one, it's dredging from the bottom of the pot."

"Before, we asked you to go to Fusang first. Although there were humanitarian considerations, it was more of a strategic decision."

"With satellites overhead, there's actually not much new things to do on this blue star. Our people are preparing for war in full swing. Other countries want to learn, but they don't have the ability."

"The Liberty Alliance, the situation is the best, but they can't do it either."

"Before the monster was announced, a lot of military bases and refuge camps were built on Europa and the United States, but they still only included a small number of people."

"So, they can only sell tickets."

"The elite get better resources and a safer environment, while ordinary people are left behind."

"Now there are countless abandoned people in the world who are in despair, and your existence will become their last hope and last straw."

"You can save Fusang, why can't Miguo and Europa?"

"It's people's hearts, and it's dredging from the bottom."

"Because of this choice, when we integrate the whole world after sorting out the country, what we encounter is not resistance, but what people want and what everyone expects."

 Explain, as described in the previous article, after death, the skills will be broken and restored to the kill value for the killer, so killing people will not get skills, and you can only get skills if you want to get skills, relying on the base burst rate.Thanks to the book friend "Shaodongjia at the entrance of the village" for the reward of 1000 starting coins, and thank you for the rewards of "VAN Game", "Name the Miserable Household", and "Jian Peanut" for each 100 starting coins, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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