I might be a little strong

Chapter 135 Do You Want Two Swords?

Chapter 135 Do You Want Two Swords?

Kuishan's back was drenched with sweat, and his hand holding the rudder trembled involuntarily.

Don't say so absolutely! ! !


Suddenly pushed into the fire pit by his subordinates, and then looked at by Li He, Kuishan was stiff all over there, because his face was also stiff, he looked very tough...

Li He nodded and understood.

Although I don't know what has changed, but these guys from the Unrestrained Land are here to make trouble.

Be sure, and then draw your sword.

About to swing the sword...

"and many more!"

Kui Shan woke up suddenly, and realized that this could not go on. He hurriedly shouted to stop Li He, and then quickly said: "We came back after three years, so you can't kill us, we know a lot of information!"

Li He was puzzled.

Seeing that Li He stopped for a while, Kui Shan was relieved and continued, "V was responsible for all the crimes in the Unforbidden Land, but last year, no, it was two years later. ,already dead."

"Thus, the rest of us, although guilty, are not worthy of death!"

"You should give us a chance!"

These words were very contradictory, Li He didn't understand, and asked in confusion, "What exactly are you trying to say?"

Kui Shan coughed in embarrassment, and said: "Well, I want to say, after all, I came back three years later, and my strength is not what it used to be. I am not willing to admit defeat directly."

"So, let's play a game first."

"If I lose, can you spare my life?"

Li He: ...

I don't know how to spit out some things, and say the most embarrassing things with the most popular attitude?They obviously sailed the battleship above the capital, and the soldiers approached the city, but they were so cowardly?
However, Li He had to consider saving the other party's life.

If, no, it is really possible that these guys came through time travel three years later.


Li He gave Kuishan a cold look, and said, "There are so many of you, so there's no need for me to stay?"

scare! !

Immediately, all the members of Unlimited Land broke out in cold sweat, and Kuishan's face was covered with sweat. He immediately came up with quick wits and said, "No, we have all experienced time travel, and everyone is a precious experimental sample!"

Uh-huh! !
The members of Unrestricted Land nodded together...

Li He was speechless, is there such a funny comparison?Forget it, this stupid big man was right, seeing the other party's style, it was a little bit out of the limelight, and it seemed like he was waiting for the wind to surrender.

Then let's talk first.

After thinking about it, Li He swung his sword immediately.

Holy shit! !
Kuishan's pupils shrank sharply immediately, and it's time to do it, can't you be mentally prepared?Moreover, wouldn't it be so terrifying to strike a sword casually! ! !


Before Li He made a sword strike, Kuishan let out a hysterical roar, and then saw a burst of golden light floating from his body. It was obviously unpleasant to watch, but it happened to catch up with Li He's sword energy.

The golden brilliance condensed into an incomparably strong golden giant, and then, the giant shouted angrily and swung his fist towards the sword energy!

boom! ! !
The huge shock pierced through the sky and the earth, not only the turbulence caused by the fight between the two, but also the ground caused an earthquake for some unknown reason, and the people of the entire capital suddenly exclaimed! ! !
And Li He's omnipotent sword was blocked by that golden giant!
Looking at all this in astonishment, and looking at the golden giant who kept punching, Li He complained: "Stand-in attack? Fuck, can you still play JOJO after three years?"

Kuishan was a little embarrassed when Li He saw through the source of inspiration for his ability, but after realizing that Li He's sword was not unstoppable, he couldn't help but smile.

"Ah, it's indeed the same thing, but it's more powerful."

Kuishan opened his hands, very excited, while the golden giant put on a fighting stance.

In this regard, Li and Cha Lemon said: "Cut! JOJO Li can't do it, it's not authentic at all!"


The stand-in's ability to be so handsome is actually that of a mere villain!

This is the first time that Li He has the feeling of Cha Lemon since the mutation, but he can't find a way to awaken the substitute at all, so he can only defeat this guy first and ask him from him!
After thinking about it, Li He's eyes gradually became serious.

A sword... cut through the sky!
With this sword strike, all the subordinates behind Kuishan shrank their pupils suddenly, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably. They realized that they might be wrong. Even if monsters like Li He came back three years later, they would not be enough. superior!
will die! ! !

Stop it, boss! ! !

The subordinates were scared to death, and Kuishan was also like this, okay? If you don't face Li He's sword, you don't know how much pressure it is!
He could only roar angrily: "Hold on, Di Lan!!!"

During his roar, Di Lan took a deep breath, and then threw out hundreds of punches in a row, Li He's sword energy was barely broken, and the result after that was...an earthquake.

After hundreds of earthquakes in succession, the entire capital of Kyoto began to shake.

If it weren't for the fortification of Kyoto, the entire city might have been reduced to ruins in the earthquake.

Blocking Li He's sword again, and seeing the flustered scene in Kyoto, Kuishan immediately burst into confidence, and laughed and said, "Hahaha, you can't defeat me, Li He!"


"You don't dare to use your sword anymore. Take a look at Kyoto. According to Di Lan's ability, all your attacks will be absorbed by the earth and eventually turn into an earthquake."

"If you don't want to destroy Kyoto with your own hands, you'd better surrender!"


"If you surrender, I won't rule the world. Your Yan Empire can just divide a piece of land for me. How about Fusang? Give me Fusang, and I will stop the war and become an ally with you!"

arrogance?No, Kuishan was just taking his chances.

While blocking Li He's two swords, and the other party throws a mouse attack, quickly sue for peace!

Others don't know, but he knows how much pressure Di Lan is under. If Li He really goes all out, that sword will be impossible to block.

It takes Di Lan to punch hundreds of punches to eliminate just a little serious sword strike. If it is completely serious, it will not be able to eliminate it at all! !

will die!
Whoever blocks will die!

So, hurry up and say yes!Li He!Even if there are too many fusangs and we don’t want to, we can change them!

Nanyang can just give it a small island!
No, as long as you are willing to accept us to join the Yan Empire, I will agree! ! !

So, accept the peace now!


When Kuishan was desperate, he didn't intend to compromise at all. He glanced at Kuishan expressionlessly and said, "The attack of fighting will be transmitted to the earth. It is indeed a very good ability."

"But, there is always a limit to everything, right?"

"What do you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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