Chapter 136
What the hell! ! !

Kuishan was stunned immediately, why should he be so cruel, why would there be no room for a chat! ! !

No, Li He must not be allowed to make this move!
Kuishan immediately strengthened his determination!

When Li He stood with his sword horizontally, his aura spread, and the world was in a storm, when Li He said lightly: "Since I used the sword, you are the first person who made me need to use the third sword."


The moment before Li He's drooping eyelids opened, Kui Shan knelt down cleanly with lightning speed, and he said loudly: "I surrender!!!"

Li He: ...

After holding back for a long time, he stopped the sword. He glared fiercely at Kui Shan and said angrily, "Can you be more professional and professional when you are a villain!"

"I used to be professional too..."

"now what!"

"Now, I want to live."


After being speechless for a while, Li He pointed at the sword and said, "Stop the boat and wait for the prison."

"Eh! Okay!"

Kuishan answered in an instant, and then landed toward the open space on the right side of Kyoto with a group of his subordinates. After landing, they gave up all their weapons very cooperatively, and tied each other with ropes.

This made Yan Wuwei feel dazed when he arrived...

Because those members of Unrestricted Land are more active than them, and want to go to jail without delay.

so horrible!

The sword fairy in the world is too scary!It's still safe in the cell!They came three years later, each convinced that they were worthy enough not to be sentenced to death.

In this way, a sudden farce ended.

It can be regarded as adding some episodes to the founding ceremony. After that, the ceremony continued in order to appease people's hearts, and the bosses all left, and the interrogation of Kuishan and the others began.

These guys are from three years later!
This is so important, even if you only need to know the time of each mutation and the content of each mutation in these three years, it is vital information for human beings!

trial room.

Li He and the old general interrogated Kui Shan in person. The two sat down and looked at each other. Just as they were about to speak, Kui Shan who was sitting across from him said directly, "The fourth mutation was on April 4, also at ten o'clock in the morning."

"The content of the mutation is... a sleeping world."

"We don't know the specific situation. After all, we are in space, and we don't know the specific situation on the blue star. I only know that everyone had a dream, a very long dream."

"When I wake up, we only have one spaceship left, and the other two have all crashed and lost contact."

"The fifth mutation is one year after the sleeping mutation, and the content of the mutation is the living world."

"We know better about this."

"Any existence in the spirit world may produce spirits, especially those with legendary nature, such as our ark. After all, we are the first spaceships for human beings to enter the universe."

"So, our No. [-] ship produced a ship spirit, and her name is Lily."


"I hope you can treat that child well. That child doesn't understand the hostility and grievances between us. She just likes to play games. If you give her a new game, she will listen to you."

"In the smart world, it's not just vegetation, trees, mountains and rocks..."

"Oh, right."

"Blue Star will have a huge crisis in two years' time. V was involved in that crisis and then died. This directly led to the leaderlessness of our fleet and the outbreak of civil strife. Then I became the boss for no reason."

"I definitely don't want to be superior, and I definitely don't want to fight against the Yan Empire. I hope the two big brothers can understand."

"Cough, ok, I'll continue..."

"I heard from V that after two years, Jishi Mountain produced a spirit."

"Uh, do you know about Jishi Mountain? It is the existence of all things in ancient legends, especially in the records of Shan Hai Jing."

"That spirit caused turmoil in the world."

"At that time, all the spirits on the blue star were under the control of, um, let's name it for now, let's call it Shi Ling. At that time, all the spirits on the blue star were under the control of Shi Ling."

"There's a riot."

"According to what V said, he went back to seize that great opportunity, but the clone clone he left sleeping on the spaceship died."

"He should be completely dead..."

"In short, since then, we have lost the last contact with Blue Star. We don't know what happened on Blue Star, until April 2023, 4, when the sixth mutation came."

"We didn't even listen to the announcement, so we were sent here."

"Then, that's it."

As he spoke, Kuishan raised his shackled hands.

On the other hand, Li He and the old marshal looked at each other in shock. What kind of huge crisis and opportunity made V come back at the risk of his life, and finally failed?
What is the specific situation of the sleeping world of the fourth mutation?
Can all objects in the spirit world produce spirits?The No. [-] ship of the Ark in the Forbidden Land has a ship spirit?

Shocked, the two thought of countless things in an instant, but let's talk about the future, they still don't know the situation after the gene liberation rate is 50%, the old marshal immediately asked: "How did your double come about?"


Kuishan was taken aback for a moment, and then gave the answer very cooperatively.

"You should know that when human beings break through the 50% gene liberation rate, their lives will be sublimated, and the key to this breakthrough is to overcome the inner demons, break through individual selfishness, and transcend oneself."

"And after that, it's about the same."

"In the world of spirits, everything has the possibility to produce a spirit, and the same is true for people. After defeating the demons, we can cleanse and revive the demons that have died, and awaken them as substitutes."

"As for the ability of the stand-in, it should be different for everyone."

"When human beings break through 40%, they will realize the potential, and the ability of a substitute is basically a development and extension of the potential."


"V once said that the essence of a stand-in is the Yuanying that Taoists call, and the inner demon is also a part of the original spirit. After defeating the inner demon, he turns it into his own use, and injects his own understanding of martial arts and power into it. in."

"Using the stand-in as a container, while gaining strength, continuously temper the strength until one kind of strength is cultivated and enlightened to the peak."

"Finally, turn technique into Tao."

"Then you can refine the substitute, take out the dao seed, and put it in a clay pill. At that time, a golden pill will enter your stomach. From then on, my fate is up to me, and I will ascend to become a fairy."

"Uh, I don't know if it's right or not. It's all from V. If you have any problems, don't ask me."

Anyway, V is dead, it is his fault, it is his fault, it is not his fault, it is also his, Kuishan said that this time, he must clean up thoroughly and hug Li He's thigh...

(End of this chapter)

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