Chapter 191

Old Tang opened his eyes when he heard someone coming, and turned around when Mao Jiajun put down the stone bucket to leave, looking at Mao Jiajun's back and couldn't help but mutter.

Did this idiot leave before?

what is that?water?Just to hold a few sips of water, and walk more than a mile with a stone weighing twenty or thirty catties?How stupid.

Isn't it just two cornrows...

Thinking about it, Old Tang decided to ignore it, turned around and continued to sleep.

As usual, he didn't wake up until the sun was about to set. He yawned and got up, grabbed his neck and walked out. It's rare to be quiet today, no one...

Haven't left yet?
Is that... a stance?

The sweat under his feet, no?This kid has been practicing like this all day?Could it be that he really had a bit of merit... down? ! !

Old Tang saw Mao Jiajun standing on the pile for a whole day, and just when he felt that this kid had some skill, Mao Jiajun fell straight upright, which shocked Old Tang.

Quickly touched it, checked it, and passed out.

With a pale face, and leg muscles that are still cramping and shaking even after fainting, this guy doesn't have a grasp of the essentials of standing at all, right?The posture is correct, but the force and breath are completely wrong...

If you practice hard like this, don't you think you will be crippled by training?
Moreover, I ate two today, no, I only ate one bun.

As a thief, Old Tang habitually took out another cornbread from Mao Jiajun's body. Looking at Mao Jiajun's dry and cracked lips, he felt that this kid didn't take his life seriously.

Isn't that bucket of water right there...


A little irritated, Old Tang dragged Mao Jiajun to the steps, then went into the temple and searched for a long time, found half a broken pottery bowl, scooped some water, and fed it to Mao Jiajun.

The water in the stone bucket is probably more than a bowl, and it is all fed, which can almost add some water for emergency.

But, it's not enough.

Standing in the sun for a whole day, my whole body was soaked and dried several times, and the ground was covered with sweat. At least seven or eight bowls of water were enough.

what a hassle...

With a sigh, Old Tang carried Mao Jiajun on his back, walked to the side of the stream, and fed him with the broken bowl for a while, before he felt that Mao Jiajun should not be short of water.

Seeing his breathing gradually stabilized, Old Tang wiped off his sweat and scolded himself, "I'm really full and have nothing to do."

I have to go back again...

Well, tonight is almost a delay, the time to enter the city has passed, the Flying Squirrel Gang's burrow will not be opened again, and it is impossible to go to the city to find work...

Forget it, uncle, let's take a day off, it seems that it is not very peaceful recently.

Old Tang, as a gangster who made a living by stealing, was one of the many sneaky people around Linjiang Mansion. They would enter Linjiang Mansion through the burrow of the Flying Squirrel Gang through the sewer.

Then every time they go in and out, they will be pumped by the Flying Squirrel Gang, and as long as they are brought out through the burrow, the Flying Squirrel Gang will 'exchange' them into money.

This conversion is taxation.

Basically, the best gold hairpin worth ten taels, the Flying Squirrel Gang can count two taels of silver at most, it can be said that it is extremely black, but as long as these thieves still want to enter and leave Linjiang Mansion, they are afraid of being caught by the patrolling guards and yamen servants of Linjiang Mansion , you have to go through the Flying Squirrel Gang.

As for being caught in the yamen for stealing things, the Flying Squirrel Gang doesn't care about it.

So, Linjiang mansion is a little bit turbulent, and it's these little guys who suffer...

Back in the temple, Old Tang looked at Mao Jiajun, who was breathing weakly. After a long time, he sighed, and took out a rag bag from a stone brick in the ruined temple, which contained dozens of copper coins and some broken silver.

He counted twenty copper coins and put the rest back.

After making sure that no one was peeping, he went out and walked two miles to a family. He bought a chicken and a clay pot with some salt in it for 20 Wen from an old woman he knew.

I took the chicken to the creek, slaughtered it, washed it, put it in a jar of water, and went back to the ruined temple.

Light a fire and make soup.

Old Tang didn't know what he was doing for it. Giving a few buns during the day was already benevolent enough, and then he saw that the kid knew how to work hard and prepared to gather some information.


What an idiot, sighed, added some firewood to the fire, and took out an old book from his arms under the moonlight, which was written about Vajra Fist.

In fact, it is just the simplest breathing and boxing in the arena.

If you want to go back to the source, it is the method of health preservation in the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, and then insert a Shaolin Changquan, which has nothing to do with the Vajra God Fist that is popular on the cover.

However, because of the title of the book, Old Tang spent five hundred Wen.

It's actually quite ridiculous when you think about it, the correct price of this kind of secret book in Jianghu is about [-] yuan, and he bought this book with Shuxiu for Mr.

Dad was very angry at the time and beat him up, but he still borrowed money to send him to a private school.

Only by reading and knowing can he understand the cheats...

Two years, he went to school for two years, then the war came, his home was gone, his parents were gone, and everything was gone, so he took this book and wandered in the rivers and lakes in a daze...

He fantasized countless times that he was a hero and could save his parents and the village.

But, impossible.

No one can practice this kind of thing to become a peerless master. He has spent more than ten years of hard work, and he has not even entered the ninth rank of martial arts. No gang is willing to accept him as an apprentice, isn't it just...he is not suitable for martial arts?
No qualifications, no resources.

I deserve to be a thief all my life...

that kid...


The scene of Mao Jiajun fainting while standing in his mind kept appearing in his mind. Old Tang felt unbearably empathetic, his eyes were a little red, his nose was a little sore, and he tightened his grip on this broken cheat book.

Who doesn't have a river and lake dream?

It's just that it's close at hand, yet out of reach...

(End of this chapter)

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