I might be a little strong

Chapter 192 But it's so far away

Chapter 192 But it's so far away
After being woken up, he was forced to drink a can of chicken soup and eat a whole chicken. The feeling of fullness in his stomach made Mao Jiajun a little confused, why Old Tang was so kind to him.

However, he remembered this kindness.

He was going to leave at dawn the next day. He had to find a gang to join and learn martial arts. The curator said that there would be different cultivation methods and opportunities in this world...

Old Tang didn't keep him, and didn't even bother to talk to him, so he was very annoyed and told him to leave quickly.

But he was still very grateful to Old Tang.

He had no way to enter the Linjiang mansion, so he could only inquire around the outside, and then found those gangs he wanted to join. Basically, after he went in and his bones were touched, he was directly denied...

However, every time he failed, Old Tang would "accidentally" meet him.

Old Tang always said that today he was lucky and stole a chicken, and tomorrow he was lucky and stole a duck. He didn't want to eat those stolen things, but Old Tang would beat him and force him to eat...

He really thought so the first two times, and later, he also understood.

Old Tang did not steal these things...

He wanted to ask Old Tang why he was so kind to him, but every time he was about to speak, he was interrupted roughly by Old Tang, and then he kept on saying that you knew you owed me and went to work with me.

The so-called work is naturally stealing things...

Mao Jiajun had no choice but to shake his head, saying that if he finds a job, he will make money and return it to him. Then, he will look for a job and ask gangs during the day, and practice martial arts unremittingly at night...

Even if you fail to join the gang, you can't give up.

Even if I still can't find the breath...

The peaceful life lasted for several days. Mao Jiajun finally found a gang that took him in. He would first do chores, and if he could be promoted, he could learn martial arts.

While working as a handyman, he was also paid, and he could pay back what was owed to Old Tang.

Old Tang said, what do you owe?Labor and management have never lent you money...

Mao Jiajun kept it in mind, and only waited to go to work the next day, and then save the money and return it to Old Tang.

However, it is doomed that there will be no second day.

That day, a group of strong people came to stay overnight in the ruined temple. Five of them looked like they were not easy to mess with. Mao Jiajun and Old Tang huddled in the corner to minimize their presence.

The five people noticed them, but they didn't seem to want to do anything.

Only then did Mao Jiajun and Old Tang heaved a sigh of relief, but the two of them were afraid to sleep all night, they just pretended to listen to the movement, for fear of being rubbed on their necks in the middle of the night...

Listening, Mao Jiajun accidentally fell asleep.

But Old Tang didn't!

He suddenly tensed up, and heard the sound of the arrow leaving the string, he subconsciously rolled and dodged, while the five black-clothed men over there immediately stood up, drew their knives and slashed back.

The arrows were all cut off, and they immediately fought with more men in black.

"These spies of the Night Watch Division, don't let go!"


The five members of the Night Watch Division immediately roared and killed the people of Xuanwu Division. They knew that Xuanwu Division and Wuyue State were in trouble. The mission of Wuyue State this time was likely to be controlled by Xuanwu Division.

After raiding an official of Honglu Temple and interrogating them, they confirmed the situation and they had to return to Houzhou to report the matter.

I thought it was quite secretive, and it was relatively calm after leaving the city.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered.

The spies from the Night Watch Division and the Xuanwu Division fought together, and Old Tang, who was waking Mao Jiajun up in the corner over there, suddenly constricted his pupils when he heard the conversation, realizing that the matter was serious.

They were involved in the struggle of the spy organization.


"Ah, sorry, I, I fell asleep."

"Hush! Run!"

Old Tang was about to take Mao Jiajun out of the dog hole on the side. As long as this kind of spy organization was involved in the struggle, those spies would never be soft in order to keep it secret!

It's just, it's a pity that the two living people, even in the dark, cannot fail to attract people's attention.

The steward of the Xuanwu Division who was standing at the door giving orders moved his eyes, noticed that side, and ordered: "Go to someone, and kill the two mice."


A man in black behind the steward took orders, and immediately rushed towards Mao Jiajun and Old Tang.

Knowing that they had been exposed, Mao Jiajun and Old Tang immediately sped up their speed and fled crazily. Finally, before the knife fell, both of them got out of the dog hole.

Then the two fled frantically regardless.

Naturally, the man in black would not go into any dog's hole. As Xuanwu Division's spy, he is a third-rank martial artist after all. How can a mere broken wall stop him?
The man in black bent his elbow, and a piece of the wall collapsed. He walked out from the rubble and ashes, looked at the escaping figures of Old Tang and Mao Jiajun, smiled grimly, and raised his toes, and two stones flew out immediately!


What the man in black didn't expect was that Old Tang sharply held a dagger and smashed the stones, then jumped out, picked up Mao Jiajun who was about to fall, and continued to escape together.

No matter how bad his kung fu was, he had practiced for more than ten years, and at this critical moment of life and death, he still erupted with even stronger strength.

This situation made the man in black's eyes condense slightly.

Wouldn't it be nice for two rats to be slaughtered obediently?

For the man in black, chasing and killing is just a hassle, but for Old Tang and Mao Jiajun, it is the key to life and death, and there is no room for carelessness.

The quick wit of the little man was brought to the limit at this moment.

Old Tang knew very well that it was impossible to escape by running, and there was absolutely no way to hide by hiding. This is a secret spy organization that can hunt down and kill the Night Watchman, and it is absolutely professional in this regard.

Therefore, it is necessary to make the other party feel that there is more trouble and that he has to give up.

For example, jumping off a cliff...

"Run! There is a cliff two miles ahead, about 200 meters high, with deep vegetation underneath, and the source of the creek is there, so jumping down has the possibility of surviving."

"it is good."

Mao Jiajun listened to Old Tang's words, immediately accelerated his pace even more desperately, and ran towards the direction that Old Tang pointed, but after running a few steps, he felt something was wrong, where is Old Tang? !

(End of this chapter)

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