I might be a little strong

Chapter 270 Here Comes the Script

Chapter 270 Here Comes the Script
Do you really think Shen Qian is stupid?
There is only one reason why he dares to be so arrogant, the top general of the resistance army, the Heavenly Sword, has arrived.

Tian Dao was originally not going to participate in the farce of the crusade against the Great Demon King, but Li He transferred the knockout match to the world of mind and changed it to a martial arts trial in the world.

Coupled with Shen Qian's repeated invitations, Tiandao agreed.

Such a big movement in Juxian Tower has long attracted the masters gathered in Bianliang from all sides. Shen Qian saw the Heavenly Sword with sharp eyes, and naturally began to be unscrupulous.

Sure enough, as he expected, Brother Tiandao is the best.

Such an understatement of the knife directly cut this fourth-ranked master until he vomited blood, tsk, in the future, if you want to pretend to be B, you still have to learn from Big Brother Tiandao, that ruthlessness, looks like a master!

However, Shen Qian was extremely relaxed, while Yelu Hanhai was in a daze.

He felt that his view of the world had been destroyed. Isn't he the fourth best player on the list?Although we know that Buddhism and Taoism are not included in the list, some hidden masters who have been away from the world for too long are not counted.

But why were all young people who defeated him?

What's the matter with the current arena?The Central Plains Martial Arts is so prosperous?

This knife seemed not to have much momentum, but it was more powerful than King's previous attack. Yelu Hanhai felt that his heart was being eroded by the knife energy.

With his cultivation at the Great Vajra Realm, he was broken with a single blow.

Yelu Hanhai was not reconciled, he stood up staggeringly, looked carefully, but was stunned for a moment, how, how could it be possible, that aura felt like a first-class martial artist?In the world, is there such a strong warrior?

It's not that Yelu Hanhai has never heard of such things as suppressing realms, but what kind of cultivation is it that can be so strong that it can still be suppressed by a martial artist?
Could it be that this person intends to step into the congenital?


Yelu Hanhai was already in a bit of a mess. He felt that his view of the world had been impacted. Whether it was the strong man before or the swordsman now, it seemed that everyone respected that child?
Who is he!
Hou Zhou, Khitan, Southern Tang, no matter which country's princes, it is impossible to have this power, and there is absolutely no one of the six major powers in the world that can have such a background!

Who is he...

Shen Qian, who shocked Yelu Hanhai, didn't care about that. After he greeted the Heavenly Knife, he saw Daoist Qingwei, Chen Shiliu, Master Dejian and Master Xingkong, and many others. He immediately waved to them.

Others immediately discovered that these seemed to be new masters emerging from the rivers and lakes.

These masters are all related to that boy?
This, could it be that some secret large organization was born?Why don't you have any impression or news about how huge and ancient this organization is?
Both the Khitan people and the officers and soldiers of Hou Zhou were in shock...


Just when Yelu Hanhai was also stunned in shock, a sharp shout appeared, and then Yelu Hanhai was dragged away, and the people on the spot reacted and wanted to stop him, but a rain of silver needles hit, and anyone who dared to stop him was caught After being stabbed by the silver needle, he immediately fell to the ground and howled, his whole body was bruised and purple, and he was so cold...

Han Ji spat out the silver needle he was holding on to his teeth, looked at the figure who took Yelu Hanhai away, and murmured: "Boss... Xuanwusi, you really are here!"

Yelu Hanhai was rescued, and the scene was embarrassing.

Countless masters here let Yelu Hanhai go, isn't it a bit exaggerated?
Forget it.

Xuanwusi, Li He is now the guest minister of Mingyue Palace, as one of the restoration forces, Xuanwusi should be regarded as Li He's side, right?Forget it, let him go, this will give him another reason to attack Li and that bastard.

Well, I have to find a way to meet Chai Rong, so that Chai Rong can accept their help with confidence...

Thinking about it, Shen Qian came to Han Ji's side, tapped Han Ji's breastplate with a folding fan, and said, "Hey, brother, please introduce Chai Rong, I have a big business to discuss."

Han Ji:? ? ?

Although confused, Han Ji still asked for instructions, and Chai Rong decided to summon Shen Qian. Shen Qian went to the meeting alone very easily. Under the guidance of the eunuch, Shen Qian came to the imperial study.

At the first sight of the first Mingjun of the Five Dynasties, Shen Qian felt that this man was not simple.

The eyes and temperament cannot be faked.

He casually found a chair and sat down. Shen Qian crossed his legs and ate the fruit that the maids prepared for Chai Rong to rest. While eating, he mumbled, "Boss Chai, let me introduce you to a business."

In his early years, Chai Rong worked as a vendor and in the tea business.

He is no stranger to the title Boss Chai, but it has been so long ago that he was in a daze, didn't care about Shen Qian's rudeness, and even stopped the eunuch who wanted to reprimand him. He looked at Shen Qian and said with a smile: "What kind of business is it?"

"Life-saving business."

Shen Qian looked at Chai Rong, and said so lightly.

Chai Rong's eyes froze, and he asked calmly, "How should we do this business?"

As soon as Shen Qian opened the folding fan, he said while fanning the wind: "Probably, Boss Chai is a little puzzled by these new masters who have appeared in the Jianghu, and also knows the connection between us."

"I will stop beating around the bush with Boss Chai."

"In this world, there is Penglai Wonderland, Kunlun Wonderland, and of course... Baiyujing. The Baiyujing in the sky, the twelfth floor and five cities, Boss Chai should be familiar with it?"

Chai Rong frowned, and said, "Of course I'm no stranger, Li Taibai wrote it in his poems."

Shen Qian laughed, and said: "Of course it is. Li Taibai has been to my Bai Yujing, and naturally there are some records. Boss Chai can accept the existence of Bai Yujing, so you should listen to what I have to say next." .”


"I, Bai Yujing, was born with such great fanfare, not to disturb the world, but to capture someone."


"Mingyue Palace Guest Qing, Li He."

(End of this chapter)

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