I might be a little strong

Chapter 271 The villain is just right

Chapter 271 The villain is just right
If you tell a lie and people don't believe it, it's not a big enough lie.

People in the world are often more likely to believe big lies, just like now, Shen Qian pulled out Bai Yujing, explained the changes in the world caused by the existence of players, and explained the existence of Li He.

In Shen Qian's narrative, Li He is a traitor to Bai Yujing.

They stole Bai Yujing's secret treasure "Secret of Longevity" and escaped, and they came to the world to capture Li He and recover the "Secret of Longevity". If they failed, Li He, who had gained eternal life, would rule the world forever.

In order to rule the world, it is only the first step for Li He to join Mingyue Palace to overthrow Hou Zhou...

Well, although it was a bit nonsense, the logic made sense anyway. Chai Rong was a little skeptical after hearing it, but he didn't have a better explanation, so he could only trust Shen Qian for the time being.

Reached some cooperation with Shen Qian, the self-proclaimed young city lord of Baiyujing...


Monk Li still doesn't know Bai Yujing's setting, if he knows, he will probably stage a fried pork belly meal for that kid Shen Qian in advance, this kid is so daring.

In just half a day, many things happened in Bianliang City.

Li He is naturally aware of these things, or in other words, with the Tianji Pavilion on their side, what troubles in the arena can be hidden from them?
The rebellion of Li Yiyin and the rebellion of generals from all over the country were planned and instigated by Xuanwu Division.

It's a pity that Zhao Kuangyi's road was blocked, there was no movement on the Huainan side, Huainan didn't move, there was no major problem for the time being in Houzhou, the chaos in the northwest was just superficial.

Chai Rong sent Zhang Yongde to the north with tens of thousands of troops to stabilize the situation in the north.

Unless, Khitan really launched a national war...

Li He looked at Xiao Siwen that Li Jinglun brought back from Honglu Temple with great interest. Most people may not know this man, but if his daughter is mentioned, many people know him.

He had a daughter named Xiao Chuo, who was the famous Empress Dowager Xiao of the Liao Kingdom in history.

The woman who truly unified the Liao Kingdom and made Daliao an empire.

However, his daughter is only three years old now...

After taking a few glances at Xiao Siwen, Li He said, "I heard that you have a daughter named Xiao Chuo, who is very clever."

Xiao Siwen was stunned for a moment, and said with a weird expression: "Your Excellency is talking about Yanyan? I planned to prepare a few names for her, including Xiao Chuo, but I have never told anyone about it. Why do you know... "

Li He was also a little embarrassed, coughed, and said: "Well, the real Fuyaozi taught me the Spring and Autumn Jue of the Great Dream, and I saw some things in the future in my dream."

"Your daughter is beyond words."

When Li He said this, Xiao Siwen was stunned for a moment, and his expression became even weirder. He bowed and said, "Since your Excellency likes my little girl, if Xiao can return to Shangjing this time, I will marry my little girl to Your Excellency."


This time it was Li He's turn to be confused, what kind of brain circuit is Xiao Siwen doing?He just praised Xiao Chuo, and then said that the girl will be extremely expensive in the future, obviously only being a queen is expensive, right?
Xiao Siwen actually wants to marry his daughter to him?What is the logic?Your daughter is only three years old, hey! ! !
However, what Li He didn't know was that Xiao Siwen never thought that his daughter could become a queen. Li He said so again, he was just a promise to push the boat along the way.

Who can say for sure what will happen after returning to Beijing?

Li He was still alive at that time, so it must be because they succeeded in rebelling, the Tang Dynasty was restored, and Li Xuanji became the queen, isn't she actually a queen?The real emperor of the Tang Dynasty must be Li He.

She will marry her daughter again and become a concubine, which is also a good home.

As for the age of three, was it a problem in ancient times?

In short, several misunderstandings piled up, and it became Li He's claim to ask Xiao Siwen's three-year-old daughter to be his concubine. Li Jinglun, the little princess of Mingyue Palace, couldn't stand it.

No matter how you look at it, Li He will be Li Xuanji's husband in the end.

That is to say, Li He will be her adoptive father in the end. Before she is married, her adoptive father wants to take a concubine. He is still a three-year-old girl, so how can it be done!

Li Jinglun immediately called out to Li He anxiously, Li He could only cough and said, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I didn't mean that, I just dreamed about some things about Khitan, so I know about Xiao Chuo."

"Well, Xiao Siwen, if you do this again, I will sue you for defamation!"

"Tsk, Eunuch Gao went to pick up Yelu Hanhai, why hasn't he come back yet? Could something have happened? Or, I'll go and see... oh, here we are, let's go and see the Lord of Yulong City. "

Li He directly changed the topic and walked away.

Leaving Li Jinglun puffing up his cheeks, seeing Xiao Siwen looking at him, he gave him a hard look, snorted coldly and then left, which made Xiao Siwen puzzled.

Forget it, I don't want to.

Yelu Hanhai suddenly sent an eagle to send a letter. If Li Jinglun hadn't rescued him, he would have been hacked to death by the imperial guards of Hou Zhou in Honglu Temple. Hurry up and ask what happened.

In the gazebo not far away, Guo Chongtao put down the pen in his hand and frowned slightly as he looked at the drawn situation map.

At this moment, the chief manager was taking Yelu Hanhai into the hospital. As soon as he landed, the chief manager asked Guo Chongtao: "What's going on? In the rivers and lakes, why did so many top experts appear overnight!"

The voice was sharp and cold, which fit the eunuch's voice very well.

But as a centenarian, the boss's voice can still be so loud, which is really extraordinary. Regarding his question, Guo Chongtao stood up with his hands behind his back, and did not answer directly.

He first glanced at Li He who was walking over, and then said: "According to the original standard, in today's arena, there are at least two rankings in the Tianbang. There were signs of it dozens of days ago, but no matter how I search, I can't find it clearly. Just...just like Li and Your Excellency."

Li He was taken aback, pretending he hadn't heard this, and didn't explain.

Seeing this, Guo Chongtao sighed in his heart. Just as he was about to say something, a letter box fell from the sky. Guo Chongtao untied it and looked at Li He strangely...

Li He asked puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Guo Chongtao did not speak, and handed the letter to Li He.

Li He looked down, his face darkened suddenly, is he a traitor of Bai Yujing?Steal Bai Yujing's "Secret of Longevity"?Now Bai Yujing's young city lord, Shen Qian, led Bai Yujing's law enforcement team to arrest him?

Brat, you can write this script well...

After seeing it, Li He shook his hand, and the letter paper turned into flying ashes. He smiled innocently and said, "Old man, is there any problem?"

Guo Chongtao shook his head silently, but felt much more relaxed in his heart. In Guo Chongtao's opinion, he was inclined to this statement, at least from the information and inferences collected from various aspects, it should be so.

How could there be such a master in the world who was born out of nowhere and who was stronger than a level?

That's unreasonable and unfit for martial arts.

If Li He is not from the mortal world, but from Bai Yujing, then it can be explained. He knows both Penglai Wonderland and Kunlun Wonderland, and has contacted some people.

It's normal to have one more Bai Yujing...

(End of this chapter)

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