Chapter 400

Yang Yi took a deep look at V, and said, "Sure enough, Li He is right. For a guy like you, killing him directly is the best way to deal with it."

V laughed: "I agree."

The Yan Empire has been very strict with him, but finally let him find a chance to come back. Yang Yi naturally doesn't think that with V's help, Jack will be able to pass the test first.

However, if Jack survived, he still retains the status of the emperor.

That's troublesome.

Those people in the revival did not attack Jack from the beginning to the end, to strip off the human throne, not because they didn’t want to, but because they couldn’t. Unable to hit Jack.

Any thought that is not good for Jack just arises, it will produce a huge sense of guilt.

It is even more impossible to implement it.

Even if Li He gets Fuxi's approval first, it's still a matter of whether he can directly attack Jack at that time. What's more, if Jack jumps over the wall in a hurry and hands over his throne to V before he dies, it will be a big trouble.

No matter how good a treasure is, it depends on who is using it.

Yang Yi was silent for a long time, and finally took a deep look at V. To this, V responded with a bright smile, without any tension, and finally, Yang Yi said in a calm voice: "One-third of the throne is in hand, I will let you out."

"It's a word."

V smiled happily, not worried about whether Yang Yi was lying at all. After Yang Yi left, he stretched his waist, looked at the bright world outside the prison, and looked at Bai Yujing's brilliant atmosphere.

The world suddenly came alive.

Just now, Yang Yi must have been considering the possibility of killing him, but he seemed to give up in the end. After all, everything has pros and cons, and there is no absolute right or wrong.

Trading is obviously better than killing him, isn't it?
Of course, it would be better to kill him after completing the deal.


"Emperor Wa."

Wa Huang's projection appeared, she glanced at V indifferently, and said, "Magellan is fighting with Xiaozhu, intending to hold Li and his family hostage, he is about to die."

"Ah, he's dying."

V laughed. The Yan Empire would never allow Li He's family to be held hostage. Although Yang Yi is confident enough that Magellan will not succeed, Dong Yefu can also stand aside for the time being.

But will Kyoto allow it?
When it comes to strategic issues, Yang Yi can temporarily lead the overall situation. However, the full power of the empire lies with the Consul, after all, in the capital. They cannot let Li He's family have problems.

Therefore, Dong Yefu's shadow corps should be dispatched.

Among the shadow corps, Dong Yefu created a clone of Li He, it's fine, he shouldn't, he shouldn't, he should also create a clone of him...

"This, put it into my clone, and I will die with the clue of Jishishan."

V gave a spiritual seed to Emperor Wa. This is a deal between him and Emperor Wa. Emperor Wa wanted Jishishan to be born in the smart world, so that she could truly become a living body.

And V will die in order to ensure that the secret of Jishi Mountain will not be known by the Yan Empire.

After the matter of the Gate of Fantasy is over, Yang Yi will not keep him anymore. Although Yang Yi agreed to the deal, it is 100% to kill him afterwards.

So, he will "die".

Not only will the body in the dungeon die, but all traces of him in the world will be erased, even his avatar in the Shadow Corps.

Therefore, he really wants to survive, and there is not much time left for him.

As long as he doesn't want to die, he can't show his true face again. Naturally, he can't tell Yan Empire about Jishi Mountain. No matter where the news is released, it is a signal.

He is not dead.

So, he can't say.

With the wisdom of Emperor Wa, she naturally knew the truth, so she took the spiritual seed, but instead of leaving, she said, "Why do you want to live?"

"Is there any reason for not wanting to die?"

V smiled and looked at Emperor Wa, thinking that the question she asked was very interesting.

Emperor Wa nodded and said, "Your idea is to advocate freedom, the ultimate freedom, but it is clear that the world is in order now. Even if you succeed in escaping the golden cicada, the rule of the Yan Empire will only become stronger."

"After obtaining the throne of Emperor, Li He is invincible."

"The king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die. He can make you commit suicide with a word. His words are the constitution of heaven in his mouth, and the rules of order will be more unbreakable."

"Your concept has completely failed."

"To be alive would be a pain, a tormenting pain."

V nodded earnestly, and said, "You know me quite well, but I still want to live, because if there is light in this world, there will be darkness, and people's hearts are originally evil and good, and they will not become pure good."

"So, my life is meaningful."

"If I can live long enough, longer than Li He, it will be more meaningful."

"One day, fantasy will be completely defeated, the world will return to the original starting point, and everything will return to reality. At that time, the era that belongs to me will come, won't it?"

"Of course, that's just the worst way."

"I haven't completely lost yet."

V smiled confidently, did he lose?Not necessarily, the world is still very big, and it is impossible for the Yan Empire to restrain everyone. When they completely build the main god space, there will be more places to hide evil.

Power can make people inflated, not everyone has enough heart.

The real world is okay, there will be a feeling that things hurt other people, but if it's just the reincarnation world of the main god's space, those reincarnation worlds that can be reset continuously, looking at those tool people, reincarnation people, can you bear it?

Seeing the smile emerging from the corner of V's mouth, Emperor Wa was silent, and then said: "Human beings are very complicated."

"Ah, it's very complicated. It's not so complicated. How can human beings continue to move forward? Human nature is evil and good. Humans are the most greedy creatures in the world. He has greater desires than any other species."

"He not only wants to survive, but he can't tolerate the slightest threat."

"If nature threatens the survival of human beings, then conquer nature. If the 'nature' of life and the biosphere are not enough, then conquer the universe, the stars and the sea."

"Human beings are never satisfied."

"But at the same time, they are full of holiness. For a great goal, they even sacrifice hundreds of generations to do it. Human beings have been fighting against illusions since they were created 4 years ago."

"For 4 years, two thousand generations, people still enjoy it."

"Stand firm."

V is the person who understands people's hearts the most. Only at this moment did Emperor Wa understand the meaning of these words. She looked at V standing there and finally understood why he was able to survive again and again under the absolute power.

He can't die.

He is like an ape with a heart, as long as there is evil and selfish desires in human hearts, he cannot die.

Xinyuan is based on rules, and he is based on ability.

(End of this chapter)

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