Chapter 401
Any existence, as long as it wants to get close to human beings, it will inevitably give him a chance.

I am like this.

She wants to be truly alive, to live with an actual life form, and she wants to acquire some of the attributes of a "human", so she cannot refuse the deal with V, thus giving V a chance to survive in the Jedi.

Do you... want to regret it?

She was thinking, V noticed this, however, he was not nervous at all, he just looked at her with a chuckle, which made her finally sigh, after all, there was no way to refuse.

"I am leaving."

She said so, and the projection disappeared in an instant.

As for V, he sat down and looked at the scenery outside. It was obviously just a piece of white jade, but it seemed like some gorgeous landscape, and he never seemed to get tired of seeing it...


Government Affairs Hall.

Dong Yefu received a call, and when he heard the content on the other side of the phone, his expression changed slightly, and finally he replied: "Okay, I will take action immediately."

So, hang up the phone.

Dong Yefu leaned against the back of the chair and closed his eyes for two seconds. After taking a deep breath, he opened his right hand, and a password input interface appeared in the air.

Enter the password and the task will be released.

The whole Jiangcheng began to move, the secondary dungeon of Jiangcheng was opened, and the Shadow Corps received the order from the Lord and began to move quickly.

They appeared in the dungeon, and then rushed to the surface at high speed.

The person in the lead was obviously a clone of real Qingwei, not Li He, or even V.

Time makes heroes. Li He's success cannot be replicated, and V's success is the same. Dong Yefu managed to obtain the cells of the two for cloning, but the result was that it didn't work.

It's not that the clones of the two are not good.

They are excellent, but they are only excellent, and they are far from the feeling of being the best.

This also proves that the clone is not the person, because their experience is different, and the soul is also different. Even if all the memories of that person are preserved, there will still be deviations.

Just like, one can never step into the same river twice.

The same thing will not give exactly the same results. Those clones can only be counted as samples with the same genes, not the real person at all.

Seeing that the fight with Xiaozhu was about to win.

Magellan was still terrified by the man who suddenly appeared, and then realized that it was the shadow corps, not Li He's real arrival, which was why he was so weak.

However, the number of people is a bit too much...

Seeing the corps of more than 1000 people appear, Magellan's face gradually became ashen. If there is no Emperor's ban, his devouring ability is there, and maybe he can support war with war.

If he eats all these clones, his strength will surely rise to another level.


Are clones human? !
"elder brother?"

Inside the room, Carol stared at Li and the clone that appeared, and was slightly taken aback, then asked suspiciously.

Su Ke, who was protecting her, shook her head and said, "It's not my brother, not even his avatar, it's a fake."

"Yes, it's fake."

Zhao Jinyun also said with certainty, because Li He feels completely different from that person. Although he has the same appearance, that person is a young man with a little sense of superiority.

This sense of superiority will never appear on Li He.

The stronger Li He is, the more he is pursuing ordinaryness. How can there be such emotions as superiority?

"It's not only the fake brother, but also those Qingwei real people, King, Tiandao, a lot of them are there, ah, sister Yun, you seem to be there too, um, so unorthodox."


Zhao Jinyun was furious. Looking at her clone's savage huntress outfit, her heart was filled with rage. It was clear at a glance what the fakes were, and they must all be clones.

So, the empire retained this kind of project?

Stealing genetic samples without their consent?Damn it really, after this matter is over, if you don't ask for guilt, you will never give up, even the chief executive will have to apologize!

Zhao Jinyun's character has always been very strong, but she restrained her temper only for Li He.

Now that I am really angry, I will naturally not forgive others.

Dong Yefu may be a bit miserable...


Dong Yefu also knew what would happen if the Shadow Corps was exposed, so he was very reluctant, but the orders of the Consulate were slapped in the face, and if they were not implemented, it would be disobedience.

Helpless, can only follow suit.

It's just that after the fact, the destruction of the shadow corps is certain. Fortunately, he has recorded everything that happened in the secondary dungeon. He has always controlled some things that made the original owner uncomfortable and did not let them happen.

I don't know, Zhao Jinyun and the others will watch it as a movie, forget it?

Those old men are taking this opportunity to beat him, right?

He clicked his tongue in displeasure, and Dong Yefu looked at the direction of the first district and shook his head. How can I put it, the overall level of the Shadow Corps is not as good as the original owner, and it can still be held back by the number of people.

And where the original owners are, they don't know how the battle is going.

It has been almost an hour since the battle started, right?Regarding the duration of the Void Mask's clone, although there has been no information, he has repeatedly observed the video data of the monster's mutation many times.

Li He has used clones.

The duration should be one hour, but when facing the super comet, the void mask should be strengthened a lot, the number of clones has become three, and the time has not changed.

However, after not coming out for so long, those two fierce beasts are still able to persist.


In Qiongqi World, Dong Yefu regards it as a persevering beast, and it has reached the brink of collapse. The entire Qiongqi World has become unstable, and Chaos has lost half of its body.

If the fight continues like this, within 2 minutes, the two monsters will die completely.

Looking at the terrifying sword light flooding the field, Chaos' face was as ugly as possible. This meant that they took the upper hand. Otherwise, if Li He trapped them, wouldn't their fate be the same as that of Wuwu?
But it seems that there is no difference.

I'm going to die anyway...

Chaos was already in despair, and so was Qiongqi, but just when this despair was about to be confirmed, they suddenly realized that Li He had stopped.

The three clones looked at each other and murmured, "It's time."

"However, it's okay."

After finishing speaking, in the daze of Chaos and Qiongqi, the three avatars directly turned into golden light and dissipated.The avatar is gone?
This, this, can't you, want her to come?
Even if it's just two residual blood, she still feels a lot of pressure. After all, Hunyuan level recovers blood very quickly, and if the opponent wants to run away, she can't help it.

(End of this chapter)

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