I might be a little strong

Chapter 415 Little Tiancang Star

Chapter 415 Little Tiancang Star
"There is really life..."

A living planet is completely different from a dead planet. In the Tiancang Five galaxy, there are a total of five planets orbiting Tiancang Five, and there is exactly one planet in the habitable zone.

After traveling for more than ten days, Li and his team finally arrived at the Tiancang Five Galaxy.

This galaxy, which is 12 light-years away from the blue star, would take more than 30 days according to the original speed of Sky Constellation, but after Li He equipped Sky Constellation with the Wing of Split Sky, it was much faster.

Even, if necessary, it is impossible to shuttle over at once.

It's just that the price is a bit high.

In space, you can see that among the planets surrounding Tiancang [-], the planet in the habitable zone, tentatively named the planet Little Tiancang, has blue and green colors visible to the naked eye.

Although there may be a possibility of mineral color, but after Li He looked at it, it was confirmed that it was a plant and the ocean.

Different from the relatively comfortable environment around the blue star, they can see that there are dense asteroids and dust around the small Tiancang star, but there is no sign of the dust falling into the ground, as if it is supported by a protective cover average.

"Will you encounter elves, orcs or something?"

Shen Qian, who had been silent all the way, finally came to his senses, looked at Little Tiancang Xing curiously, and then, the answer he got was very realistic, Li He just said lightly: "Intelligent creatures are only short for the life history of the planet. moment."

"You see forests and oceans, and you see a lot of flora and fauna."

"But there is a high probability that no intelligent race will be seen."

The earliest origin of human beings, as far as Lucy's era was discovered, was only more than 300 million years ago, and 46 billion years have passed since the blue star began to have life.

One in a thousand chances.

As for the civilized races in Shen Qian's fantasy, the probability is probably even lower. After all, this is not a multiverse, but many galaxies in a single universe.

To maintain a scientific basis.

It’s not that there can be gods who create people, and there are really many races of that kind. The prehistoric era had that kind of worldview, but it’s not the case now. If they can see intelligent races, there is a high probability that they will be a group of monkeys or dolphins.

The "shield" of Little Tiancang Xing is a little bit of a concern...


After the sky constellation approached the small Tiancang star, obvious resistance was found. It was not a physical shield, but a magnetic field, an anti-gravity field.

"It's very special. If it is a pure anti-gravity field, the atmosphere will not be restrained."

After all, Zhao Jinyun is a top student in science, and she is quite clear about these things. She looked at the atmosphere of Little Tiancang and the dust in outer space, and said so.

Li He nodded in agreement and said, "It's a layered force field. The outside is anti-gravity, and the inside should be overweight."

He keenly saw that there are no floating islands in the low altitude of Little Tiancang, but most of the creatures on the ground are very low, which should be an overweight environment.

They were chatting, Sky seat had stopped.

She said: "If you can't move forward, a forced breakthrough will cause atmospheric turbulence, and the boundary of the force field will also change, which will have a huge impact on this planet."

"How about I change into a human form and fly in?"

Li He said that there was no problem. Then, he saw the human form of Tianzuo for the first time. After a while, he smiled and said, "I thought you would be a little fat girl."

"I'm not fat!"

Obviously quite strong appearance, but said a little aggrieved.

Li He had no choice but to touch her head to show comfort, and then said: "Let's go to the ground first."

After shrinking in size, that layer of resistance was nothing to them at all. After forcibly breaking through the boundary of the force field and entering the superheavy layer, Li He frowned and said, "The closer to the ground, the stronger the gravity, about 50 times the gravity."

"Shen Qian, are you okay?"

The veins on Shen Qian's forehead rose slightly, and he said with a flushed face, "Don't look down on me! I'm not the weakest one!"

Li He nodded and said, "Oh, Carol is fine, she is guarded by angels."

After the S-level equipment was strengthened by +10, in addition to the protection activation state, there was also a normal protection. This gravity could not affect Ka Luo in the protection state.

As for Su Ke, there is no need to worry.

Su Ke is very strong.

Su Ke, who has learned Ultimate Instinct Kung Fu, has the ability to resist the external environment. In the gravity training room, she has tried [-] times the gravity without destroying her mood.

That's right, state of mind.

With a calm state of mind, those gravitational forces don't have any burden on her, this is one of the magical effects of Freedom of Ultimate Intention.

Shen Qian: ...

Landing on the ground, on a cliff, seeing Shen Qian gritted his teeth and persevering, Li He didn't care about him anymore, this level of exercise was just right for Shen Qian.

In terms of air... it is in an oxygen-enriched state.

If it’s not strong enough, you might get drunk at any time. Oxygen-enriched and super-gravity, the creatures on this planet should be quite strong, especially those that can fly in this environment...

The alien visitors attracted three pterosaur-like birds, and the strong muscles and steel-like wings of those birds can be seen from thousands of meters away.

Does the brick fly?
Unlike the birds on the Blue Star, the birds on the Blue Star are based on a lightweight body structure to reduce the burden so that they can fly better, but those bones and muscles will certainly not provide too much lift.

In a super-gravity environment, not to mention taking off, it will be crushed by gravity directly.

"Iron Wing Bird, name it whatever you want."

"However, these friends don't seem to welcome us..."

Li He saw that the three iron-winged birds circled a few times in the sky after finding them, and then rushed down from three directions at the same time. The claws like iron hooks might be able to pierce through the steel plate.

Hunting awareness and skills are very strong.

Such a creature, if the gene release rate does not exceed 50%, will basically be difficult to escape if encountered, and the difficulty of defeating it is also very difficult. After all, it is a powerful existence that can survive and fly under 50 times the gravity.

Even if a low-level martial artist is high enough in martial arts, the possibility of not breaking the defense is very high.

"I'll try!"

Zhao Jinyun was in high spirits. After all, if Li He made a move, there would be no suspense. Didn't they come to the interstellar voyage to include part of the adventure?
After finishing speaking, she drew her gun and jumped up... ten meters high.

Before reaching the expected confrontation point, she began to fall back. Not only was she wrong in judgment, but also the Iron Wing Bird deliberately stayed in the air and slowed down at the moment she jumped up. After she lost her momentum and fell back, she flapped her wings dive.

Bang! !

With the sound of steel colliding for a moment, Zhao Jinyun connected three moves. It felt like smashing the white dragon spear in his hand on the iron mountain. Juli almost shook the gun in his hand.

"It's too strong..."

After a slightly embarrassed landing buffer, Zhao Jinyun said with an ugly face, she is a top-notch human being after all, but it is difficult to face a few birds.

This alien environment is too difficult, right?
(End of this chapter)

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