I might be a little strong

Chapter 416 A New Source of Killing Points

Chapter 416 A New Source of Killing Points

"I'll try."

After Su Ke finished speaking softly, she jumped into the sky more preparedly than Zhao Jinyun, using a lot of true energy in this leap, and quickly caught up with an iron-winged bird that was about to circle back.

This speed made the Iron Wing Bird scream in shock, and hurriedly raised the altitude.


Step into the air!

Su Ke stomped in the air, his speed exploded again, and he caught up straight away. Although the equipment on his waist was only the B-level Qingfeng Sword he bought with points, the moment it was unsheathed, it was extremely fierce.


Like the sound of slashing iron, Su Ke cut off the iron-winged bird in front of him with a sword drawn like a knife, and the water vapor was steaming all over his body, which was the evaporation of sweat and strong true energy.

In terms of cultivation, Su Ke's current gene liberation rate is 62%, while Zhao Jinyun's is 81%.

However, the fighting attitude determines the huge difference in combat power. Zhao Jinyun has the attitude of playing games, while Su Ke has the attitude of a lion fighting a rabbit. The results are naturally different.


Zhao Jinyun didn't feel ashamed at all, she looked at the sky and yelled worriedly, because when Su Ke cut off the iron-winged bird, the other two had already come back.

Then, Su Ke was quite calm.

At some point, her substitute appeared behind her. It was a female swordsman holding a sword. The blue color was extraordinarily cold, and even the air condensed when the sword fell.

The shattered frost is extraordinarily gorgeous...

Seven Aperture Sword-Rin Dong.

"Sure enough, you have to use magic to deal with powerful fighters."

Looking at the frost blooming in the sky, Shen Qian shook her head and said, but no one agreed, Zhao Jinyun looked at the sky and said: "The shape of a creature is so strong that even rules can resist it."

"Su Ke's sword is not because of his strong ability."

"But her sword is sharp enough."

Su Ke's path is different from that of others. What she learned was the method of practicing Qi and cultivating immortality in "The World of Heart and Mind".

She only learned the Qiqiao Linglong Sword.

And this practice makes her different from others after awakening her substitute. Her substitute has seven forms. This is one of the many forms, Lin Dong, who masters the power of frost.

Ability is something that has always been mixed but not refined.

The Qiqiao Sword has many abilities, but the result is that the strength is not so terrible, so the power of Light and Frost will not be so sharp against the Iron Wing Bird.

There is also the addition of Su Ke's swordsmanship, which has this effect.

Creatures can soar in the sky under 50 times the gravity, and their bodies are strong enough to face most extreme environments. This level of frost power may be terrifying to humans, but for iron-winged birds, it is far from an untouchable limit .

Kill three in one breath.

Only one of them landed nearby, and Shen Qian hurried over, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and dissected the frozen iron-winged bird with difficulty.

It's not that he intends to study biological structures, but...

"There is no magic core, even if you kill the monster, you still have the demon core."

"They don't practice, so they definitely don't have that kind of existence. Even if they absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, they still spend it on their bodies. You can get some meat and cook some soup."

Li He urged Shen Qian to be a guinea pig, but Shen Qian was too lazy to return to him.

It's just that the dagger poked at the iron-winged bird's flesh and said, "I can't bite this kind of meat."

While the two were talking, Su Ke also came back. She looked at Li He with a sparkle in her eyes, and said with a little excitement: "Killing value, there is killing value, an iron-winged bird has a full [-] killing points." value!"

kill value.

Everyone's eyes lit up at the same time. This thing has never been satisfied, okay? Blue Star has such a large territory. Even if it is fully industrialized, there are very few livestock that can be cultivated.

For ordinary warriors, if they can share a few hundred points, they will burn high incense.

He does not join the army, does not join the Heroes Association, does not assist the official activities of the empire, basically has no source of killing value, occasionally has a few smuggling cases, and was arrested the next day.

Immediate life imprisonment...

Even a first-class master, like Zhao Jinyun, still lacks killing points. She doesn't have many skills, only two. In the past few months, she has finally maxed out her skills.

However, the equipment is not strengthened.

+0 enhanced equipment and +10 enhanced equipment are basically two grades. +15 equipment is a legendary legend. If it can be +20, then it is not even for EX-level divine equipment...it is impossible not to change .

In short, there is never too much of this thing, even for Li He.

He can convert the killing value into life force at any time. Even if he doesn't use it, he can still heal and save people. No matter what the injury is, as long as he still has a breath, he can force it to continue.

Therefore, the killing value is very important.

They discovered life on Little Tiancang. The life strength is very high, and the difficulty of opening up wasteland is naturally very high. However, the resources are very rich, and the killing value alone is enough.

"The Trisolaran galaxy has no life, and the other nearby galaxies have not yet been explored."

"If two or three can be found within ten light-years, we should have no shortage of killing value, especially the environment of the small Tiancang star, there must be many species with high killing value."

"Just don't know their growth cycle."


While saying this, Li He felt something was wrong. If there is a killing value, it means that these creatures are covered by the rules of the killing world, which is different from the monster race...

Therefore, when killing mutations, the selected time range is backwards, not forwards.

So, is there no Yaozu?
Then, there are rules for killing the world. Even if there is no intelligent life on this planet, there may be individuals outside the theory, such as the sky constellation...

Things are not that easy.

Li He squeezed the space between his eyebrows and said, "I may have to mention it to the Consulate General. For this interstellar voyage, there may be a strength assessment for those adventure groups."

"Otherwise, the group might be destroyed."

Zhao Jinyun said: "Changing the rules rashly, will it affect their enthusiasm? After all, choosing to open to the public is to mobilize people's enthusiasm."

Li He: "Let's do two rounds of selection. The first round is based on voting, and the second round is to assess strength."

"It's better to lack than to overuse. If the strength is not up to the standard, I would rather have the military send troops to make up for it. I believe that the military still has a lot of power."

Zhao Jinyun: "What standard of strength do you need?"

Li He squeezed his chin and said: "Barely, the team must be able to defeat Da Luo, a little bit, please trouble Bai Niang."

The white lady who was light years away sneezed inexplicably...

She didn't know that she had already been appointed, how could she become the standard of combat power as an auxiliary Da Luo...

(End of this chapter)

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