I might be a little strong

Chapter 417 The Dream Fish

Chapter 417 The Dream Fish
Leaving aside the new assessment that the adventure group had to face on the Blue Star, on the Little Tiancang Star, Li and the few probes that were going to fly had to give up.

Because it can't fly at all.

Without considering the special gravity environment, not being overwhelmed is already a super craft. If you want to fly, but the power is insufficient, you can only put one down on the spot for data collection.

Then, quantum communication connects.

Wa Huang directly projected to appear, she looked at Li He and said: "All 36 detectors can be released from the space capsule."

Li He nodded and did so, and then the 36 detectors started to move, and they actually formed a small detection station together, and the radar ripples of the detection spread out...

Emperor Wa also made a gesture of closing her eyes, and after tens of seconds, she opened them.

Said: "According to the analysis of the detection results, there is no trace of intelligent life activities on the land and sky of Little Tiancang Star. The situation of the ocean requires the detection station to be connected to the ocean."

"Well, I'll head to the coast as soon as I can."

"230 kilometers to the east, you can reach the coast, and you can see the third largest ocean on Little Tiancang. It is temporarily named the East China Sea, and its area is 2.17 times that of the Pacific Ocean."

If Li He wants to go, he can fly over in an instant. He said as soon as possible, so as not to delay the trip. Anyway, there are no intelligent life on the ground, and there will be no troubles in a while, so don't worry.

After listening to Emperor Wa talking about the geographical situation of Little Tiancang, Li He recalled that this planet seems to be bluer than Blue Star...

"How many oceans are there?"

Hearing Li He's inquiry, Emperor Wa said: "The diameter of Little Tiancang Star is 1.5 times that of Blue Star, the ocean coverage rate is 5% higher than that of Blue Star, and the ocean area is 9.45 times that of Blue Star."

"If this planet has bred intelligent life, the probability of ocean races is higher."

Li He was a little curious, wondering what civilization would look like if it was a sea race.

Can't help but ask: "Marine race?"

Emperor Wa continued to popularize science: "On the Blue Planet, there are two races most likely to develop intelligence, one is humans, and the other is dolphins."

"Dolphins have a higher brain mass than humans and a similar brain-to-body weight ratio."

"Its brain folds are higher than that of humans."

"If you look at the brain structure alone, dolphins should have evolved more wisdom than humans. However, as marine creatures, dolphins' body structure determines that they lack the ability to use tools."

"And the emergence of civilization is also an extremely accidental event."

"That is a miracle of life. Therefore, even though dolphins have better brains, they have not been able to become an intelligent race, let alone the emergence of civilization."

"However, Little Tiancang Xing is different."

"Its life is based on the influence of the fantasy coming, and the environment of the world determines that there is a new application of energy, and it does not necessarily need the power of physics."

Li He was stunned for a moment. He suddenly had a bad feeling, and asked with a frown, "You mean... the civilization of the universe will not only stick to the scientific worldview, but also mix with the previous fantasy worldview?"

"That's right, after all, even modern civilization, in fantasy, science fiction is not everything."

"Is that so..."

Well, the difficulty of developing the universe is +1 again. However, there is still a month to go to the Blue Star, and Li He is not in a hurry. It only takes two days to travel to the east coast.

"Should I put the probe station away?"


In this environment, although the detection equipment has the ability to move, it is very inconvenient after all. The basic information on the ground has been collected. It is better for Li He to put it away and take it with him in nanocapsules.

Otherwise, it will be destroyed by wild beasts.

Even if it is not as strong as the Iron Wing Bird, in this gravity environment, any creature that can survive will be very scary, and the detection station cannot withstand a few toss.

All the way east.

The terrain is not flat, there are many hills and ravines, climbing up the mountain is really tiring, after walking for half a day, about [-] miles away, Shen Qian lay down directly on the ground, expressing that he gave up.

Xiao Zhu squatted beside him, poking his face, and after playing for a while, let him breathe with her.

Help him relieve fatigue.

And Li He also saw that the sun was in the middle, and when it was time to eat, he released the villa at will and went fishing by the river. They walked eastward along the big river.

A big river as broad as the Yangtze River.

Putting the special fishing rod on the animal meat like a field mouse, Li He threw it off, and the old god was planning to squat on the recliner for a while, but as soon as he put the fishing rod on the shelf, there was a burst of force. Come on, the fishing rod is pulled away quickly.

Li He casually grabbed the fishing rod that was thrown away.

The fishing line was stretched instantly, and the graphene fishing line, which was strong enough to bear hundreds of tons, tended to break after only holding on for three seconds.

Li He frowned slightly, and he brought three fishing rods, it's not good to be broken.

As a result, with a release and a pull, the big fish in the river was inexplicably pulled into the air. The hideous blue big fish caused a lot of exclamations, and Shen Qian even shouted: "Sea kings!"

The fish is very big, seven or eight meters long.

The ferocious teeth and fins are like sharp blades, and the scales on them are like countless shining sapphires. According to the law of nature, the brighter the color, the heavier the poison.

This fish is probably highly poisonous.

The fish was in the air, but it didn't panic. On the contrary, it was even more vicious. It was struggling to kill Li He. Li He was here to catch food, so since they were all hooked...

Then stop struggling.

Not knowing how Li He moved his hands, the fishing line directly tied the fish layer by layer, and then, the light passed through the fishing line. It turned out that the fish had been cut into more than ten sections, and the sunlight came through.

The pieces of broken fish landed on the ground, moved a few times like a conditioned reflex, and finally lost their lives.

What can be seen is that the blood of the fish is also blue...

"Is this edible? Such a bright color."

Shen Qian didn't know when she regained her strength, poked the scales of the fish and said, Su Ke looked at it with some blue blood on it, and said, "It shouldn't be poisonous, but I don't know the quality of the meat."

With their strength, they all have strong intuition.

When making the action of licking, if life is in danger, there will be a premonition, but if there is no relevant premonition, then it is non-toxic, or the toxicity is very weak.

"Not non-toxic."

However, Li He gave the opposite answer. With some blue blood stained on his fingers, Li He said, "It's just that the poison does no harm. Its effect is... hallucinogenic."

"Should be stronger than all hallucinogens before the mutation."

"According to your strength, if you drink its blood, or the soup boiled with blood, the hallucinogenic effect will last for about three days. The specific hallucinogenic effect may be... thinking speed."

Everyone was stunned, isn't it a good thing to speed up thinking?How could it be poison?

(End of this chapter)

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