I might be a little strong

Chapter 422 The Fountain of Life

Chapter 422 The Fountain of Life
In this way, compared with humans with central artificial intelligence, the operating efficiency is too poor. The data on the population is still the result of the census last year. The prime minister naturally does not know how many people there are.

Because, he can't connect to the Internet all the time to detect data access.

Undoubtedly, in terms of information processing, the two civilizations are not equal. The prime minister expected this, but this did not affect his negotiations. He had already grasped the key points of human beings.

This has made Deep Blue invincible.

The prime minister straightened his body, looked down at Emperor Wa and said, "Since there are only 40 billion people, the land area is enough for human survival."

At this moment, Emperor Wa finally had an expression.

She smiled, chuckled, and said, "Are you sure?"


There was a sound of sucking water, and the other triangular people panicked, and Bo Luodu stood up and reprimanded: "Prime Minister, what are you trying to do!"

The prime minister ignored his emperor, but kept looking at Emperor Wa.

He said without giving an inch: "I'm sure, I'm very sure, you humans have lost your homeland and need a new living environment, so you absolutely can't destroy Little Tiancang Star."

"Otherwise, you will also lose your habitat."

"Although we can't defeat you, we have enough ability to destroy the positive galaxy. Therefore, no matter how much difference there is in the civilization and combat power of the two sides, we are now on the same starting line."

"Dark Blue, has the ability to die together."

After the prime minister finished speaking, needles could be heard throughout the palace, and even Borodo sat back slowly, a flash of joy flashed across his heart, and his heart immediately relaxed.

It turns out that...


"Prime Minister, you don't think that a civilization that has mastered the ability to travel far will only find one livable planet?"


At this moment, as if the sky thunder exploded, all the people in the triangle were petrified, but the prime minister was shocked, and at the same time, he stared at the emperor, wanting to see if she was deceiving him.

"The thinking of the triangle people is a bit monotonous."

Zhao Jinyun whispered next to Li He, and Li He also nodded. As the prime minister, he should be the most talented person in the triangle, but even so, his thinking is quite monotonous.

He doesn't have the slightest ability to use Chengfu and Tai Chi to talk about Jifeng.

Wahuang's simple traps can lead them by the nose. Generally speaking, the EQ of Triangle people is a bit low. This may be related to their living in a closed and dark environment. Triangle people don't like to communicate.

Therefore, the other triangular people at this moment are already panicking.

Only the Prime Minister was holding on and said: "The birth of life is accidental. It is normal to not find a habitable planet in the vast universe. If there are multiple choices for human beings, please show us the relevant information."

Emperor Wa chuckled and said, "Why should I give you the information?"


Silence, deadly silence, I said yes, you can guess, you can also gamble, but, do you dare to bet?In a short confrontation, the triangle people have lost the initiative.

The chief scientist stepped over the prime minister and said again: "How many resources do humans need?"

"The Triangle has a population of 720 billion to [-] million. We need the resources of the ocean to survive. If human beings demand too much, it will be tantamount to killing us."

"That's not an alliance."

Emperor Wa didn't answer right away, but looked at all the triangular people before saying: "For land, humans can get the land, but for the fountain of life in the ocean, we need five."


The triangle people panicked again.

There are only six oceans in Little Tiancang, and in each of these six oceans, there is a fountain of life, where "amniotic fluid" emerges, which is the ocean where the first life was born.

Spring water with the power of evolution.

This is the secret of the triangular people, and it is also the reason why many high-level triangular people have golden complexion. They distribute the water of life according to their status, so the more noble, the purer the golden color.

The lower-level triangular people don't know it at all, and they think this is the reason why nobles are nobles.

But they don't know how human beings know the fountain of life.

and many more!

It's that, the machine that emitted the signal just now...


Without even thinking about it, the Prime Minister coldly rejected it. At this point, he also calmed down, trying his best to grasp the things that human beings care about.

The more human beings want the fountain of life, the more confident they are.

Deep Blue doesn't have the ability to resist, but it has the ability to destroy itself. The more human beings care about it, the more they deliberately raise conditions. Triangle people are just not good at dealing with routines, and their IQs are not low!

"Can't you?"

Emperor Wa smiled, then turned to look at Li He, and shouted, "Your Excellency."

While speaking, a map appeared in Emperor Wa's eyes. Li He instantly understood that the golden light in his eyes flashed, dozens of golden apes disappeared in an instant, and when they reappeared, they were already beside the six fountains of life. Obtained barrier protection.

The sudden change made the triangle people flustered and had no time to deal with it.

After receiving the news, many people were already paralyzed, so Emperor Wa said to the prime minister who was gnashing his teeth: "Then, the answer now is yes or no?"

The Fountain of Life is controlled by humans.

Although this does not affect the destruction effect when they activate self-destruction, it still partially causes passiveness, and their only bargaining chip is still self-destruction.

Most of the other triangular people have lost their fighting spirit, and the prime minister still refuses to admit defeat.

He gritted his teeth and said, "So what? What we can destroy is not just the fountain of life, but the entire galaxy."

Emperor Wa said without emotion: "Ah, so the problem is back to the original one. As I said, human beings have not only discovered Little Tiancang, a livable planet. What we want are resources."

"And you, it's a matter of survival."

"Under the condition of ensuring survival, it is impossible for you to work hard for resources, not to mention...that is a resource that ordinary triangle people don't know."

"With this level of civilization, language deciphering is easy."

In fact, the communication between the two parties has always been in their own language. The triangular people read the language based on mental fluctuations, and Li He and the others, as immortals, Li He naturally understands the language. Zhao Jinyun and the others can understand it, and it was Emperor Wa who helped translate of.

Li He didn't implant nanogroups, but they both had them.

Therefore, the meaning of Wahuang's last sentence is to directly attack the class contradictions of the triangular people, which is extremely fatal, so deadly... Wahuang told the prime minister, I know how to activate your ultimate weapon.

Isn't that self-destruct?

So, give it a try and see if it works.

At this moment, the triangular people have completely lost the initiative. Although they are an alliance in name, they have already been slaughtered.

Fortunately, humans are not meant to be conquered and enslaved.

(End of this chapter)

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