I might be a little strong

Chapter 423 Negotiations

Chapter 423 Negotiations
"The land belongs to humans, the ocean belongs to deep blue, and the Fountain of Life is only one-sixth in the end. If this is the case, isn't the negotiation going on in vain?"

During the banquet after the negotiation, Shen Qian complained feebly.

Xiao Zhu Ning, who was next to him, thought about it for a while, and thought it was not the case, but she didn't know the reason, so she just shook her head, and Su Ke said after putting down the orange juice, "There is a big difference."

"We have gained gratitude."

Shen Qian was stunned for a moment, although she understood, she still said stiffly: "It's unnecessary."

"It's not superfluous. During the negotiation, Emperor Wa buried a big trap, saying that the sun was cooling down extremely fast. Although this is false, the situation of human beings is almost the same."

"Even worse."

"Our civilization is no higher than that of the Triangle people. It should be said that we are currently at the same level with their own strengths."

"However, in the asymmetry of information, the Triangle people believe that humans with long-distance navigation capabilities are more advanced than their civilization. At the same time, my ability has also been infinitely magnified."

"That's what gives you an advantage in negotiating."

"We have gained the gratitude of the Deep Blue Empire, and then we can slowly develop the Little Tiancang Star with a casual gesture, and this will not make Deep Blue aware of any abnormalities."

"Maybe they'll realize later that we lied to them."

"But at that time, human beings have far surpassed them. What we lack is time."

"You kid wants to surpass me. You need to work hard not only on martial arts, but also on this kind of knowledge and pattern. Maybe you will be alone at some point."

"I rejected the 'Human Proliferation Plan'. In the next ten years or so, it will be difficult for the human population to explode."

"And the situation to be dealt with will become bigger and bigger. At that time, even if you are like you, you may have to face a planet, or even a star field."

After Li He exchanged pleasantries with Boluo Duo and the others, he came over with the special life wine of Triangle people, and started a routine lecture to Shen Qian, which caused Shen Qian a headache, but at the same time, he had to admit that Li He's words were correct of.

He is not afraid that these words will be heard by the triangle people, he still has the confidence to shield the communication here from leaking.

For such a lecture, Shen Qian thought seriously and said unhappily: "What do you mean by me, what's wrong with me? In the empire, I'm a second-rate expert anyway!"

"not good."

Su Ke directly denied it, and she said very seriously: "The first-rate is Tiandao and Qingwei Zhenren, the second-rate is the rest of the knockout players, the third-rate is me, and there are many outstanding martial artists, A-level heroes, and B-level heroes. Waiting for the ranking."

"In this way, we only talk about human beings. Although the monster race is very broken, those ordinary monsters have begun to work hard to cultivate, and there are many monsters with excellent aptitude in the blue star."

"If you're serious about it... you can probably rank first."

"Well, Xiaozhu is top-notch."

Shen Qian: "..."

enough!It's already very sad that I am Jiuliu, why do I have to emphasize that Xiaozhu is a first-class master, you guy, are you my righteous sister? !
You are a demon, aren't you! !

The boys and girls were bickering, and Li He chatted with Zhao Jinyun. Zhao Jinyun said with emotion: "As an artificial intelligence, Emperor Wa has such a brilliant strategy, which is unexpected."

Li He said with a smile: "If it was her, she would probably say that the data will point to everything."

Zhao Jinyun thought for a while and said, "Maybe, as a woman, my intuition tells me that even if she is only an intelligent life, she should desire to become a human being."

"is it?"

"Of course, have you seen her expression? Today she smiled."

"Hey, that's true."

"Probably because of our stereotyped impression, so she is maintaining the posture of AI, but this time diplomacy requires her to show up as a human being, so she can show her human side."

Having said that, Zhao Jinyun almost said the key point.

However, she then complained: "Since there are people with likes and dislikes and personalities, why didn't she help us directly when the Emperor banned us? She is not human!"

Li Hedao: "At that time, Jack had the throne, the most important right?"

Zhao Jinyun: "That's right, but I always feel that it's not that simple. Who knows about the weighting algorithm? Jack doesn't even have fusion. It's obvious that your weighting is higher."

Li He said helplessly: "At least the Academy of Sciences hasn't doubted her yet."

Zhao Jinyun also said helplessly: "So the thinking inertia of the Academy of Sciences at that time, I always felt that it was better to regard that guy as a woman than as a central artificial intelligence."

Li He said with a smile: "Then let's talk about it when the time comes, it can't cause an omnic crisis, right?"

Zhao Jinyun set the wine glass and said, "I don't know. Anyway, I was very uncomfortable being restricted by her at that time. There are so many things that can happen in Jiangcheng, and we still have to be attacked by Magellan. It's all the fault of that woman."

Li He: "Human beings can no longer do without Emperor Wa."

Did not go on, even if Emperor Wa had actions and ideas in that incident, it is difficult for human beings to pursue it now. The birth of the central artificial intelligence is a miracle.

The Academy of Sciences tried the same method many times, but it didn't work.

For the data world, that time was like opening up the world, and the world has been opened, it is useless to try again, and even now humans cannot independently create completely independent artificial intelligence.

Only the artificial intelligence created by Emperor Wa has the feeling of life.

Nowadays, the operation of human society can no longer be separated from the support of Wahuang. The quantum supercomputer that runs Wahuang himself has been loaded to 200 qubits, while the quantum supercomputer ranked second in the empire now has only 70 qubits.

The gap is the gap between the sea and the water drop.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is a gap between the universe and water droplets. After all, there is a difference of 130 times in the middle. The empire now relies on such a powerful computing power, and the presence of Emperor Wa, who can perfectly control this computing power, can have productivity today.

After Li He liberated the Divine Tree of Life, inspirations continued to erupt.

And Emperor Wa can quickly verify the right or wrong of those inspirations, so the technological explosion has come again. It only takes a few months for human beings, and civilization will definitely be upgraded to another level, and it will truly become a civilization that you can travel between stars.

In particular, an agreement has now been signed with the Deep Blue Empire.

The technology of the Triangle Man has been obtained, and Blue Star has already begun to fully analyze it. When the corresponding technology is digested, the development of human technology will also speed up again.

Under such circumstances, questioning Emperor Wa is no less than cutting off one's own arm.

Therefore, there is no need to question Wahuang. If you have to question and hold people accountable, it is not now, but after something that can replace Wahuang is created.

But it is a pity that in another set of scientific routes, among the technologies from the Triangular People, the empire did not obtain the existence that could bypass the Emperor Wa.

(End of this chapter)

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