I might be a little strong

Chapter 424 The Last Sea Territory

Chapter 424 The Last Sea Territory
What is the purpose of interstellar travel, what is the significance of exploring the universe and contacting alien civilizations?

Isn't it just to increase the diversity of roads, so that human beings have more roads, more directions to choose, and more backup means, so that the entire empire will not fall apart if a certain link goes wrong.

Equal rights, eliminate risks.

Measures such as these are all things after stabilization. Before that, what humans need to do is to concentrate their forces to fight the war of annihilation. Emperor Wa, as long as she does not delay the development of the empire, the empire will not move her in the slightest.

Knowing this, Zhao Jinyun no longer struggled.

She just clinked glasses with Li He, and took a sip of the fine wine of life in the glass. Feeling the violent impact of the wine, she asked with a red face, "Shall we stay for a few days, or continue the voyage?"

"Let's stay here for a few days."

Li He glanced at the more and more "people" projected over there, and said that they were all unknown to Li He, and there was basically no big boss. It seemed that the empire had been handed over to Emperor Wa.

The negotiating team was very powerful, and the details were finalized one by one, so that the triangle people were completely led away.

It almost became a stamping machine...

In this case, there is no difference between Little Tiancang Xing and Yan Empire's back gardens, so what if you don't play leisurely for a few days to see the landscape?
If you rush to other planets, there will be a silent starry sky on the way.

Just like people who see the sea for the first time will be excited, but if they sit on a long-distance cruise and face the sea behind, they will feel bored and want to reach their destination quickly, or find other things to do.

The same is true for the starry sky.

They had only been on this planet for half a day, so it was too early to say leave. When the banquet was over, it didn't matter whether Emperor Wa had finalized an agreement with Deep Blue or not, they would go directly to travel.

Although the Deep Blue Empire doesn't have aircraft, its ships, especially its submarines, are very advanced.

It's also good to take a boat to see the seabed...


"Your Excellency, in terms of resources, the East China Sea is naturally the richest, but in terms of beauty, it must belong to the North Sea. At the northernmost end of the North Sea, no one lives there because food is scarce."

"There is the most beautiful ice stream in the world."

"It is also the only undeveloped area in the ocean on this planet."

Dimora acted as Li He's tour guide. When the submarine was sailing in the North Sea, he introduced to Li He that because of the number of Triangle people, almost the entire ocean of the planet was developed.

Numerous triangular buildings are located on the seabed, which has destroyed the marine ecological environment to a considerable extent.

However, the Triangular people who had mastered controllable nuclear fusion 800 years ago naturally unlocked industrialized farming, and they didn't worry about food, they thought about longevity.

Nutrients in the Ocean…

The several royal courts are basically located above the Fountain of Life, which is the most nutrient-rich place in the ocean. Among them, the palace has the most nutrient-rich, and the seawater is full of nutrients for evolution.

Although there are fountains of life in the six oceans, that doesn't mean that there are 'nutrients' in the oceans.

There is no such thing as the northern border of Beihai.

That area is called by the Triangle people... the Dead Sea.

But that is also the last habitat of the natural creatures in the ocean, because the triangle people did not go there, so there is only the last place to live, and there, Tianbao is clearly materialized...

"What a nice view……"

The ocean scenery here has already shocked everyone. There are abundant fish in the sea area, and all kinds of marine life stretch their lives. Such a magnificent scene, but the Triangle people call this place the Dead Sea, which is really puzzling.

Dimora also looked at everything with emotion.

As if he knew the psychology of human beings, he explained: "It's not that we don't respect life. Life is always joyful in vitality. We will be happy from the bottom of our hearts when we face a vibrant environment."


"This sea area lacks the elements of evolution. There is warmth brought by volcanic magma here, making the sea surface frozen for thousands of miles, but the inside is as warm as spring, with abundant infinite fertilizers, and the aurora aurora that penetrates to the bottom of the sea provides light energy."

"There's a lot of life here."

"However, evolution has stagnated. All creatures here, no matter how prosperous they are, have entered the elimination list. They no longer have the ability to evolve, and they are destined to be eliminated."

Emperor Wa can do many things at the same time. For example, while she is in charge of the operation of the entire Blue Star, she can negotiate with the triangle people, and she can also travel with Li He by his side.

Dimora explained, but she couldn't make Li He completely clear.

Wahuang's supplement really made him understand the reason: "This planet is very 'young', and the 'miracle' that bred life on it has not completely faded."

"For comparison, it is now more similar to the end of the decline of the Upper Cambrian of the Blue Star."

"Continuing the analogy, if a human female is pregnant, a hormone can be released at the beginning of the fetus, and that hormone will allow the fetus to grow and evolve rapidly."

"From a simple embryonic cell, rapidly multiplying and developing."

"The ingredients similar to this are the nutrients in the concept of the Triangular Man and the essence of the fountain of life. There are still some underground undercurrents on the bottom of the ocean, where the undiluted original ocean water is preserved."

"Thanks to this kind of nutrients brought by the Cambrian, the Triangle people developed the civilization that appeared today."

"They may be the first civilizations on this planet."

After Wahuang finished speaking, Li He was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "The first batch of civilizations? Could it be that there are several batches of civilizations on the planet, and so on, your reference object, isn't it the Blue Star?"


Emperor Wa's indifferent answer made Li He feel astonished, and at the same time feel that it was so.

It has been a full 46 billion years since the birth of the blue star, and scientific research shows that life began to appear between 38 billion and 35 billion years ago, and the Cambrian explosion of life appeared 5.2 million years ago.

Has there been no civilization during the entire [-] million years?
This is suspicious.

Emperor Wa continued: "It's not the era in the scriptures, but what is certain is that civilizations once appeared on Blue Planet, but all traces of them have been erased."

"The fantasy war failed, and the entire civilization was dragged into the endless sea."

"All traces of reality are erased."

"Then, the world line ends, and the natural disaster breaks out, dealing a blow to all life in the current era, exterminating the life in this reincarnation, and starting everything again."

"However, there will be no more explosions of life."

"That's all the wonders a planet can do."

"Generally speaking, if the civilization of the first era fails to defeat fantasy, it is basically impossible to defeat fantasy in the future, because without the nutrients for life explosion, evolution slows down, and no civilization can win fantasy."

(End of this chapter)

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